
All witchcraft comes from carnal lust


I am Sister Astaroth, a devoted Sister of Sin and head occultist within the Unholy Church Of Ghost.. ((Ghost band rp blog, NSFW 18+ only))
Anonymous asked:

Knowing today was a special day for Earth, Asta headed down to his office to give him his presents. The presents were glass figurines of the Ghoul's beloved hounds, all of which were packaged safely and were being towed in a mini wagon by Maria, who trotted excitedly beside her mother. Upon reaching his office, she knocked on the door, "Earth, it's Asta, I have some presents for you!"

Earth had only been in his office for about ten minutes when Astaroth knocked on his door. His nosed crinkled slightly when she said she had presents for him. His shoulders shrugged slightly at the thought but he perked up after a moment.

The small ghoul opened the door with his powers to let the sister in. He greeted her with a warm smile then looked to find Maria towing a mini wagon. A soft chuckle escaped his lips.

“Ah you shouldn’t have, love.” Earth replied as he got up out of his chair.


“It’s your birthday, how could I not get you something?” She gestured for Maria to follow, the little otter pulling the wagon over to the side of Earth’s desk. Squeaking happily, she picked up one of the first boxes, handing it to the Ghoul. “I think you’re going to love this, I had them custom made just for you.” Asta said.

“I uh don’t necessarily…never mind.” Earth mentioned sitting back down in his chair. He grabbed the box that Maria handed him. The ghoul began to open the present eagerly. A bright smile curled upon his lips seeing the figurine of the hound.

“Oh this is beautiful and perfect. I love it.” He got up from his chair then walked over to Astaroth to give her a hug. “Thank you.”

"There's more, dear, keep opening them!" She gestured to Maria, who continued to hand Earth the boxes containing more figurines. "I know how much you love those hounds, Earth, and I didn't want to get you something extremely extravagant, so I'm glad to see that you love them."

Anonymous asked:

Knowing today was a special day for Earth, Asta headed down to his office to give him his presents. The presents were glass figurines of the Ghoul's beloved hounds, all of which were packaged safely and were being towed in a mini wagon by Maria, who trotted excitedly beside her mother. Upon reaching his office, she knocked on the door, "Earth, it's Asta, I have some presents for you!"

Earth had only been in his office for about ten minutes when Astaroth knocked on his door. His nosed crinkled slightly when she said she had presents for him. His shoulders shrugged slightly at the thought but he perked up after a moment.

The small ghoul opened the door with his powers to let the sister in. He greeted her with a warm smile then looked to find Maria towing a mini wagon. A soft chuckle escaped his lips.

“Ah you shouldn’t have, love.” Earth replied as he got up out of his chair.


"It's your birthday, how could I not get you something?" She gestured for Maria to follow, the little otter pulling the wagon over to the side of Earth's desk. Squeaking happily, she picked up one of the first boxes, handing it to the Ghoul. "I think you're going to love this, I had them custom made just for you." Asta said.


Caring Nature

Maria’s collar continued jingling as she excitedly wiggled around in Earth’s arms, her head cocking to the side in curiosity of the presents on the desk. “Aww, that’s so thoughtful of you, Earth. Should I open them now, or is it too early?” The Sister was clearly excited, picking up one of the presents and inspecting the wrapping.

“Ah, it’s nothing. You can open them now.” Earth smiled warmly at the sister. The ghoul placed Maria down in his lap so that she could move about as she pleased. “But be careful opening them. The presents are a bit fragile.”

Excitement filled his eyes as he waited for Astaroth to open the presents. He wasn’t sure how much she would love the crystal and gem bones he got at a local witchy store. The only thing that wasn’t a crystal or gem was the skull. That one was made out of a ceramic that’s dishwasher safe.

She began tearing the wrapping paper off the boxes, her face lighting up when seeing the crystal bones and ceramic skull, taking them out and admiring them. "Earth, these are absolutely gorgeous, thank you so much!", she exclaimed, standing to give the Ghoul another tight hug. Going back to her desk, she held up one of the bones to the light, watching it glimmer as she turned it, "Gods, I'm going to end up buying more of these and the church will look like a crystallized mass grave." She joked.


