
Multi-Fandom Imagines



Requested By Anonymous

You grabbed a can of ravioli putting in your jacket as well as a small bag of chips. You tried to be calm about it so you don’t grab attention. The whole place looks delicious and you heard your stomach growl. You were almost there. You saw the door a couple feet away and you felt the chips in your mouth when you felt someone grab your shoulder stopping you.

“Give me the food” A lady was looking at you her hand still on your shoulder. You tried acting innocent about it. “Look, kid, I saw you grab the chips and sneak it in your jacket if you don't give it to me im calling the police” She didn't let you actually finish your sentence. 

“Please” You mumbled to her, you knew this was bad but your hunger overrides any conscious ideas you had left. 

“Why so you could show it to your friends on how cool you are” 

“So I could finally eat” You gasped. Her tightness on your shoulder loosed up as she understood what you said. 

“What” She looked around the store and outside to see if she sees any teens anywhere. She looked back at you now sympathy in your eyes. “When was the last time you ate something” You still remember the last bite of sandwich you had one day behind the dumpster of a sub shop. 

“A week maybe” She grabbed your hand going to the register that was empty. paying for the chips and ravioli can and a chocolate bar that was in front of her in the candy aisle before taking you outside. 

“Listen take this” She handed you a $20 before giving you a hug. “You don't ever have to steal food ever again” SHe pointed at an old looking building in the corner. “Say your name is y/n and then say Alex sent you, they can give you a sandwich or a burger every once in a while” 

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What felt like the whole kingdom was in the King’s chambers all mumbles but the overall theme was the same. War. “We should burn down that kingdom” One person said. 

“Let’s kill every mother and child!” Another man said. All the blood and torture that would bring. Your head flashed with images of bodies on the floor. 

The king looked at you waiting for your opinion. “My lord how about we negotiate a truce” Th whole room gasped looking at you. 

“ A truce?” He looked at you like if you had two heads 

“Think about it my lord, all the metals we would waste on a war that will last who knows how long because of the strength of the other kingdom. And if the truce works we’ll be twice as powerful and no kingdom will want to betray us” You tried to look at it multiple points. 

“You have a point”

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Requested By Anonymous

“Its been a month since you’ve found out that your best friend, your other half basically was Supergirl. You didn’t want to say anything give her time to tell you but knowing this huge secret was worrisome. Why hasn’t she said anything?

“Hey Karaq after the meeting do you think we could talk in private perhaps in the roof?” You finally d3ecided to confront her about it. She nodded before going into the office.

15 minutes later she went up to the roof where you were already waiting for her. She looked around seeing if there was anyone else there. “What is this about y/n?” She walked towards you until she as I front of you.

“We’ve been best friends since we were kids and I thought we could tell each other anything but I recently found something out and I’ve waited to see if you’d tell me but I think it’s better to just tell you I know” She looked confused and worried. “Kara I know your Supergirl”

She stood for a while before busting out laughing. She stayed laughing for a little before calming down.

“Y/n I’m not Supergirl, I’m grateful you even compared me to her she’s awesome but I’m just Kara with a job at CatCo nothing else” She put her hand in your shoulder rubbing it.

“Why are you lying to me?”

“I’m not, y/n I’m not Supergirl”

“I thought we were friends”

“Why are you still on it, just leave it alone” She fired back. You didn’t want it to come to this but you needed to know once and for all. You walked to the edge of the building looking at the people on the ground who look like ants from this height.

“I really didn’t want to do it. But” you turned towards Kara looking at her smiling and letting yourself fall. It felt like you were flying you had your eyes closed waiting for the grab. Kara yelled out your name running to the edge. She jumped down flying to your aid, she caught you mid building looking at you.

“Why would you do that”

“Because you’d never tell me the truth”

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Freeze” You stopped dead in your tracks looking away from the bright light behind you. “I need you to put your hands up slowly turning around seeing just the outline of the cop. Your eyes were stained with tears. Once she escaped the light you noticed it was Maggie. She recognized you two almost if lke time didn’t catch up to each other. “Why y/n” “I was tired, I couldn’t bear it anymore” She sighed walking behind you slapping the metal cuffs on you. “I’m sorry, but why didn’t you come to me first “She walked you to the hood of the car searching you “Pride” You muttered. She shook her head feeling deeply sorry but she knew she had a job to do. “You have the right to remain silence…” You numbed yourself as she read you your Miranda rights continuing the tears.


