
My journey of becoming a witch

@artsy-lil-witch-blog / artsy-lil-witch-blog.tumblr.com

Pasty/16/She/Ravenclaw-hufflepuff/Witchling/Sun: Cancer/Moon: Scorpio/

Turning your WiFi into wards

Tired of burning incense? Or a closet witch and doesn’t want to spray saline solution with your parents around? Cast a protection spell or draw a sigil on your WiFi router. As long as your router is on and the area is in coverage, your protection spell is up and kicking!

I’m liking tech witchery lately

Technowitchery for urban witches and apartment dwellers!


Witchcraft 101: The Basics of Wards & Warding

I tried looking for some informative posts about wards and warding, and there are a few out there, but I thought ‘hey, why not bung all of the information you’ve gathered into a nice little post of your own!’, and thus, this post has come to be.

So, what are wards? Well - to put it simply - wards are a means of protection against negativity, negative energies and any form of ill-will that seeks to harm yourself, your loved ones or your home. They are a form of ‘psychokinetic shield’ if you want to use the fancy terminology, - a thing to deflect nasties. Wards can be cast on objects and items, in the home or a space that you want to protect, such as a workplace or communal space, or they can be cast in certain rooms. Some wards can be cast around the whole perimeter of an area - grounds included. 

When is the best time to cast these, wards you speak of? Well, my hard rockin’ friend, the short answer is this: whenever you feel is best. I find that whenever your home has been busy, or a high-traffic area, you may want to take down old wards and cast new ones, or perhaps after you’ve had a mad deep clean in your home. That works best for me, anyway!

Alright, Rowan you’ve got me hooked. Where do I start? The first thing you need to do is cleanse.  Cleansing is used in witchcraft all the time; we cleanse our tools and spaces often to make sure no residual energies or nastiness is in, on or around our stuff. It’s the same with wards and warding. When warding, you’re essentially creating a shield using energy and this is often done by visualising and forming a sort of… bubble. Cleansing any tools you plan on using and cleansing the space you intend on protecting (if this is your aim, of course) will wash away any left over energies or anything that you don’t want with the bounds of your ward(s).

You can cleanse using any of your preferred methods, such as smoke cleansing using incense, or by washing your area/tools/items in a charged water.

Right, so I’ve cleansed my things. Now what? You’re clean, and you’re ready. Okay, cool beans. Let’s get down to business (to defeat, the Huns!). You need to decided on just how you want to cast your wards as there are various ways and means of doing so. You don’t have to stick to just one - you’re more than welcome to dabble and to experiment, or use combinations of methods as long as it’s safe and suits your wants and needs.

  • I like using sigils and symbols! So, you like sigils, do ya’? Me too! Sigils are a great way of establishing wards in and around the home. You can either choose a sigil that befits your intent, or craft your own - either is fine, and using incense smoke, oil blends or simply your finger and a little bit of visualization and a lot of focus on your intent, draw your sigils on the doors and windows of your home (primary access points), and on door frames and windowsills. If you’re creating wards for a property as a whole, you can engrave or draw sigils onto gates and fence posts too.
  • Incense floats my boat, Roe. Ah, good old incense. Now, bear in mind that sometimes using incense smoke may not be possible or appropriate, or perhaps you don’t do well with smoke - totally understandable, lots of people don’t. If this is the case, you can cast wards using water and oil blends instead! This can be done by putting the blend into a spray bottle and then by ‘spritzing’ your object or area. When you’re creating an oil blend or an incense, try your best to make sure that your protection herbs (rosemary, bay, cinnamon, salt, etc,.), are authentic because the magick is in your herbs!
A Quick Step-by-Step Guide to Incense Warding: Smoke or spray/spritz your item, if it is an item that you are warding. If it’s a room/building or space, you need to pick a place to start. If you are not drawn to any area in particular, then starting by your altar (if you are that way inclined!) or at a doorway, would be best. *If you’re warding more than one floor, begin at the very top and work your way down.
Next, begin smoking/spritzing the room. You do this by moving clockwise around the room (to the right). As you do so, visualise the smoke or spray enveloping everything it touches; forming an impenetrable layer on all around you - a shield, if you will. If you have problems with visualisation, then simply focus on your intent: protection, protection, protection. If you’re setting up specific wards, e.g., ones to stop bad spirits or fae, focus on that.
As you work, follow the layout of the space you are warding. Work from room to room. If you aim to set up a ward that protects an entire property, you may want to establish a perimeter. You do this by walking full circle, including the ground and gardens, if applicable.
  • What if I work better with energy, Roe? Then, my friend, the bubble/wall wards will work for you. Some people are naturally very good at working with energy and so this form of warding may work best for you, if you are one of those people. Using visualisation, take your object (if, again, that’s what you’re doing, if not and you’re warding a space, apply the following steps to the space you are working in), and channel your energy into it. Do this by envisioning, as best you can, a cord or light or a tendril of some form, coming from yourself and into the object. During this time, focus solely and intently on your intent. Put as much power as you can muster into this. If you are a proficient energy worker, you may be able to build a dome/wall/shield of energy that is capable of warding larger areas.