Caring Nature


Earth just recently got back from doing some much needed shopping for himself. He managed to get some Christmas shopping out of the way as well. His shoulders slouched slightly, looking at the presents he got Astaroth today. He thought for a few moments wondering if he should wrap them now, aside from the roses, and take them to her or not.

After a few minutes, he gave in. With a snap of his fingers, the presents were wrapped and ready to go. He picked them up and placed them in a carrying bag then made his way out to the church.

The small ghoul entered the building, making his way through the corridors to get to Astaroth’s office. Upon arrival, he knocked rhythmically upon the door.

A few moments after knocking, the door opened and the Sister’s face lit up at the sight of her old friend. “Earth! It’s wonderful to see you again, come in, have a seat.” After giving the ghoul a welcoming hug, she stepped to the side to let him in her office.

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays, her office was decorated with silver tinsel, snowflake cutouts in the shapes of the churches grucifix, black and red ornaments, and pictures of Krampus. A quiet jingling could be heard from under her desk, the source peeping its head out to look at the visitor. It was Maria, who wore a black collar with silver bells. Excited to see Earth, the little otter scurried over and squeaked loudly, trying to sniff at the bag that he was carrying.

Earth attempted to return the warm embrace with his hands full. He walked inside, trying not to step on Maria who scurried over to him.

“It’s wonderful to see you again too, Astaroth. I got you presents.” The small ghoul replied as he set them down on her desk. He sat down in one of the chairs then picked up Maria. “Oh you look beautiful with this collar, Maria. Almost as beautiful as your mom.”

Maria's collar continued jingling as she excitedly wiggled around in Earth's arms, her head cocking to the side in curiosity of the presents on the desk. "Aww, that's so thoughtful of you, Earth. Should I open them now, or is it too early?" The Sister was clearly excited, picking up one of the presents and inspecting the wrapping.


Caring Nature


Earth just recently got back from doing some much needed shopping for himself. He managed to get some Christmas shopping out of the way as well. His shoulders slouched slightly, looking at the presents he got Astaroth today. He thought for a few moments wondering if he should wrap them now, aside from the roses, and take them to her or not.

After a few minutes, he gave in. With a snap of his fingers, the presents were wrapped and ready to go. He picked them up and placed them in a carrying bag then made his way out to the church.

The small ghoul entered the building, making his way through the corridors to get to Astaroth’s office. Upon arrival, he knocked rhythmically upon the door.

A few moments after knocking, the door opened and the Sister's face lit up at the sight of her old friend. "Earth! It's wonderful to see you again, come in, have a seat." After giving the ghoul a welcoming hug, she stepped to the side to let him in her office.

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays, her office was decorated with silver tinsel, snowflake cutouts in the shapes of the churches grucifix, black and red ornaments, and pictures of Krampus. A quiet jingling could be heard from under her desk, the source peeping its head out to look at the visitor. It was Maria, who wore a black collar with silver bells. Excited to see Earth, the little otter scurried over and squeaked loudly, trying to sniff at the bag that he was carrying.

Anonymous asked:

A soft knock came at the door of Astaroth's office. Head bent, Astoria stood silently, waiting for a response; she had been told to seek out this Sister in particular for the job at hand, yet knew nothing about her. She hoped to make a decent first impression.

There was some rustling around that could be heard behind the door before it opened, the nuns face lighting up, "Oh, hello! You must be one of the newer Sisters. Come in, dear." She stepped aside to let Astoria in, having her sit at one of the chairs in front of her desk. "What's your name, hun?", She asked, sitting down at the desk.


[Has (1) ask]

[From a cherished mutual]


Me: Omg this RPer is so amazing let’s start a thread with them

Also Me after receiving a starter from them and it’s so long and beautiful:


Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets

🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret

🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret

🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs

🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist

🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist

❤️- For a secret crush

📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like

👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike

🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about

🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about

💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others

🏹- For a talent they wish they had

👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone

☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps

🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)

📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)

📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)

🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse

❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!


Horrific Headcanons part 2

Since it’s one of my most popular memes, here is a part 2 to THIS meme, all about RP muse headcanons that are dark, angsty, or horror/scifi-related!