(I know I put teenage but lets say teenage as in 19)

You stared at the crowd as the trailer for your next season of GoT aired on the jumbo screen. Once it ended the silence erupted into a roar from the crowd. Emilia looked at you smiling as she adjusted herself in her seat.

“Wow that was amazing I have a question how do you guys make your chemistry in the show look so real”

“Because y/n honestly the sweetest person I’ve ever met, they have a heart of gold and I don’t think I could manage some days on set without them”


“I love her she’s the funniest person I know some people say she’s the innocent one but she’s wicked and a jokester” You guys continued talking about the scene and show until it was time for you to head to your next booth.

You caught up with Jennifer beforehand grabbing a cup of coffee before heading up the stage. One by one they started introducing you guys and you would sit and wait.

“So, y/n is the new mutant and it’s your job to train them and make it the best they can, got any hints” Jen smiled as she grabbed the mike.

“So I could tell you that any fighting scenes you see between us two were a 100% real because we promised each other we would be authentic so they left me an actual bruise for two weeks”

“Let’s not forget you actually bit me and left me a bite mark” You interrupted her causing her to laugh.

“Don’t kink-shame me” You guys continued with the show until it was time for your next and final booth.

You had to run behind the scenes to catch up with the rest of the crew. You made in time to get powdered and get on the stage. The interview went smoothly and it was time for Fan questions. A little girl was the first to show up.

“Who was your favorite person to film with?” She asked you. For a minute you stood there contemplating.

“It’d have to be Gal I mean she’s nice, funny, and do you see her she is gorgeous”

“Don’t be modest you were amazing to” She teased back.

“I am an ant compared to your beauty”

“You’re making me blush” She smiled.

“But in all seriousness, she was my favorite person because even when everyone was done and hoping to end the day Gal had his outer glow that shines and kept everyone going and I admire that in someone”

Request Are Closed


Requested By Anonymous

The papers started giving you a headache, all different math problems you felt like your head was gonna explode. Kara entered your room holding a DVD in her hand.

“Ok drop the papers, I feel you're stressing so we are going to fix this. I bought our favorite movies” Kara jumped on your bed looking at your papers. “Sheesh that’s difficult”

“I need to finish this Kara though how much I hate it “You muttered as you erased a problem from your paper. Kara got up from your bed before moving to your side and lifting you up from the floor.

“Come on a drained brain is no use plus you love RENT” You sighed getting up and wiping any dust off of you.

“Maybe your right a RENT brain wouldn’t hurt “You followed her to the living room.

“A tiger in a cage. Can never see the sun. This diva needs her stage! Baby lets have fun!” You started singing along to the beat of Take Me Or Leave Me. You jumped on to the couch singing the next lyrics. Kara jumped on the other couch swaying to the beat.

There was a knock on the door surprising both of you. You hopped off the couch going to the door, you opened it letting Alex barge into the room.

“I know I’m late but I brought Chinese food” She put the food on the coffee table turning back to you. “Oh, I love this song.” She pressed play starting to sing along.

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Requested By Anonymous

One week. It spent sherlock one week of just staying in his room barely having anything in his stomach just focusing all his energy on this riddle to solve a murder case. He didn't know why it was keeping him so stuck. When he felt the wheels turning he got up putting the pieces together.

 “Watson I figured it out” He yelled grabbing his coat before running outside. 

His smile dropped when he saw you holding the exact picture with the same riddle in one hand and a piece of coffee in the other. You smirked taking a sip. “Oh I already solved it about 2 hours ago, I made you some tea for that poor damaged brain”Sherlock looked around before grunting and heading to his room again to weep.

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Requested by fantasyshowssideblog

Your weight has been your biggest insecurity for some time now. Lately however, it’s been on your mind a lot more. Luke couldn’t help but notice how upset you had become she he decided to ask you about it.

At first you were hesitant but in the end you explained to look about how you felt about your body. It took Luke off guard when he heard about how poorly you felt about your appearance. He always saw you as this gorgeous person inside and out. He wanted so badly for you to see yourself the way he saw you.

