

@pumpkinstudylatte / pumpkinstudylatte.tumblr.com

rin, 22, uni student on gap year, aspiring radio journalist. following from @pwrlessobvious.
originals under #pstudylatte

hi hi~ since i’m planning a Big Return™️ to regular posting on here after a few years i figured i should re-introduce myself because a lot has changed!

name: rin pronouns: she/her mbti: infj-t age: 22 education: ib diploma graduate, journalism & digital media at uni currently studying: korean past time activities include: figure skating, playing animal crossing, collecting stray kids photocards favourite fruit: peach, cherry, lychee, grape!! favourite characters: winnie the pooh, ryan, pochacco favourite study space: i pretty much live in coffee shops favourite season: autumn!!!!!

i’m coming back mainly to track my revisions of korean before the course i signed up for begins (october 10), i’m starting job hunting in september as well so the content will be centred around korean revisions and polishing up my cv. i missed the community a lot too :( i want to engage with you more so i’m really looking forward to that! let’s get talking~


A little reminder(s) on second language/ foreign language learnering

  1. Even native speakers make typos.
  2. Even native speakers say the wrong word.
  3. Even native speakers sometimes forget how to spell/write a word/character.
  4. Studying for a test is not the same as learning to communicate.
  5. Scores don’t mean anything other than your retention of a specific set of information and should be used as a progress tracker not an end mark. 
  6. Though I’m all for testing and such, it’s important but it’s not the be-all end-all to mark how well you know something, and a lot of it is geared to a specific set of learners who have a very specific learning style.
  7. If you say something and the other person understands you–or they say something and you understand them.. congratulations you spoke in a different language.

I think that when we tell teenagers that their lives will be over if they don't have the most perfect possible trajectory through the education system, that this is, perhaps, if I may be bold, not good for them,


05.02.24// work has been surprisingly calm today, so, after running some errands an revising my script for tomorrow's phd conference, I've done some phd brainstorming and class prepping :)


some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.


I couldn't remember the word "doorknob" ten minutes ago.


ok but the onelook thesaurus will save your life, i literally could not live without this website



March 17th: reporting from my new desk 📚 I have spent way too much time studying on campus but there is nothing like focusing on my corner at home <3

I’m back! The past two years were spent fighting anxiety and struggling with living abroad by myself, but now I’m back on track with my studies and confident with what I want to do. I’m looking forward to posting again!


How to write about Grief:

There is no right or wrong way to experience grief. Just as there is no right or wrong way to write it. Everyone is different, each set of circumstances are different. 

The point of this post is to show you how different people react in different ways, and give points on how you might write that, depending on your character and story.

Reactions to Grief

  • Numbness: Your character may go into auto-pilot and be unable to process the events that have unfolded.
  • Anger: This can be aimed at other people, at a Higher Being, or at nothing in particular.
  • Unsteady: Your characters may be unsteady. For example, unable to stop their voice from shaking or they may find it difficult to stand.
  • Focusing on Others: Your character may disregard their own feelings because they are so overwhelmed and instead concentrate on someone else’s well-being. 
  • Seek out routines: Amid upheavals, your character may seek comfort in tasks that are familiar and “safe,” such as working, cleaning, making their bed, making absurd amounts of tea or taking a morning walk.
  • Pretending that Everything Is Okay: Grief is viewed as an emotion that should cease or be concealed once the funeral is over. So people mention the news in an offhand comment, then talk and laugh as if all is right with the world.
  • Denial: Some people deny the reality of death and convince themselves that the news is a joke or can’t be true.

Reactions from people surrounding your character:

  • People may avoid your character as they do not know what to say or simply can’t find the right words.
  • Some may even go as far as to cross the street when they notice your character approaching.
  • Even people that the character has known for years may act strange or standoff-ish, simply because they don’t know what to say.
  • On the other side of that, some people may be overly helpful and friendly.
  • It is not uncommon for estranged friends, family or others to suddenly reappear in a person’s life after they have experienced grief. 
  • Either because those people want to offer their support and love  or because they’re being nosy and they want to be kept up to date on the “drama”.
  • Most people will move on from the event fairly quickly if they weren’t emotionally invested. 
  • Some people may even get annoyed at your character for still being upset weeks or months later.

When talking about the person they have lost:

Your character may recall a memory or tell a story about their loved one, these are possible reactions. (I have encountered all of them.)

  • Your character may being to cry or get upset at the thought of the person they have lost. 
  • The person they are talking to may become awkward and avert eye contact when your character brings up the person they have lost. 
  • Others may ask or tell your character to stop talking about the person they have lost. They may roll their eyes, cough awkwardly, or cut off your character mid sentences so that they can change the subject.
  • Some people may ask inappropriate questions about the circumstances in which the character’s loved one passed away. Depending on the personality of your character then may react differently. 

Other things to note:

  • Grief is not constrained by time. 
  • One of the main problems with grief in fiction is that a character is typically heartbroken for a couple scenes and then happy again. But grief does not evaporate because the world needs saving. 
  • Allow your character to wrestle with their grief. 
  • Your character may feel guilty. Your character may feel a twinge of guilt when they laugh or have a good time with someone else; when they do something to remind them that they’re alive, and their loved one isn’t. 
  • Grief is a game changer. A previously outgoing character may withdraw and isolate themselves. Some people may take grief and/or bereavement as a sign that life is too short; they may make big decisions in an attempt to make themselves feel better and grow away from their pain.
  • Sometimes grief can help you find your purpose.
  • At first grief can be all consuming. It hurts and you can’t really control it. It may seem unrelenting. Eventually the grief will become easier to deal with, your character may find the days to be better, but that doesn’t mean that when the grief hits it doesn’t hurt any less.
  • For most people, grief never really goes away. “Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.”
  • It is rare that a person will ever give a long speech about their feelings, a lot of people struggle to even find the words. But that’s okay. Show the reader how your character feels, rather than just telling them.
  • Don’t pause the plot to deal with the aspect of grief. This could overwhelm the readers and drag the pace down. In reality, life doesn’t just stop due to grief, the world keeps spinning and things still need to be done. Use the character’s grief as a backdrop for the story’s events.  
  • Yes, grief affects the character’s day-to-day life, goals, and relationships. But it shouldn’t drive readers away or stagnate the story. Instead, should engage readers and produce empathy that keeps them turning pages.
  • You don’t need to tell your readers that everything will be fine. You don’t need to provide all of the answers.

“Skirting grief and treating it lightly is easy. But by realistically portraying it through a variety of responses and its lasting effects on the character’s life, readers will form a connection with your characters.“



I've been putting this off for some time because ughhhhhh so much work ahah! Anyway, I finally bring The Ultimate Masterlist to your dashboards! Hold on, it's going to be a long ride~

General Posts

Writing Advice

Long Posts

And I think we're done for now! I'll try to keep it as updated as I can! All my love, Yasmine xox


im really sick but here's some journal page ideas

  • track the weather for a month/season/year/whatever. you could do this in the same grid style as a classic mood tracker
  • write a challenge for yourself
  • page where you add a doodle everyday
  • cut up some old sheet music and glue it in
  • go on a walk, press a bunch of herbs, glue them in. write what you saw around you while collecting each one
  • a "recipe for me" as if you're a baked good (3 cups confidence, dash of anxiety, etc)
  • give each close friend a page to fill however they choose
  • watercolour pallet for different moods
  • "outfit of the day"; sketch the fit and talk about how it makes you feel
  • write a playlist for your life right now
  • brainstorm a list of easy new things to do
  • 50 things that make you happy
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