
Severus is so pretty~


Yahooo! | They/Them | Pan | Love Snape | Multishipper | Multifandom |

what's your favourite bat?


the hammer-headed bat!


people sure do seem to have some Opinions about this animal


you dont know how fast i started lookijg for this post after getting this ad

alright which of you Maniacs saw this post and bought an ad space for this man to live in


My God it’s like horse fucked a pigeon.

Can this thing even breathe ?!?


Leave him alone he’s perfect

World How Is This Not A Taxidermy Situation

Dont speak ill of my son


Severus would definetely go to uni to get a chemistry degree. Potions is one of the only things he has and he would do anything to become more intimate with the subject. Wizard curricula just isn’t enough. They rather refuse to implement muggle knowledge into their skill or just don’t understand it. Severus wasn’t going to be ignorant to the fact that not all muggle technology was worthless.

Intramolecular forces. Psychological research. Biomedical studies. The vast database of muggle plants and their properties. There was so much the muggle world had to offer. There was a small line connecting magic to the wonders of scientific studies. A small line. But still there. And Severus wanted to find out all he could. To eat that shit up.

Not many knew of his late night studies in the middle of the night and throughout the summers. Testing out of classes one by one he never thought he would actually graduate. He just wanted the knowledge.

But Lily pushed him to finish. That what he was doing was something special even if no one else knew about it. So he did.


i can’t talk shit about the pirates of the caribbean films as if elizabeth swann becoming pirate king didn’t hand my entire ass to me and make me the gay i am today

these 2 looks basically defined my sexuality and i’m not afraid to admit it

things pirates of the caribbean got right:

1. will and elizabeth’s love story

2. elizabeth becoming pirate king

3. avoiding sexualizing elizabeth or the other female pirate characters in the first 3 films by allowing them to wear period-accurate pirate outfits that aren’t tailored to be revealing and impractical for ‘sex appeal’ just because they’re women

4. hans zimmer’s entire score but especially the iconic ‘he’s a pirate’ main theme

5. When the movie came out, morally-gray characters like Jack were actually not really a thing yet in pop culture, and it’s not Pirates’ fault that there are a ton of stupid shitty copycats out there.

6. I run a corseting panel at cons and literally use Elizabeth’s lace-up scene as a video clip of what historical corseting was actually like, because the only thing they got wrong in this scene is that tightlacing wouldn’t be a thing for about another 200 years (and you couldn’t tightlace with the corset style Elizabeth is wearing anyway). It’s one of the most accurate corseting scenes I’ve ever seen.

7. Will’s hat.

8. That scene with all the pirates on the gallows where that little boy starts singing Hoist the Colours? Yeah, that’s fucking legendary. The rest of AWE was kind of a trash fire, but that scene gave me goosebumps.

9. There’s this great shot in the first one where they really drive home the class differences inherent in this time period by having the governor talking about progress and civilization to Elizabeth in their carriage, and then they cut to a shot outside the carriage where a beggar gets splashed by mud from the wheel. It’s a perfect way to underline that everything is not, in fact, a nice little upper-class fairytale, and to give some weight to Will’s storyline, because he has a lot more in common with that beggar than with the governor.

10. For its time, the CGI was fucking amazing.

11. And let’s not forget the work of the makeup department, which had to actually invent new ways of putting on makeup for this movie.

12. The governor’s death scene. Holy shit.

13. They could have gone with a Jack/Will/Elizabeth love triangle, but they didn’t. There are some hints Jack is in love (or at least in lust) with Elizabeth, but he recognizes that she loves Will, and that’s that.

14. You’ve got to admit that wedding was unique.

15. The introduction of fantasy elements to historical fiction outside of Tolkein-esque fantasy, and how it contributed to and expanded the Fantasy Media boom we’re still enjoying today.

1. They had a woman of colour play a goddess.

2. They had a woman pirate right in the first film, when the tradition is to only show male ones (hell, the PotC ride at Disney had a wench auction scene until recently). And it was a female pirate of colour at that!