😇 Does your muse pretend to be innocent if they’ve done something wrong? 😈 Are they a deceitful person, and do they see themselves as such?  👁 Have they ever been a stalker, or been stalked themselves? 👀 What is the most disturbing thing they’ve ever seen? 😴 Would they ever choose to die in their sleep? Why or why not? 😡 What would someone have to make them lash out in violent anger? 🎃 If they were to play a mean trick on Halloween, what would they do and who would be their target? 👥 Is there anyone they wish they had never met? 🤡 Do they have any phobias or irrational fears? ❌ Would they consider themselves easy to corrupt? Already corrupted? 🤞  What is one of the biggest lies they’ve told (or their most recent lie)? 🥀 How would they handle the death of a loved one? (optional: specify person) 🔫 Would they ever sacrifice someone in order to save their own life? 💣 Name one dangerous experience they survived. 🍗 Have they ever wondered what human tasted like? Or do they know? 🎵 If they were going to torture someone, what music would they play while they did it? 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 How would they react if the person they fell in love with turned out to be a criminal? 😍How would they react if the person they fell in love with turned out to be non-human? 😪 Name one thing someone could say or do to make your muse cry. 🦋Would they choose to die if it meant they’d come back as someone stronger? 👄If your muse had the ‘kiss of death’, would they ever use it?    🗣When is the last time they yelled at someone in anger? 🍼 Would they have a family with someone who was not of the same species/human-ness as them? 👤 If they could switch bodies or lives with any one person, who would it be? 👽What would they do if they witnessed an alien ship crash landing? 🤑Would they commit a brutal murder if it meant they would become rich? 👣Do they believe in Bigfoot? What about other legendary creatures? 💥If the world were ending, would they be satisfied with their life? 🔥 In a fire, they can only save three things (including people). Who/what do they save? 🍷 What would they do if someone slipped them a slow-killing poison? 😱When was the last time they were shocked or startled? 🦉Could they stay calm lost in the woods all night by themselves? 🐲Were they afraid of monsters under the bed as a child? 🎧How would they react after hearing an unexplained sound while home alone? 🏡How much would they have to be offered to live in a haunted house for a month? 🙀Do they believe animals have extra senses that people don’t? 🔪What do they think is scarier: a killer with a gun, or a killer skilled with a knife? 👻If they were a ghost, what methods would they use to haunt someone? 🔮They have a premonition that something terrible will happen to them. How do they handle the situation? 🔭Do they have a fear of the unknown and things they can’t explain?


Since Asta no longer speaks to her birth family, she considers her demonic deities to be the closest thing to an immediate family


(What about Extra Dry Grandpa, Amadeus?)

((Oh yeah! He’s part of her “immediate” family as well, despite being a literal mummy))

((I honestly love him. Part time Cat, Part time Mummy. And I totally headcanon that Faerie sees him as a surrogate grandparent))

((Y e s))

(Like, one day without thinking she just calls him Abuelo)

((He just starts sobbing out of joy))


Faerie waits outside Astaroth's office. It's been months since she's stepped foot in the Church, but this is an urgent matter.


The door was answered, the Sister beaming at the sight of her fellow witch, “FAERIE!” She threw her arms around her tightly, “Sweet Lucifer, it’s been so long! Come in, hun, have a seat, we can catch up on things.” She gestured inside to one of the chairs in front of her large desk.


“Besides an announcement, fliers could be made, and posted around the Church,” Faerie suggests, sipping tea. As she lifts her mug, an antique diamond and pearl ring catches the light.

“Put some in the Common room, the library, the dining hall, anywhere you can. I suppose I could address the congregation, if you like.”

“Anything will be fine. And yes, addressing the congregation is an absolute must, and everyone will be reminded whenever daily announcements are made as well.”

She noticed the ring, smiling, “Aw, I take that’s from Aether? It’s absolutely stunning!”

Faerie holds out the hand with the ring on it, to let Astaroth admire it. Her face is split into a broad grin, and her cheeks are pink.

