
Professor Evelyn Dorose. .Archmage.

@archmage-dorose / archmage-dorose.tumblr.com

I see you've finally found my office! How can I help? (This blog is NSFW)

"Patru, right? I'm Evelyn!" Evelyn gently lifts Patru's hand for a small kiss. "What kind of place is Dorință? If such a beautiful individual such as yourself came from there it must be a nice place."


“Oh flatterer you


“Fall is wonderful, its when the rainy season begins in earnest where I grew up.” She nods, clasping her hands behind her back.

“Now, what I’m really curious about is, who brought you here. They must be an accomplished individual” With a sly smile she leans forward, her head cocked up at Patru like an interested cat.

“Anastasia Goldman was the summoner alchemist that invited me into this realm, and while she deserves all the praise you give her and is quite the prodigy she still has tons to learn and usually has her cute face pressed into a spell book most of the time,”

“In case you ever get into it yourself, summoning is a lot more like inviting someone to dinner than reaching your hand thru and interdimensional portal to grab a rabbit out of a hat. You just have to ask the demon nicely and be prepared to provide whatever it might ask ;3″

Evelyn nods as Patru speaks. "An Alchemist? In surprised I havent heard of her then. Though I admit my specialties are in matter."

"Speaking of dinner would you two like to join me tonight?" She sets a hand on Patru's shoulder with a wink.


"Hey Evelyn right? You're an Arch Mage? What kinda stuff do you work on?" ~Patru


Evelyn reclines in the chair of her modest and minimal office, theatrically stroking her chin. "Well that depends on who you ask. To some I'm a menace to the natural order who shouldn't be alive; to others I'm a doting teacher who's ideas inspire passipn..but for the most part I really just enjoy toying with the limits of what humans consider robotics and cybernetics."


"Patru, right? I'm Evelyn!" Evelyn gently lifts Patru's hand for a small kiss. "What kind of place is Dorință? If such a beautiful individual such as yourself came from there it must be a nice place."


“Oh flatterer you


“Fall is wonderful, its when the rainy season begins in earnest where I grew up.” She nods, clasping her hands behind her back.

“Now, what I’m really curious about is, who brought you here. They must be an accomplished individual” With a sly smile she leans forward, her head cocked up at Patru like an interested cat.


The fading smell of autumn rain, the chill breeze sweeping through the ground floor of the inn. Evelyn steps wearily, wrapped in a blanket and still shivering her way down the steps for her morning fire starting. That much she has been able to do, much to Kote’s reluctance. With enough insistence he would usually relent. At first she felt a sorrow clutch at her lungs, but with time it relented. He had work to do, and he has always been graciously kind. It was the least she could do when he didn’t want to release melancholy. It sung from his bones and the crease that formed in his brow. The song Evelyn wanted, his song sounded of one to care for others…the thought made her grin, as, that was the case. Unless you pushed them against a wall on your first meeting. She quickly gathers an arm-full of wood she had helped stack just outside the back door and rushed to the front room. Wondering if she had been beaten to the punch.

Kote had yet to leave his room as she readied the fire. His usual alarm, Bast, was late. None the less, he got up on his own shortly after he smelt burning wood. Shit, he had slept in again. Rubbing sleep from his eyes and fixing his messy red hair the best he could, the innkeeper dressed and rushed downstairs to get to work in time.

Not that work was far away. He lived where he worked, but meals weren’t going to cook themselves and things weren’t going to magically be clean either. Walking down the stairs as he tucked his shirt into his trousers, Kote paused to see Evelyn bundled up and working on the fire. At least it wasn’t a nice blanket she had dragged out there with her… The thought of her wanted to help out in some manner around the place was kind, but the opposite of what an inn was meant for.

“You’re up early.” He said, making it to the floor finally and rolling his shoulders to wake up. “What do you want for breakfast? I can make just about anything.” He offered, knowing arguing with her on doing his work was pointless.

“Bread and soup please.” Evelyn piped. Surprised to hear his voice, as she had not been listening for Kote like she usually would. She looked over her shoulder and smiled, “You make good soup. Also warm soup is good for cold bodies.” she pulled a chair next to the fledgling fire.