3. Elizabeth may not have known how to fight in the first film, but she wasn’t helpless either. Her first instinct was to fight, but she also had the brains to recognize when it was best to hide instead. Plus when given the chance she stabbed Barbosa that one time.

4. Elizabeth’s lack of fighting ability was not simply because she was a woman, it was clear it was due to her societal circumstances, since we saw other women of different socioeconomic backgrounds being able to fight (and when given the opportunity to learn Elizabeth took to fighting like a duck on water).

5. The Hoist the Colours scene where we see pirates of multiple ethnicities and their varying flags, reminding us that pirates came in all shapes and sizes and weren’t just white men.

6. One of the Pirate Lords being yet ANOTHER woman of colour. She may not have had much of a speaking role if memory serves, but even her presence is already a big deal.

7. The pirates accepting their King is a woman without much fuss.


Pirates is amazing I will not here a bad word

Davy Jones CGI is legendary and a ton better than some of the stuff done today 😄

I’m pretty sure that female Chinese pirate was a nod to a real, documented female pirate king who was Chinese and had a whole fleet of ships at her disposal but I can’t remember her name rn

My favorite part about the Bretheren Court voting wasn’t that they were against Elizabeth for becoming King as a woman and newcomer. They were pissed at Jack for being a chaotic neutral who broke the decades long tradition of an egotistical stalemate by voting for someone besides himself.

Also, the deleted scenes from Black Pearl and At World’s End that divulge more of Jack’s troubled past, like how he was branded as a pirate by the East Indian Trading Company because he stole a ship full of slaves and freed them.


“People aren’t cargo, mate.”

Love these movies.

“Sitting up in bed, Harry turned the book sideways so as to examine more closely the scribbled instructions for a spell that seemed to have caused the Prince some trouble. There were many crossings-out and alterations, but finally, crammed into a corner of the page, the scribble: Levicorpus (nvbl).”

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Silver and Opals

Levicorpus is a weird spell, because although we see it used both amusingly, and horribly - it has no real purpose.

Hermione says it best:

“Dangling people upside down by the ankle?” said Hermione.  “Who puts their time and energy into making up spells like that?”
“Fred and George,” said Ron, shrugging, “it’s their kind of thing.”

And so it is.  But is it really the domain of Severus Snape?  

Not only is it a jokey spell, but it’s one that requires another person’s involvement, which makes it an outlier in Snape’s creations.

And bizarrely, Snape laboured over it.  Harry shows us how the Prince worked and revised the spell: there were many crossings-out and alterations.

So why would Snape spend so long tinkering with such a useless spell?

Well…maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t trying to dangle someone upside down by the ankle.

Maybe, just maybe, both Levicorpus and its counter Liberacorpus were attempts at something entirely different.

Given that Levi (Latin) means to raise or lift (see: levitate in English), and Libera (Latin) means to free (see:  liberate in English)…and corpus, of course, means body…

…perhaps young Snape was trying to fly.

Oh dear, I now have a mental image of wee Sev trying to fly and getting launched into the sky, ankles first, by a surge of magic. Thank god he was decades too early for “yeet!”

Omfg, that totally makes sense, and it plays into my (very deeply held) headcanon that Severus and Lily were trying to create a spell together about unsupported flight, and that’s why Severus would feel so utterly BETRAYED that James Potter knows the Levicorpus spell. It was supposed to be something that they were going to work out together (Lily is the only one other than Severus or Voldemort who is capable of unsupported flight/floating as a child) and she turned it into a joke that was USED AGAINST HIM by his bullies.


listening to The Prince's Tale as i'm working and had to stop several times because this chapter tells us more about severus in one go than the rest of the series put together:

"Does it make a difference, being Muggle-born?" Snape hesitated. His black eyes, eager in the greenish gloom, moved over the pale face, the dark red hair. "No," he said. "It doesn't make any difference."

implies somebody had been teaching him the difference between blood statuses. eileen, most likely, and strengthened by his own experience with tobias. his hesitance may have been due to the fact that eileen didn't have a good opinion about muggleborns, but he diverged from it, since he'd already met lily and liked her. even as a boy, he had his own mind and spoke it.