“It’s a family heirloom my mother gave him to give to me, because you see… we’re engaged. Aether proposed right before Ben was born,”

Moving on from the topic of a threat in the woods, the Sister’s face lit up with happiness. “Awww, Faerie!! I’m so happy for you two! Are you going to have a ceremony here in the church, or did you want to be married close in the forest?” She took another drink from her mug, “Either way, I’m happy to help with any kind of preparations.”

“You know, I haven’t really thought about it!” Faerie exclaims. “It gets so busy with the children and the animals, I barely have a moment to plan anything. And now these damned stairs are popping up…”

Ben stirs from his nap and sets up a wail she recognizes as hunger, and Faerie puts down her mug. With practiced ease, she puts the Ghouling to her breast and he settles in for a brief nosh.

“I thought Matilda had an appetite,” Faerie quips.

“If you ever need help around the cabin, with the animals, or even planning the wedding, don’t hesitate to ask. You know I’m more than willing to do my part around here.”

She smiles at Ben getting up from his nap, having not seen the baby Ghoul for a long time. “He’s getting bigger every day. Soon he and Matilda will be roaming free in the church.” The Abbess took a final swig from her mug, getting up to wash it out in a small sink on the other side of the room.

“You have any ideas for the ceremony? I know you’ve been busy, but it’s good to have an overall theme.”

“I’ll definitely come to you for help. And I’d like you to be one of my maids of honor. You’re more than a friend to me, you’re a sister, you know.” Faerie says softly, her eyes still on Ben. She imagines the two of them as strong, adventurous children, quite like she had been. Yes, she can see them roaming these grounds, running through corridors. Perhaps they will climb the same tree she hid in the day Asta asked Aether if he loved the Wood Witch. Matilda had been known only as Jellybean in those days. She smiles at the memory.

“What days those will be. As for a theme, what do you suppose best represents Aether and I? I’ve never really thought of it, you know. I suppose we could give out guitar picks as wedding favors,”

A hint of pink appeared on Asta’s pale face, followed by a crimson smile, “Awww, Faerie, I’d love to be one of the maids!” She wiggled excitedly in her seat, “This is going to be so much fun! Since you live out in the woods, I was thinking the church could be decorated with all kinds of flowers and plants. The altar could have an arch of roses, the isle lined with petals and vines. Guitar picks also sound adorable as wedding favors, as well as some baked goods. We all know you can bake a mean pie.”

“Guitar picks and mini apple pies as favors…” Faerie muses, relieved to be thinking about something besides those accursed stairs. Aether is the first person she’s ever wanted to really settle down with, and after two children, Marking each other, and shacking up, marriage is like getting rainbow sprinkles on your cremee.

“Oh! I’m going to have to make little suits for the squirrels…or could we reuse the ones from your wedding? Some of them have… accumulated mass, so to speak, so I might have to make all new ones. Good goddess, Asta, your wedding seems ages ago.”

“And the squirrels could help guests find their seats and be the ring bearers.” She giggled at the thought of a horde of squirrels taking charge of the wedding, which wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to happen at the church.

“Gods… you’re right! Almost feels like it happened in another life. I can hardly even remember how long Papa and I have been married, what with working and such.” She smiled as she looked down at her own wedding ring, “Such a magical day that was…”

“It was, despite the fact that I’d just found out I was pregnant the day before, and utterly paranoid someone would notice that my dress had to be let out, or that I was in the bathroom half the reception…” Faerie says with an almost nostalgic sigh. Then she turns her thoughts to her own wedding.

“Most of the animals will have a role in the wedding and reception, I mean, I’m a wood witch, aren’t I? Should Tilly be our flower girl? She’s walking, but she still ends up on her little butt half the time. She hasn’t figured out how to use her levitation to cushion her falls, yet. But she has figured out how to get on the counter by enlisting the aid of Steve French. She uses him as a ladder, and he allows this. She got into some berries I was going to use for a pie, clever girl. Hands and face were purple.”

"I think Tilly would be an adorable flower girl! Steve French can always help her down the isle, and he can wear a lil bowtie. Let's just hope she stays still during the ceremony. Can you imagine Papa ready to pronounce you and Aether husband and wife and Tilly unleashes one of the squirrels?" She laughs at the thought.


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