She bundled next to the growing crackles. With masterful care not to smother the growing flame, she carefully muttered redundant bindings to slowly warm herself and the blanket. Control was crucial when you didn’t know something’s name, but when she felt warm enough control wasn’t needed and she released the flame, letting its crackling redouble.

“Is there anything that needs helping Kote?” She called from her seat, her eyes unmoved from the flickering fire.


The fading smell of autumn rain, the chill breeze sweeping through the ground floor of the inn. Evelyn steps wearily, wrapped in a blanket and still shivering her way down the steps for her morning fire starting. That much she has been able to do, much to Kote’s reluctance. With enough insistence he would usually relent. At first she felt a sorrow clutch at her lungs, but with time it relented. He had work to do, and he has always been graciously kind. It was the least she could do when he didn’t want to release melancholy. It sung from his bones and the crease that formed in his brow. The song Evelyn wanted, his song sounded of one to care for others...the thought made her grin, as, that was the case. Unless you pushed them against a wall on your first meeting. She quickly gathers an arm-full of wood she had helped stack just outside the back door and rushed to the front room. Wondering if she had been beaten to the punch.


[reverse comfort]


//I can’t find that ask prompt omg uh but lets just–//

Kote had finally made his way upstairs from the busy crowd below in the early evening rush from harvest season staring to come to a close. It was a little more than just the regulars that was for sure. Tying his hair back once more, since it had been falling out and into his face, something caught his attention. A soft noise he almost missed over the loud chatter downstairs. 

Glancing around the immediate hall and not seeing anyone, he walked down a few doors to make sure he wasn’t hearing anything; stopping at Evelyn’s current room in the inn. He heard the noise again. Sniffling? Pausing and listening again, the innkeeper waited to make sure it wasn’t something else going on.

“Evelyn?” He asked carefully, not wanting to startle her. “Are you alright? I know things are busy down stairs, but I have a moment if you need one to talk.” He offered quickly after his question, resting a hand against the door and waiting for an answer.


A surprised squeak emanated from behind the closed door as Kote spoke. Scrambling, the small click of an extra door lock. Evelyn’s keen eyes were puffy and swollen as they peered through a crack in the door. No effort was made to hide her emotional state, another tear rolled down her cheek.

“Kote, I am distraught.” She said hoarsely, her willpower focused on choking back her gentle sobs. Her invitation was the usual, a step aside to open the door enough for Kote to slide through. She slipped out of sight once more, followed by the sound of items being pushed to the floor. Judging by the distance,presumably from a chair.

Hearing she was in trouble, he started untying his apron to set aside, or at least on the door to let Bast know where he wandered off too. The man could think whatever he liked, but it would be a sign he was busy none the less and would need to care of the guests downstairs on his own for a short time. 

With the apron hung on the door knob, Kote slipped in and closed the door softly behind himself, not paying mind to the state of the room. It was none of his concern unless she were to leave and leave items behind. He just changed the linens and whatever else was needed when it was asked or on routine. “What’s going on?” He asked carefully, dusting his hands off onto his trousers lightly. “Did something go missing? Or did someone say something? If that’s the case, I advise you don’t pay mind to them. I did warn you these people are less… open to the things that happen at places like the University.”

Aside from a set of books and notes now scattered on the floor next to the chair, the only cluttered part of the room was the desk. She sat on the chair, seeming small as she pulled her knees to her chest.

“People say things, it matters not to me. What saddens me is…” She pauses and gazes longingly at the desk. A shattered sigaldry tool lay next to an unfinished project, the rest of her tools neatly organized alongside the broken one. “I broke one of the tools that Master Kilvin gave to me. He always said I was too hard on my equipment….I broke my tools at least once a term when I was Re’lar.” She said and rubbed her swollen eyes.