To add a little… oomph, to your wards, you may want to chant or add some vocal spellwork into the mix. If you do want to do this, you’ll need to find an applicable chant or create one of your own and then, as you walk through your space, you will need to repeat it over and over, keeping your intent in mind. As you cover you home, or space, you’ll need to speak it in each room you wish to protect!


instead of burying spells in glass jars, put the contents in a toilet paper tube and synch the ends. it will eventually biodegrade. you can also sigil or decorate them.

this is actually a really great idea

For all you eco friendly witches.


Let’s talk about Brenda Howard for a sec because I feel like all of the people shouting that “het”-partnered bisexuals don’t belong at Pride are missing a good chunk of their Pride history.

Brenda was:

  • A bisexual, polyamorous woman and activist
  • In a “het” relationship with partner Larry Nelson
  • Known as the Mother of Pride for her work in organizing the first LGBT Pride events
  • A participant in the Stonewall Riots
  • An active member of the Gay Liberation Front, Gay Activists Alliance, Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, BiPAC, and BiNET USA,  among others
  • Co-founder of the New York Area Bisexual Network
  • Founder of the first Alcoholics Anonymous chapter for bisexuals
  • An incredibly important figure in the LGBT community, who paved the way for Pride and LGBT activism as we know it today

“Het”-partnered bisexuals don’t just belong at Pride, they were integral to its creation.

(Bonus facts: Brenda was also Jewish, a sex worker, and an outspoken feminist. I highly recommend learning about her because she was seriously an amazing woman.)

so glad i saw this. i feel really left out of the lgbt community as a bisexual in a “het” relationship and this makes me feel incredibly validated

Can we talk about how damaging the idea of “if a stranger on the street wouldn’t perceive you as queer, you aren’t oppressed” is?

This is the #1 most common argument I see for: * “bisexuals shouldn’t be at Pride” * “’het-partnered’ bisexuals shouldn’t be at Pride” * “bisexuals of course should be at Pride but shouldn’t bring their opposite-sex partners” (don’t even get me started on the nonbinary, trans, and intersex erasure in all this) * ”bisexuals of course should be at Pride but shouldn’t be affectionate towrad their ‘opposite-sex’ partners there” * “there’s no such thing as biphobia, sure bisexuals can experience discrimination but only when they’re being mistakenly read as gay”

Weirdly, the same people who believe any of those things don’t seem to ever talk about how: * if that were true, then intersex people wouldn’t experience oppression for being intersex * and all of binary trans people’s problems would magically disappear as soon as they could pass * and gay people who could pass as straight would have no problems except for “I can’t hold hands or kiss in public” * shit, we wouldn’t have needed to work so hard for ENDA (the employment non-discrimination act), or for “same-sex” marriage, or to educate fucked-up family members, or anything! Fucking bonus: * It’s easier to pass in more conservative, fucked-up areas, because if they have a mental picture of what queer people look like, it’s really exaggerated, and often they don’t have one at all…. * So all we would have to do would be to totally erase all of us from mainstream culture to make sure none of us were ever recognized as queer on the street!

God, it would make things so simple! I can see why people like this idea!

tl;dr: if you gauge all forms of anti-queer oppression by “are these people at risk of getting bashed walking down the street,” you’re screwing a lot of your community over.


“There’s a monster under my bed!” “Yes. He watches over you at night and chases away your nightmares.”

“There’s a monster in my closet!” “Yes. She loves the smell of the laundry detergent I use, and she’s busy trying to organize your shoes.”

“There’s a monster under the stairs!” “Yes. She collects spiders and he makes sure you don’t trip while going to get water.”

“There’s a monster right outside my window!” “Yes. He’s pulling weeds from the garden and protecting us from burglars.”

“There’s a monster behind the couch!” “Yes. He’s eating all the crumbs you left behind and hiding pennies in the cushions.”

“Oh. Then good night.” “Good night, Dear.”


“There’s a ghost at my door!” “His job is to keep out the nightmare bringers and to get me if any get past.”

“There’s a ghost under my piano!” “He likes to hear you play and he whispers encouragement when you’re feeling bad.”

“There’s a ghost in the kitchen!” “He only shows when something has spoiled in the fridge. Check the milk.”

“There’s a ghost on the bed, but it’s [deceased pet] so that’s okay. Just letting you know so you won’t chase him off.” “Not a problem.”

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