do not blame the story...

@historyrepeatsitself /

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I cass I she/her I INTJ I slytherin I 🏳️‍🌈 I   "it is a story about growing up, and one of the things about growing up is that one is going to happen." welcome to the world of the httyd books! please feel free to look around my blog and send in asks! messages are welcome as well!  link to my fanfic:

Hi folks! Long time no posting art’s been awhile.

As I said before, I’m more active on instagram now, and no longer posting arts here (my Tumblr has turned into TS4 junk 😂). But I decided to upload this one piece here, to celebrate the King’s birthday. As I know that many HTTYD books fans are in Tumblr, I wanted to share it here.

Happy Birthday Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, King of the Wilderwest!

If you’re interested in my other artworks you can search me on instagram: @ieatpockey.


The first time Hiccup celebrates his birthday, he is confused.

There he is, and there they all are, cheering and clapping. He does not really understand it, of course, because he is four years old and things get blurred at that age.

Nowadays, he only remembers his father’s round, rough face bursting with an unusual merriment, and the unfamiliar bubble of something twisting his stomach which might have been excitement, and his mother being there for once, solid and safe, and maybe even the sick bloating of eating too much at a feast.

Most of it, though, is as blurred as Gobber’s drunken speech, or is simply gone, empty, like the seat saved for a cousin who refused to come.

The second time Hiccup celebrates his birthday, he is angry.

One day, he says, just one little day, in four years, and she hasn’t come.

His father, the merriment still there but slipping, tries and fails to be tactful, understanding, wise.

The seat on his left remains empty, and the cold February wind blows the absent adventuress further away on the back of the storm.

The third time Hiccup celebrates his birthday, he is accepting.

He is accepting, and he puts out one less chair, because he has no choice.

He is accepting, and he follows on another adventure without remorse, because he cannot do anything else.

He is accepting, and he lets his friends fill the gap his mother has left, because he would not refuse help from those who love him.

He is accepting, and he lets the bittersweet roll over him, knowing that nothing will ever be perfect.

The fourth time Hiccup celebrates his birthday, he is thoughtful.

And he thinks about age, because he feels age now, slowly weighing down on him even as he remains in his teens. It is not that he feels old, only that he does not feel young. He is in his teens, but he is not sure what that means. Is he between youth and adulthood? Or is he simply apart from all of that? Will he be a teen forever, not in years, but in the state of being stuck in the middle?

He thinks about what has changed, because everything has changed, for good and for bad. He thinks of the fragments of the first birthday still in his head. There are still cheers and claps, there is still a father’s merry face, there is still a great feast and a drunken Gobber and a happily present mother and a twisting of a stomach. There is still a missing cousin.

But it is different now. Maybe this change is simply in the clarity of the day, the proof of the twelve years that have passed. Or maybe this change is in the crown upon his head, the battle scars, and the new faces, the new laws, the new peace. Asking anybody else, Hiccup thinks they would suggest the latter explanation, but he knows that the two explanations are one and the same, because time is what has changed, age, and growth.

The day wanders on, and Hiccup thinks. But he also welcomes the thought, because he found out in his twelfth year that acceptance of the bittersweet is the only thing that can carry us forward.

So Hiccup thinks, and considers, and remembers, but he also smiles, and it is a truer smile than any on his three birthdays previous.

Because there he is, and there they all are, cheering and clapping.

And he understands completely. 


I reckon all us Dragonmarkers are pretty clear that today is Hiccup’s Birthday Eve, which is, of course, amazing. But I’ve been thinking, and I realised there’s so many untold stories we’re missing here. Hiccup never passes a birthday during the war. Surely, however, everyone else does - it goes on for at least a year. And y'all know what that means, don’t you?

That, my friends, means ANGST.

