
I Am Snoopy


I'm kinda crazy (but in a fun way). I love SuperWhoLock and I ship Destiel, Sabriel, and Johnlock like a crazy person (see earlier warning)

I don't think some people understand the big picture of that kiss last night. (I'll write a longer post about it later)

But like... Tommy showed up for Buck. He didn't even fucking change. He was on shift all fucking night and clearly all fucking day and still showed up to the hospital because Buck wanted him there and Tommy knew it was important due to the coffee date, the looks and reactions at the karaoke bar, and most likely through text off camera.

If you think that kiss and these characters have no chemistry, then I actually feel sorry for you, and I hope you manage to find genuine love someday.

Holy hell, I love this show. 🩵


Seeing Buck around anyone else: that man is built like a tank!

Seeing Buck next to Tommy: *in Buck’s roofied brownies voice* that is the tiniest man I have ever seen… teeny tiny!

Eddie: Guys, so the funniest thing just happened. Chris' new Biology teacher dropped coffee on me and then gave me his number, offering to DRY CLEAN my Old Navy jeans and shirt Tommy: That's not funny? Buck: He did what? Eddie: Yeah he's really nice, if a little naive. Tommy: You sure he's the naive one? Eddie: What's that supposed to mean? Buck: He was hitting on you! Eddie: No, he wasn't! Tommy: Did he smile a little too much and try to find ways to touch you? Eddie: Wh- Buck: Was he really shy and awkward at first but then gained confidence and got cocky really fast? Eddie: That oddly sounds like how you two flirt. Anyway, I gotta change. Be right back. Buck: So we're gonna find where this guy lives, right? Tommy: That's a bit extreme. But yes, yes we are.

How fucking strong and built do you have to be for Oliver Stark to bump into you with the force of a man playing basketball and not move a single inch


so lou's "tommy is right where he needs to be" wasn't about saving chimney at all huh.. it was about getting mauled by buck in a hospital entrance 🥹

Tommy: You should be jealous of me.
Buck: Why?
Tommy, walking away: Because my boyfriend is hotter than yours.
Buck: Wait-
Buck: But I'm your-
Buck: Tommy! Get back here!

"Eddie was never gay". Eddie worked in the dispatch building and immediately got into a petty passive aggressive territory bitch fight with Josh, the other gay man in the team. Gay recognises gay <3


The reason the writers decided to switch the Tommy kiss to Buck from Eddie is because they knew that if Eddie came out first there would be NO slowburn, Buck would jump headfirst and propose marriage IMMEDIATELY. The only way to get a slowburn was to have Buck come out first and give Eddie even more Catholic Guilt™️


in dire need of a scene where tommy briefly mentions picking buck up and buck being like "uhh in case you haven't noticed i'm preeeeetty big and i doubt you'd be able t-" before he's suddenly hoisted up into tommy's arms and in his initial panic he wraps his legs around tommy's back and his arms around his neck and gets all flustered and tommy goes "like that?" and buck is a stuttering cute mess before he manages a lil "god that's so hot" before burying his face into tommy's neck <3


hot take but I don't think Buck coming out was accidental. there's now way he was smashing his mouth against Tommy for long enough to cut and give out cake and didn't know that his face was covered in soot. and even if he didn't, do you really think Tommy "I didn't want to pressure you" Kinard didn't let Buck know before walking in. Buck had always planned to come out at or before the wedding, he literally told Tommy he wanted to dance with him. and look at his face when Chimney connects the dots. he's like "yeah he was busy. with me. we were making out. can you believe that? i get to make out with this beast. isn't that awesome?" point is, Buck knew full well walking into that room that it was very clear what he and Tommy were doing, and he could not be more happy about that, and THAT is the most in character Buck thing he could ever do


I’m so happy that Tommy is genuinely excited to be around Buck and turns up when something is important to Buck but boy does that highlight how his relationships before just have Not Been It.

Buck: I really like how you like spending time with me and make an effort to turn up when I ask you to be somewhere! 🥰

Tommy: … that’s what… dating is???


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