
Apocalyp-TECH-a (Aelfwynn on Ao3)

@apocalyp-tech-a / apocalyp-tech-a.tumblr.com

I love Tech, a lot, so I started writing like Forrest Gump started running. ✨ (30+she/her) ✨ archiveofourown.org/users/Aelfwynn/works ✨ Just a simple nerd trying to craft her way in the universe. ☕Art Ko-fi ✨

Hello there... I am Aelfwynn on Ao3.  I write mostly Tech-centric and Bad Batch fan fiction. I also make amateur art/memes, links below the cut if you’re so obliged.  :)  -Photo from Hunt for Red October when he says: “You’ve lost another submarine?” Lol, what I think of because I keep writing Tech series. 🙃

WRITING on AO3 as Aelfwynn:

An Unusual Alliance - M - Slowburn between Tech and Female OC Layna, Imperial atrocities and the birth of the Rebellion in the background (Andor vibes). Some additional awesome OCs and some canon guest appearances. Angsty, heartfelt, and humorous.  Certified Bingeworthy!  [64/64] AUA Art: Layna Xenton Imperial OC Sheet                 Tech petting a baby goat                 Grenth and Hallee                 Dovok and Tyka                 Telda and Numi

Apocalyptech - G - Ten years after Order 66, Tech has watched his entire world crumble.  He searches desperately for something to live for.  Certified to make you cry!  [11/?]

Interview With A Clonetrooper - G - Tech is interviewed by a historian after the fall of the Empire to tell the history of the clones that they deserve to be remembered for.  Guest clone appearances and more!  [2/?]

Observations and Analysis in the Galactic Empire - G - Tech’s inhibitor chip activates instead of Crosshair’s and to process the events before and after, he decides to record his observations in a personal journal. [8/?]

Tech or Treat - A Bad Batch Halloween Special - G - The Bad Batch celebrate Halloween and have some fun and spooky shenanigans. [1/1]

  • Activated Mind - G - What If Tech’s chip activates on Bracca? [6/6]
  • Technically in the Crosshairs - G - What If Tech’s chip activates on Bracca and he joins Crosshair in the Empire? A battle for superiority ensues with a bit of a twist and a lot of mudslinging.  [3/?]
  • Mayday, Mayday - G - What if Mayday survived? [2/?]
  • Unfinished Business - G - Tech and Phee have one last chat. [2/?]

TECH-OLOGY - Volume I - G - (Short story collection)[12/12]:

TECH-OLOGY - Volume II - G - (Short story collection cont’d)[12/12]:

READERS on ao3 as Techpopstar: Command and Respect - M - Imperial Tech does not like you, or does he? [26/26] Force and Sensitivity - M - You are a Jedi and have a bond with Tech [24/?] Over the Rainbow - G -You take Tech to a Museum.  The Bad Batch Exchange 2024 [1/1]



*squeaky clown noises*

I wake up every morning so angry about it. The same framed scenes, the same accent and voice inflection, the same graceful agile movements and gestures when fighting and speaking, the same vocabulary, the same technology, the pouches, the same plan 99 theme playing. Domicile. Domicile. Domicile. Get the kriff out of here. Are you kriffing kidding me? Domicile... %#!&*!


My heart feels like it got punched when I think about that operative who used the word "domicile".

I'm still trying to understand this feeling but I guess I feel this way because I think it probable and feel it's indeed him so I'm sad at what the Empire did to Tech and I'm sad that he wasn't able to go home with his siblings; sad about the almosts, including a potential romantic relationship with Phee, and about how Phee crossed paths with him as that operative, how we almost saw him again.

Awww, I can't fix your heart, but please know you're not alone. <3 Domicile. A word that will live in infamy. I foresee it will take on a life of it's own, if it hasn't already. It will be the rallying cry of the troops in the Tech Lives movement. 😭 Somebody start a chant at the next celebration! 😂 Respectfully of course. (Also, will forever be salty the parting with Phee has no closure. And the other things mentioned.)😤😭


The Elder Batch: Warm Weather

The Elder Batch: The Boys Still Have It Part 1

The Elder Batch: The Boys Still Have It Part 2

I am officially in love with Elder Bad Batch. 😂 These were so cute and funny, you are so talented @ladykagewaki !! ❤️ Tech is my favorite, that's for sure! 😉 Lol his quips...


gonna be waking up in a cold sweat in twenty years thinking nothing except for “but he said domicile

Hahaha! Same. You know in 'Citizen Cane' when the main character's last word is "Rosebud" and no one knows what it means? That's me, my last word in this world will be "domicile." Everyone's going to be like what the kriff does that mean? 😂😭


So. I’m. Haunted by the lighting and posing on the CX-2 poster, haunted by the fact that no one will straight up say that Tech is dead or that he wasn’t CX-2, wondering if the CX-Tech plot wasn’t dropped after all, and hoping against hope that they’re putting this man through the wringer so they can pull him out and give him the happiest possible ending. CX-2 had BETTER be in the next series and he had better be Tech, because I need this to make sense. I mean, I’ll buy that the spear symbolically killed the CX-2 persona. I’ll buy, “Oh, he had to be Crosshair’s shadow in the last third of this series but we had to foreshadow him being Tech in the next one.” “The damage you sustained on Skako Minor all of your behavioral modifications,” coming back around. I’ll buy someone surviving that in the GFFA because they can in the real world (warning for a picture of a real life injury in the link). I’ll even buy that the electricity didn’t kill him because the boulders and the waterfall definitely should have (and it’s Star Wars). I really do not care about plausible survivability. I just want the story to make sense and for Tech to get back to his family.