  • Let’s start off light, with Valhallarama, since I don’t really imagine she has much time for birthdays. She’s got used to being alone with only her Silver Phantom, sitting around a campfire, knowing that she’s a year older and not a year closer  to achieving her quest, or seeing her loved ones again. Often she forgets completely, or loses track of the time, but that doesn’t really matter to her. It only really matters when she forgets Hiccup. Her husband understands when she forgets his birthday, her father understands, her dragon understands. But a son whose birthday only comes once every four years? Even a wandering warrior like her knows she would feel at least a little self-disgust for missing that, or at the very least failing to write. But I digress.
  • True to form, she forgets her own birthday in the year of the Dragon Rebellion. There’s too much else going on. It is Stoick who remembers, as he sets out on another amber-hunting mission, gazing out over nothing but sand and despair. He wonders, he prays, he wishes. He hopes, he hopes against hope, that she is out there, that she is alive, that she is thinking of home, that she might even come and save him.
  • He remembers his own birthday, as well, but he doesn’t say anything to the Company of the Amber-Hunters. What’s the point? He used to be a Chief. He used to have a feast by the whole tribe in his honour. Now, what is he, really? Nothing but a sorry slave like all the rest.
  • It turns out that he doesn’t need to say anything. He has forgotten who he has with him. Baggybum and Gobber know that they would never forget the birthday of their Chief - no matter what title he holds at that moment.
  • And so the Company of the Amber-Hunters pass the day. They have no feast, no gifts, no gatherings, no celebrations at all - save for the singing.  
  • Nobody can take away their song.
  • Now, Snotlout. That’s an interesting case. Snotlout’s birthday falls in his spell as Chief. But it’s quite, quite different to the birthdays Stoick enjoyed as Chief. Not that the tribespeople forget. Alvin does. But the tribespeople don’t, because Snotlout is in charge, and he doesn’t allow it. His friends prepare a grand feast, the rapidly dwindling supplies meaning nothing. Everyone is gathered in the Great Hall. And they eat. And there is silence.
  • Snotlout almost cannot take it.
  • It is then that he nearly loses control, because it doesn’t need to be spoken.
  • At that feast, the silence is enough to tell everyone that nobody loves Snotlout.
  • Not anymore.
  • Okay, then, what about Camicazi? Camicazi likes a party.
  • It’s a shame her birthday doesn’t fall in the period she is helping the slaves escape, because a midnight break-in with her sidekicks would be just the way Camicazi would celebrate a birthday.
  • It actually falls in the period in the hideout. She does remember, but she isn’t really expecting anything to happen. To her surprise, it does. Nobody can do much, of course. But Fishlegs writes a poem, and Hiccup talks. To the old Camicazi, it wouldn’t seem anything at all. But to her now, it means everything.
  • As for Fishlegs - Fishlegs doesn’t have a birthday. Or at least, he doesn’t know it, and they had to make it up.
  • Hiccup and Camicazi were the only human beings to ever really mark Fishlegs’ birthday, but he doesn’t expect anything at all this time. He doesn’t even remember.
  • When Hiccup wakes him early, he is confused, not least because Hiccup looks so apologetic. Then his best friend blabbers something about “not being sure exactly what day it is, sorry if it’s not right, we had to do something!”
  • Fishlegs looks around the Hideout in confusion, then his eyes land on the wall opposite. Camicazi, Shadow and the other dragons are clustered expectantly around something on it. He jams his glasses onto his face, and reads the word that has been written there.
  • “Remember.”
  • It is a little messy, and scrawled on with charcoal. Underneath, Hiccup has drawn a beautiful three-headed dragon, with the figure of a girl upon its back.
  • He looks anxious. “We wanted to honour her properly, here in her own place, and it’s your birthday, and Shadow–”
  • He is cut off by the look on Fishlegs’ face.
  • And the day that follows is the best of all those they live through in that Hideout, because they remember her, and they remember that they have each other.
  • And for a while, that’s all that matters.

Omg. This is perfect.

And then just imagine the birthdays Hiccup has once he’s King, because we all know he’d never do anything the traditional, easy way, he’s Hiccup. Honestly, he’d probably spend the day either in the Meathead Public Library. Or he’d go away for a day with his closest friends and return to the Hideout and sit quietly and reminisce for a day about everything and nothing. But then there is Snotlout’s birthday. Hiccup, being Hiccup, probably holds a feast in honor of his cousin on either his birthday or on the anniversary of his death every year. At first the party isn’t very successful, it’s not really a party at all because everyone’s pretty mystified as to why Hiccup is doing this for his cousin that absolutely hated him until, halfway into the party, Hiccup has had enough and sits everyone down and tells the full story of Snotlout’s sacrifice. For the rest of the night there are songs sung and composed in his honor and Snotlout finally has the birthday he’s always wanted. Bagybum cries at least twice out of pride.

But on one of Hiccup’s birthday’s, he’s so busy, that he forgets about his birthday, so in the middle of the night, Camicazi sneaks into the castle, and steals all his work. He get’s up and then he flips out because all his stuff is gone, but then Cami drops from the ceiling and gives him a hug, (A HUG, FROM CAMICAZI) and then huge confetti cannons go off in his room, and everyone parties, and this repost is bullshit. But just let your mind play with this bullshit.

I bet Hiccup keeps forgetting his own birthday while he’s king and is ALWAYS surprised when Fishlegs and Camicazi hold a feast for him. I bet Stoick also looses it every time because Hiccup always holds massive feasts for Snotlout’s birthday while he forgets his own and doesn’t know what to do during his own birthday feast.


Do you have anything excited planned for your birthday, Hiccup?


H: I for one, am not currently planning on anything. But then again, I can’t speak for everyone.


Camicazi NO

Camicazi YES


Tagged by: @yv-sketches

Rules: Tag 9 people  

Top 3 ships: I honestly don’t really have any romantic ships? stoick/val is really the only one I can think of off the top of my head. platonically tho, the dynamics of the httyd trio are a fav!

Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick!!

Last song: ribs by lorde (we goin thru it)

Last movie: I never rly have time for full movies during the school year, but I think my last one was Black Panther which I watched over winter break.

Reading: personally, nothing right now. for school: great Gatsby 

Watching: new b99 episodes! 

Tagging: @wiznearbi, @thepotatoreader, @anhttydbookfan, @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon, @spamalamam, @ohgummyone, @thefellowshipofthedragonmark, and @ anyone else i’​ve missed!! I think Helene (yv-sketches) and I share a lot of mutuals, so im trying not to retag. But if I missed you by accident, consider urself tagged anyway :) 


Doomsday day 8

Title: The Hooligan National Anthem

Word Count: 1389

Summary: Fishlegs’ Big Moment in book 8 when he’s getting lowered to his death and decides to sing. 

AN: I’ve been lacking in the doomsday department lately so here’s some more Fishlegs to make up for it. I think he might be my favorite character and I’m kind of obsessed with writing fic about him. Enjoy!

Keep reading under the cut (or read it on AO3):

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