"I saw his reply. It was very kind." "You shouldn't have read--" whispered Petunia, "that was my private-- how could you--?" Lily gave herself away by half-glancing toward where Snape stood nearby. Petunia gasped. "That boy found it! You and that boy have been sneaking in my room!" "No-- not sneaking-- " Now Lily was on the defensive. "Severus saw the envelope, and he couldn't believe a Muggle could have contacted Hogwarts, that's all! He says there must be wizards working undercover in the postal service who take care of--" "Apparently wizards poke their noses in everywhere!" said Petunia, now as pale as she had been flushed.

snape visited lily's house, and it was enough times that petunia kind of treated his presence at their home as an irritating but normal occurrence.

"So she's my sister!" "She's only a--" He caught himself quickly; Lily, too busy trying to wipe her eyes without being noticed, did not hear him.

he had a dislike for muggles, or did not think highly of them. not surprising given tobias, but it also hints on the relationship he and tobias must have had, and it wasn't a great one.

"They sneak out at night. There's something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going?" "He's ill," said Lily. "They say he's ill--" "Every month at the full moon?" said Snape. "I know your theory," said Lily, and she sounded cold. "Why are you so obsessed with them anyway? Why do you care what they're doing at night?" "I'm just trying to show you they're not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are." The intensity of his gaze made her blush. "They don't use Dark Magic, though." She dropped her voice. "And you're being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever's down there--" Snape's whole face contorted and he spluttered, "Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends' too! You're not going to-- I won't let you--" "Let me? Let me?" Lily's bright green eyes were slits. Snape backtracked at once. "I didn't mean-- I just don't want to see you made a fool of-- He fancies you, James Potter fancies you!" The words seemed wrenched from him against his will. "And he's not...everyone thinks...big Quidditch hero--" Snape's bitterness and dislike were rendering him incoherent, and Lily's eyebrows were traveling farther and farther up her forehead.

i can't believe they had this conversation AFTER the whomping willow incident!!! i never realized! snape must have felt so trapped, especially since he couldn't tell lily about anything while she was telling him that he should be the better man between him and the marauders. he had attempted to protect her since he knew already what lupin was, but couldn't explain why.

a lot of this also hinted at how in control snape usually was, especially of his words, even as a child. you could tell he thinks before he says anything consciously, and edits his statements just before they make it out of his mouth. he never wants to offend lily and is careful around her, but when tested, he really lets loose.


obsessed with the fact that today half of the internet was down and i didnt even notice because i was on tumblr, which, very ironically, was working perfectly fine

i went on fandom wiki at some point and it wasnt working and i said huh. weird? told a friend about it and they went "oh yeah like almost every major website isn't working right now" and i was like huh. okay


As a reminder, this is what she looks like:


Also I hope everyone knows that Miette was fostered before she was adopted, and her foster mom loved that little kitten so much and always hoped she'd gone to a good home. this tweet got so popular that she recognized Miette and reached out to her current mom, and was able to share previously unseen baby pictures

You mean, she saw Miette was kicked like the football and did nothing to help put Mother in jail for a thousand years? I am appalled.



Baby Miette!!!


Appreciation letter: You make the fandom a better place 😍 I 💜 and appreciate you. Pass this on or tag other writers, artists or just people that support you. Everyone deserves to feel appreciated.


ily thank you <3

here are some mutuals i also adore 🧎🏻‍♀️

and ofc @lovegoodsgf 😫🙏


i’m literally in love with you😋

@helleli @helleli @henqtic (all ur urls start w h🤨🤨) @sfdlm

Thank you so much bb <3

Tagging a few of my wonderful mutuals that NEED to hear this. Ly all sm

Aww thank you so much, love you!