”I don’t get it. You’re so beautiful [Y/N]” Luke said, causing the temperature in your cheeks to rise. You couldn’t remember the last time a man that you were extremely attracted to said something so flattering to you. Unfortunately part of you didn’t believe him.

”You’re just saying that…”.

”No I’m not. I mean it. You are so amazing and you need to see that” Luke replied. After examining his face for a moment you were able to identify that he was in fact completely genuine.

”Luke I… thank you. That means so much to me” you said, managing a weak smile.


Requested By Anonymous

“By the way im a huge fan I love your performances all of you guys, enough with the flattering let’s get into this interview” Kara started writing something in her journal as you started getting comfy on the couch.

“Its no problem im happy you enjoy us”  

“Okay so what got you into wanting to be a Horsemen,” She asked. 

“Truthfully I didn’t think I wanted to be in it but then I saw the guys and what good they did it changed my perspective, and I guess they saw potential in me and wanted me to join” You smiled at the first time the crew came to visit you in your small shows. 

“Wow amazing, what got you to choose Catco for your only exclusive”

“I actually love reading CatCo I don’t know and were supposed to keep things close and a trustworthy Journalistic place and I know Cat loves to keep things truthful” 

“Im glad you trust us enough” The interview went smoothly completing your part, you told Kara about your secret performances that reveal the truth about a certain company. “Ok last thing how about showing me one of your favorites tricks” You expected it

You got up fixing your outfit “That would be this one” you grabbed a stack of cards letting Kara choose one. 

When she looked at it she put it back into the deck.    You got up leaving the interview. “Wait what about” 

“Check out your pocket” Kara looked confused reaching into her pocket. She looked at her card smiling at the writing “Old school is the best way” She looked under showing the superwoman logo. “ Goodbye superwoman” The elevator came letting you leave in style

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Requested by fantasyshowssideblog

Jace started to race toward you, as you lay on the floor not moving. Before he was able to reach you Alec grabbed his shoulders, causing him to be stuck in place. You had just saved Jace from a demon and he wanted to make sure you were alright, why wouldn’t Alec allow him to see you?!

He tried his best to break free from Alec but the Shadowhunters grip was tight and firm. “Alec let me go! We have to help [Y/N]. They saved my life now we have to get them help”.

”Jace…” Alec said softly, as a look of pity spread across his face “it’s no use. [Y/N]’s gone”.

It took Jace a moment to process this. It hadn’t realized that the demon had injured you so severely until those dreadful words left Alec’s mouth. The worst part was that you weren’t even suppose to die. It was suppose to be him, because you chose to save him you were now dead.

”It’s all my fault. I didn’t even get to say thank you” Jace murmured, as tears filled his eyes. Alex pulled the blonde into a hug but no amount of comfort would be able to rid Jace of his incredible guilt.


Requested By @study-owl-22

Your first tumble you shook it off, got back up and continued trying. After your twentieth tumble or so you just wanted to murder Steve. 

“Again” Steve covered himself with his shield.

“No im done, you aren’t teaching me crap Steve all your doing is making me a floor mat and showing off your strength” You spat at Steve. 

Steve listened to all your rambling and once you started walking away he jumped you landing a punch but right after that you stood your ground holding on to the fight a little bit longer than ever before being knocked down again. He stood over you holding his hand out. You grabbed it standing up 

“It might just look like a tumble but you are learning your opponent’s strength and their greatest strength and what side they favor” You smirked fixing yourself up and positioning your stance. 

“Fine teach me your old ways” You ran towards him lifting your fist. 

Request Are Open


Requested by fantasyshowssideblog

Stiles collapsed beside you as you lay, weak and limp on the floor. You weren’t dead but you were close. The rest of the pack stood around you and Stiles turned to each other then and yelled for someone to get help. However everyone else new it was no use.

”Stiles… there’s nothing we can do” Scott said quietly, as he placed a hand in his best friend’s shoulder. Stiles stared in disbelief at the Alpha for a moment but soon the truth started to settle in.

Looking back at you, with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry [Y/N]” he apologized, this was all his fault. He should have protected you, he should have-. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by you taking his hand in yours. Your skin was so cold.