Anyway all I’m saying is why release a poster that’s going to fuel speculation about a guy whose face we never see after the series is done and out? If you actually dropped that plot, why not change the poster? Or just not release it? Why do this? What is the purpose of this?? Because if the purpose was to drive me, specifically, insane, then congratulations, Lucasfilm! Mission accomplished.


Seriously the poster drives me to insanity. Why is the lighting so warm when all the other dark side posters are primarily white or sometimes red lighting? Why is he posed the same as all the other non-Omega batchers in their group poster? If it was really all about the evil batchers as a group why is CX-2 the only one on the poster? If CX-2 was nobody the entire goddamn time and just a dark vision of Crosshair why did they make him SO TECH CODED that literally everyone picked up on it including some people that thought Tech was dead before this guy turned up?



Show us?



Sometimes I just stare at that poster of CX-2 and I know in my soul that he's Tech. They "Tech coded" him so much, played his Plan 99 music, and gave him 'good' lighting; I can not see that character as anyone else but Tech. My only hope is that they have future plans for him, because I am just as haunted, salty, and going mad about it.


People really are out here acting like Tech couldn't possibly have survived the fall because of the epilogue.

Wrecker was fine and she took Lula.

'She didn't say 'take care of Tech'' ofc not that man can handle himself and he has Phee.

Gregor came back from the dead--TWICE--with zero explanation as to how. None. He just shows up in Rebels and TBB. But Tech could not possibly~ have survived. In the 'people randomly come back franchise' we must have an exception for the autistic MoC with a black love interest, apparently.



Listen the way people have been trying to prove that Tech couldn't EVER come back because his death was SO FINAL has been weird as hell to me from the start when his death is based on nothing but a pair of goggles. That's it, that's all we've got.

But the fall was so high - does not matter in Star Wars what are you talking about


But the goggles in the epilogue - this takes one conversation to resolve and even then I wouldn't call it strictly necessary to have that conversation

But the WEIGHT of his SACRIFICE - stopped existing when they decided not to deal with it in any way in season three

If you use an ounce of imagination there is nothing about Tech's death that's even remotely final. I'd hesitate to even call it a retcon if they bring him back in that fifteen year time gap because it doesn't contradict anything, it is at most a recontextualizing of our perception.



It's like these people have no experience with Star Wars. Or science fiction. Or...fiction.

Asajj fucking Ventress, who had an actual dead body and funeral, was brought back from the dead THIS season and yet it’s ridiculous to think Mr Thinks Clearly Under Pressure was unable to survive falling into the cloud cover? All because of one shot of his goggles after a time skip? Please.

aaaaaaall of this.

Like if people want there to be less fake out deaths in SW/comics/whatever please consider that what you might want is a totally different IP/franchise. Because Lucas FOUNDED this universe on that notion and it has been a throughline for almost 50 years. But NOW you demand it change because uh well you want the autistic MoC with the black girlfriend to have a 'tragic, sacrificial, meaningful' death?

k. I hope you can explain why Ventress coming back is okay when Tech isn't. And yes: the part where she's white as a sheet IS very relevant.


ALL OF THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

And I believe Tech is coming back, like when Echo came back in The Bad Batch Arc of The Clone Wars, Season 7.

All such wonderful examples. My mind always goes to Darth Maul surviving being cut in half. Literally. Two separate pieces of him. Like wut. Plus he fell a long distance on top of it. "Hate kept him alive." Ok, well, LOVE will keep Tech alive, mmk. Even if it's just our love.


*gasp!* Only a few days left before the Prompt Suggestion Form closes (Saturday 5/18)…and the Prompt VOTING Form opens (Monday 5/20)! ✨

[If you still have prompt ideas but have already submitted a form…there’s **double checks rule post** no rule against submitting multiple forms! You don’t have to limit yourself to 10 suggestions in this house! 😉]

Thanks to you lovely peoples, there will be 100+ prompts to choose from! GAH!! It’s gonna be so hard to decide 😭

((I’m gonna resist the urge to put little notes next to the prompts I want to win because they’re so stinking cute 🥹))

Prompt Voting will be open Monday (5/20) — Sunday (5/26) … so be on the lookout for that! I’ll make sure to share it several times throughout the week to give everyone a chance to vote if they want ☺️

Remember to vote even if you don’t plan on participating as a writer/artist. If you plan on enjoying Summer of Bad Batch content, your vote is important!

Also! If you have any questions about Summer of Bad Batch that I haven’t answered, PLEASE send me an ask! I want this event to be as clear and fun as possible♥️


I understand that people are going to cope how they are going to cope, and trying to find meaning in the handling of Tech in season three is part of that, but it’s also okay to criticize the show.

I like a good character death. Tech’s departure was not that. My issue is not that he’s presumed dead, my issue is that it and the handling of it is nonsense. So (I once again get very negative about my favorite show under the cut):

Another excellent analysis that really touches on so much of our collective frustration. What the Kiners said about those brass chords, like there's just no way that can be anything more than a half truth. Oh and people saying there's no hints whatsoever that CX-2 was Tech like...*gesturing wildly* they literally have the same accent and movements. Just everything you said, yes. (Linking in my masterlist!)

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