Thank you very much, you are so sweet @leydileyla 😽

Thank you @mrsseverusnape ❤️❤️

@once-upon-an-imagine I could leave you out of this 🥺🥰💕

aaaaahhh 🥺🥺🥺 you are the BEST! 🥰🥰🥰 can I tag you again? 😂 @mrssnivellussnape @deepperplexity @snapefiction


🥺🥺🥺🥺thank you so much @rosaline-black , @mrsseverusnape and @once-upon-an-imagine! 💓 I love you guys! I´m tagging @snapesdaughsjm @lizlil and @dionysus-lover-ao3! (if I could I'd tag you all again!)

Oh dear, thank you so much 🥺🥺💚💚💚


Thank you!! 🥰

Honestly all Snape fans make the fandom better. But if I had to tag people on the surface of my mind:

Honestly there are too many to tag ahah ^^’ so perhaps I’ll just end this tagging list with @snapedom and @tumblr-snapedom

Your turn!


@slytherinsnekxvii, @i-day-dream-everytime-help, @myboysnape, @half-blood-pleb, @snapesterhood, @severusthebrave and deathdaydungeon (but there on a brake so I'm not going to properly tag them)

thank you! <3

i'm fairly certain a good few of these will have already been tagged, but @fen1s @bloatsome @snapecentric @urupotter @i-wanna-be-an-author @i-day-dream-everytime-help :)

Thank youuu to people who tagged me! <33 you all are <33 .. im so bad with names so i only can tag 3 peiple in my head- even tho i want to tag more! I also just woke up-


hey what's up with the "!" in fandoms? i.e. "fat!" just curious thaxxx


I have asked this myself in the past and never gotten an answer.

Maybe today will be the day we are both finally enlightened.

woodsgotweird said: man i just jumped on the bandwagon because i am a sheep. i have no idea where it came from and i ask myself this question all the time

Maybe someone made a typo and it just got out of hand?


I kinda feel like panic!at the disco started the whole exclamation point thing and then it caught on around the internet, but maybe they got it from somewhere else, IDK.

The world may never know…

Maybe it’s something mathematical?


I’ve been in fandom since *about* when Panic! formed and the adjective!character thing was already going strong, pretty sure it predates them.


It’s a way of referring to particular variations of (usually) a character — dark!Will, junkie!Sherlock, et cetera. I have suspected for a while that it originated from some archive system that didn’t accommodate spaces in its tags, so to make common interpretations/versions of the characters searchable, people started jamming the words together with an infix.

(Lately I’ve seen people use the ! notation when the suffix isn’t the full name, but is actually the second part of a common fandom portmanteau. This bothers me a lot but it happens, so it’s worth being aware of.)


“Bang paths” (! is called a “bang"when not used for emphasis) were the first addressing scheme for email, before modern automatic routing was set up. If you wanted to write a mail to the Steve here in Engineering, you just wrote “Steve” in the to: field and the computer sent it to the local account named Steve. But if it was Steve over in the physics department you wrote it to phys!Steve; the computer sent it to the “phys” computer, which sent it in turn to the Steve account. To get Steve in the Art department over at NYU, you wrote NYU!art!Steve- your computer sends it to the NYU gateway computer sends it to the “art” computer sends it to the Steve account. Etc. (“Bang"s were just chosen because they were on the keyboard, not too visually noisy, and not used for a huge lot already).

It became pretty standard jargon, as I understand, to disambiguate when writing to other humans. First phys!Steve vs the Steve right next to you, just like you were taking to the machine, then getting looser (as jargon does) to reference, say, bearded!Steve vs bald!Steve.

So I’m guessing alternate character version tags probably came from that.

100% born of bang paths. fandom has be floating around on the internet for six seconds longer than there has been an internet so early users just used the jargon associated with the medium and since it’s a handy shorthand, we keep it.

Absolutely from the bang paths–saw people using them in early online fandom back in 1993 for referring to things.


I had been doing it for a very, very long time but never actually knew the actual name for it. This is exciting! I like learning things.

Most of the characters used like this have their genesis in the pre www internet tbh


Know your history, fandom young’uns.

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