
i am sick with love

@zaftick / zaftick.tumblr.com


If you are like 22-24 years old working an entry level job you must understand: your middle manager boss rides your ass because that's literally what they get paid to do. their boss checks in with them and says "what are your people up to, are they meeting these metrics, are they showing up to the office, are they engaged and enthusiastic, and if not why not?" And most of that shit is stupid, but companies fall apart without it, because of course no one really wants to work - no one wants to do anything they're being made to do, it's human nature

people almost always become managers specifically because they like to ride ass. the older you get, the more you want to ride people's asses. this has nothing to do with capitalism, because there was no shortage of officious bureaucrats and megalomaniac middle managers in the USSR. this is why the word apparatchik has a negative connotation. these people will always appear, no matter where you go, unless you want to go work at a startup founded by a 25 year old, which will quickly dissolve into either bankruptcy or the most toxic environment you've ever seen in your life. Unless you’re independently wealthy, the only two options for avoiding this are going into business for yourself and working 120-hour weeks and constantly chasing people down for payment of invoices, or becoming so good at something extremely specific that people have to let you do whatever you want because they need you so badly. Otherwise, we all have to deal with the apparatchiks for the duration of our working lives, and we would have to do so under communism as well. This is why you craft an enriching life outside of work and get the least disagreeable, best-paying job you can find


All the girlies on the internet talking about how they want a "masculine man" who lets them "stay in their feminine energy" need to read Judy Brady Syfer's extraordinary feminist essay, "I Want a Wife."

It's very easy to dismiss these women as anti-feminist tradfems. But if you actually listen to what they want, it's clear that they are using anti-feminist language to make very feminist requests.

They want husbands that aren't manchildren. They want to be loved and cared for by a man the way women are expected to love and care for men. They don't want to have to work "the second shift," sacrificing any personal happiness or fulfillment in life to be both the financial breadwinner and the primary caregiver to both their children and their husbands.

Actually listen to what they think a "masculine man in his masculine energy" is and it's just a functional adult. Listen to what they think a "feminine woman in her feminine energy is," and it's just a woman with free time and hobbies. There's some anti-feminist set dressing about traditional gender roles but that's the real meat of the issue.

They are women who see the problem for exactly what it is. But they come to the wrong conclusion about what causes it. They don't realize that their foremothers, who were trapped in the home and dependent on these men, had the exact same complaints. They had the same problems, they just had no way to solve or avoid them.

You don't need to be "in your feminine energy," babe, you need a fucking break.


that comment about how you should not borrow grief from the future has saved me multiple times from spiraling into an inescapable state of anxiety. like every time i find myself thinking about how something in the future could go wrong i remember that comment and i think to myself: well i never know, it might get better. it might not even happen the way i think it will and if it does happen and it is sad and bad ill be sad about it then, when it happens. and it’s somehow soo freeing



Female ghost erasure


What if a mouse woke up as a Kia Sorento??


brain in the vat feminism speed run let’s go girls


gay culture is being gay you dont have to take it further than that especially if you have terrible taste

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