“I must leave and…apologize for breaking tools again. He made them. These were extra tough, so that I wouldn’t break them in three span. These lasted almost three years”

She looked to Kvothe, her expression turned determined. “Do you need help today? I wish to help…and, distract myself”


Rabbit Smith (Evelyn) Runehammer

★★★★★★★★☆☆  —  strength ★★★★★★★★★★ —  offense ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆   —  defense ★★★★★★★★☆☆  —  speed ★★★★★★★★★★ —  durability ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  accuracy ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  agility ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ —  stamina ★★★★★★★★★☆  —  teamwork ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  stealth   ★★★★★★★★☆☆  —  close combat         ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s ) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆  —  blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s )  (gauntlet punches) ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s ) ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ —  superpowers / abilities ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  traps/setups ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  medic

Any lasting injuries from combat?  — Left brow scar, dark laceration scars on upper arms, stab wound scars on sides and right shoulder, burn scars on hands.

Fighting style? ( BOLD any that apply. ) —  commander / duelist / honorable / dishonorable/ would have others do their fighting / stealthy / long-ranged / melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities  / has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting / cowardly / reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks / renowned for their skill / trained / untrained / keeps skills secret / won (a) battle(s) / lost (a) battle(s) / ruthless / merciful


Archmage (Evelyn) Dorose

★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  strength ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  offense ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆   —  defense ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  speed ★★★★★★★★★★ —  durability ★★★★★★★★☆☆ —  accuracy ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆  —  agility ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ —  stamina ★★★★★★★★★☆  —  teamwork ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  stealth   ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  close combat         ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s ) ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s )   ★★★★★★★★☆☆ —  ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s ) ★★★★★★★★★★ —  superpowers / abilities (magic) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆  —  traps/setups ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  medic

Any lasting injuries from combat?  —  Both legs and left arm are cybernetic (legs cut off at mid thigh and arm mid bicep) due to several anti armor rounds hitting her mech in succession, she maneuvered well and avoided death but paid for it dearly. Burn scars on right hand and forearm. Scar on left brow.

Fighting style? ( BOLD any that apply. ) —  commander / duelist / honorable / dishonorable/ would have others do their fighting / stealthy / long-ranged / melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities  / has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting / cowardly / reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks / renowned for their skill / trained / untrained / keeps skills secret / won (a) battle(s) / lost (a) battle(s) / ruthless / merciful

@solistosketch agro and vel?


[reverse comfort]


//I can’t find that ask prompt omg uh but lets just–//

Kote had finally made his way upstairs from the busy crowd below in the early evening rush from harvest season staring to come to a close. It was a little more than just the regulars that was for sure. Tying his hair back once more, since it had been falling out and into his face, something caught his attention. A soft noise he almost missed over the loud chatter downstairs. 

Glancing around the immediate hall and not seeing anyone, he walked down a few doors to make sure he wasn’t hearing anything; stopping at Evelyn’s current room in the inn. He heard the noise again. Sniffling? Pausing and listening again, the innkeeper waited to make sure it wasn’t something else going on.

“Evelyn?” He asked carefully, not wanting to startle her. “Are you alright? I know things are busy down stairs, but I have a moment if you need one to talk.” He offered quickly after his question, resting a hand against the door and waiting for an answer.


A surprised squeak emanated from behind the closed door as Kote spoke. Scrambling, the small click of an extra door lock. Evelyn’s keen eyes were puffy and swollen as they peered through a crack in the door. No effort was made to hide her emotional state, another tear rolled down her cheek.

“Kote, I am distraught.” She said hoarsely, her willpower focused on choking back her gentle sobs. Her invitation was the usual, a step aside to open the door enough for Kote to slide through. She slipped out of sight once more, followed by the sound of items being pushed to the floor. Judging by the distance,presumably from a chair.



Add a ‘ +’ to reverse it !!
😘 - to kiss my muse.
😉 - to send a seductive wink at my muse.
😡 - to anger my muse.
😈 - to prank my muse.
✋ - to push my muse against a wall.
🖕🏻 - to flip my muse off.
🙆🏻 - to give my muse a hug.
👛 - to steal my muse’s belongings.
🐶 - to give my muse a pet.
🥂 - to offer my muse a drink.
🎧 - to place headphones on my muse’s head.
🚑 - to visit my muse at the hospital.
🔪 - to stab my muse.
💕 - to make love to my muse.
💍 - to propose to my muse.
👓 - to steal my muse’s glasses.
👻 - to scare my muse.
☠️ - to die in front of my muse.
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