”It’s okay” you assured, holding back your own tears the best you could. You knew all too well what your fate was going to be. The last thing you wanted was the boy you cared the most about to blame himself for what was about to happen. “I don’t mind Stiles. A-as long as t-the rest of y-you are alright, then I-i’m fine”.

Stiles shook his head. “[Y/N] i… I love you”.

Anonymous asked:

Favorite character ABCs. Answer this ask with 26 fictional characters [one for ever letter of the alphabet] then send this ask to 5 different people. - lotsoffandomimagines

Alex Karev

Bucky Barnes

Chuck Shurley

Dean Winchester

Ella Lopez

Felicity Smoak

Gert Yorkes

Harry Hook

Isabelle Lightwood

Jackson Avery

Katherine Pierce

Lydia Martin

Magnus Bane

Neal Caffrey

Owen Hunt

Peter Parker

Queenie Goldstein

Roman Godfrey- Riley Davis (I love them equally very much)

Spencer Reid

Tate Langdon


Violet Harmon

Wendall Bray

Zari Tomaz


Requested By Anonymous

“What are you doing here” You snuck past everyone entering Daenerys chambers. 

“I just came to offer my highest support” You crossed your hands on your lap as you walked around. 

“And why should I believe you, everyone in this kingdom calls you a traitor of the highest degree, why shouldn’t I call someone to send you to your death” She sat in her throne staring at you. 

“Because my queen even if I’ve done questionable things none that have affected you negatively and even benefited you in some way” You’ve replied to Daenerys. You sat across from her watching as she contemplated your response. “ You know that I will always support you” 

“Very well, you will be my right hand” You smirked looking at her. “But I see even a slight hint of betrayal I will banish you to the deepest darkest woods where you will be feasted on” 

“Always a pleasure to speak to you” 

Request Are Open 


Requested By Anonymous

“Harley im getting bored” Joker called out to her. Your body was in pain as you tried to escape from the ropes. Harley faced you pouting. 

“Youre making pudding upset”Harley came towards you squeezing your cheeks against each other. “I don't like it when pudding is upset” She let you go turning around. You spat towards her it landing on her back. She froze for a second before grabbing her bat slamming it into your stomach”You doubled over in pain, your head spinning. 

“What do you want Joker” You knew they were coming, you just didn't know how long 

“Ahh i want many things, a lot of things” He faced you only mere inches from your face “The question thing is what can you do for me” You heard the explosion coming from the back. 

You smirked looking at The Joker “Too late” Diana was the first one to come in. She grabbed her whip grabbing Harley's ankle and flipping her over. 

“While it was fun while it lasted I think its time for us to go, let’s go, Harley” She stood up going to his side grabbing ahold of him as he threw a bomb at the wall before jumping off. Bruce untied the ropes from you making sure you were alive. You ran over to the edge seeing Joker and Harley fly off in a hidden Helicopter. 

“Y/n are you okay” Bruce went behind you asking you again. 

“Yeah, im fine guys” You tired taking a step but felt a sharp pain in your lower rib causing you to fall forward “ Okay maybe not”

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Requested By Anonymous (Torture Warning)

 You felt the blood start pooling in your mouth as Alex landed another punch. “Please, Alex i didn’t do it” She punched you one more time before heading to the back of the room. 

“Fien if that won’t make you talk than this will.”You lost sight of her before she reappeared holding a knife “Im going to find out where the others are and why youre doing this” Tears started falling from your eyes as the knife sliced through your shirt cutting your chest. 

“I didn’t kill those people, please you know me i wouldn’t hurt anyone” You pleaded.

“That’s what I thought when I saw footage of you and I realized what a disgusting being you were” You’ve never known this side of Alex and it scared you.  “Where are your partners” She yelled. She cut your arm again letting the knife cut deep. You moved around in your chair trying to move away from the knife 

“ I don’t know who you are talking about” You screeched. Alex was getting ready to slice again when someone entered the room. 

“Alex stop” They pleaded. 

“No, I think I almost broke them” She charged at you still holding the knife

“Alex stop their innocent”

“No, they're not you saw the video camera too” Supergirl went right in front of you stopping Alex from hurting you anymore”

“It was another alien, a shapeshifter kind, they attacked somewhere else and killed more people… Alex, I need your help to stop this please” Your tears didn’t stop falling as you felt this weight off of you. 

“Y/n im so sorry”

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