
Panda Noodles World



Stardew post-marriage headcanons

<<<I'm using this fanart as an excuse to post these on my predominantly art-based tumblr lmao.>>>


Abigail: very involved, wants to help wherever she can even if she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. Loves the animals, knows them by name. Likes to watch the Junimos work, she thinks they're so cute. She doesn't cook super often (or super well) but when she does it's hearty, filling and often spicy. Kisses your cheeks whenever she can. Takes a while for her to fully realise her freedom and start actually doing the things she wants fully. Will often go out when it rains, still hangs out with the gang, but will sometimes come home with cuts and bruises which is always concerning but you understand. She's getting better with a sword (thanks to some very flirtatious lessons you’ve provided), but is still very slowly collecting scars. Tries not to kill anything, but sometimes it's unavoidable. First few times, she came back from the mines shaking and distant. It doesn’t stop her from going though. She gets used to it like you did, but it's always hard on her. Likes it when you go to the mines together but always prefers going alone, just for the feeling of it. Collects many things and starts her own little collection of artifacts. Will occasionally sell things from the mines, just for pocket money though. Doesn’t really have a job otherwise. Always feels a little guilty about you making all the money for the both of you, but is also very content with the life it provides for her. Her ideal night is both of you under a big blanket and a cheesy horror movie.

Leah: Actually helps on the farm and starts fixing things right away. Forages around the farm and cares for the animals. She paints little murals on all the farm buildings, just for fun. The Junimos weirded her out at first but she comes around pretty fast. Likes cooking for you and always makes heavy and filling food. Lots of mushrooms and stews. Hugs from behind, head on your shoulder. Really appreciates how hard you work and tries her best to keep up with you. Keeps working on her art and will go hours not eating or drinking if she gets too absorbed, only taking a break if you make her. She keeps trying to convince you to let her sculpt you nude, but she's too good and you don't want your nudes displayed in your house lmao. Posts her work on socials and gets a pretty big following. She works her way into a few gallery shows in the city and starts a biannual art showing in town. It gets decently popular (mostly with hipsters) and it's where she sells most of her work. Her art makes more money than she thought it would, but your house still has small piles of canvases and statues that she can’t sell. She REFUSES to let you lend her money for supplies/whatever because she insists on her art becoming self-sufficient (which it eventually does). She will accept gifts though. You can still find her at the river sometimes, just looking at the water. She loves when you join her there, head on her shoulder and hand in hers.

Penny: Best housewife. Cooks and cleans and all that jazz. Gets better at cooking, but still tries her “experiments” that have varying degrees of success. Very homely meals, basic but classic. She likes the bees and always wants to watch while you harvest honey. The Junimos freak her out, she doesn’t like to be near them though she tries to be nice. Doesn’t know how to do much in terms of farm work (will tend to flowers if you have them) so she focuses on the house. Keeps the house spotless but homey, decorates every room unless you’ve already done so, fills the house with flowers. Very quiet and soft spoken. Definitely shy about touching but will hold your hand as often as she can. Struggles to find hobbies (outside of books) once she has more free time and discovers a love of puzzles. Will spend the whole day sitting silent at the table working on a puzzle, just listening to birds. Her favourite ones are classical paintings and those puzzles that are just, like, a bunch of baby shoes lined up. Gets guilty sometimes about how much you work and tries her best to do her part. Still teaches the kids and will bring them on the farm sometimes. Invites Marnie and Jodi for dinner on occasion. Her ideal night is just cuddling on the couch with you and a cup of hot cocoa, watching something like a nature documentary, and just talking about the day.

Maru: Big help with automation, likes building all the machines you need and does it much better than you do. Minmaxer at heart lmao. Immediately goes around the farm fixing anything you’ve messed up, not in a condescending way. She genuinely just wants to help. Doesn’t like when you go in the mines, but understands that it’s become part of your job. Cue the love interest bandaging your wounds scene (she is a nurse). Very interested in the junimos in a “if you find a dead one let me dissect it please” kind of way. Does not know how cook, never learnt, but would like to if you offer to teach. She's a little distant, staying in her work shop for days on end with little food and water. After a while you learn that you need to snap her out of it when she gets like that or she’ll crash. She will take a day to relax but only if you force her to. She appreciates it. She tried working in a lab in the city but never got used to how claustrophobic it is there. She's content just staying at the farm house, doing her work in the workshop (kind of freelance stuff? I think? Idk i'm not an engineer lmao sry, but like also her personal projects). She never fully gets used to being around you everyday. She just looks at you sometimes, a little disbelieving. She sometimes feels like she’s not good enough for you, so you have to remind her. Direct words and soft hugs do the trick.

Haley: Very housewife core. She slips right into the role, trying her best to take care of your home while you work. She’s not the best at it, but she's trying. She cooks well enough and bakes often. Sundays you have dinner with Emily. Decor is her favourite, making the cottage feel like a cottage. Very bright and floral. She thinks the junimos are cute in a freaky sort of way. She mostly stays away from them. She loves the animals, especially the rabbits and cows. Has her own little names for them all. Loves watching you work (she thinks it's hot). Has a blog where she posts her photos and occasionally goes to the city for a photography job, but not very often as it is just a hobby to her. Has a messy scrapbook full of photos of you and the farm. She usually refuses to show it to you, but you’ve persuaded her a couple times. She doesn’t really work, very happy to just decorate the farm and pet the bunnies. Also happy to spend your money, but not often and not without telling you. Wants to be touching you as often as she can. Holding hands, linked arms, hands on your waist, anything. If she can tell you're working too hard, she will physically force you to chill out for a bit, even if it's just five minutes. Will tell you that you look like shit and need to sleep very bluntly and is always right about it. She insists you start taking care of yourself and loves having couples spa days. Unwinding with you after a long day is always something she loves.

Emily: bi wife! bi wife! bi wife! She's very accustomed to taking care of a house and does a great job with yours. Fills it with crystals, protection tokens and the smell of incense. The crystals are partially your fault because you keep giving them to her. Lots of healthy meals, spicy food and kale. Tends to any flower gardens you have and talks to the animals. She mends your clothes and hides embroidered flowers all over them, Not even phased by the junimos, she's definitely seen them before. Delighted that you can understand them. She starts handling any cloth production you might have and uses the fabric to sew clothes to sell online. Has an etsy shop that does quite well and makes sure to advertise the products as homemade from start to finish. Is able to sell the pieces at more affordable prices because of how much money you make. The business is still somewhat profitable, but she really just cares about sharing affordable eco-friendly fashion. It's a little niche style wise but still sells pretty fast. She dances around the house. Whatever she's doing, she does it to a rhythm. Meditates outside frequently and has invited you to join her many times. She takes your hands in hers, tracing the lines of your palms and telling you what they mean. The reading always includes how you two were destined to collide, blessed by fate.

<<<I might do a bachelor version but idk. This took a while. I also have some spicier headcanons that I’m hesitant to share because my irls might see lmao.>>>


It's your turn to do the dishes this week!


Just checked with the spirits of the forest. And unfortunatly its just not my destiny. You couldnt even imagine the horrid arcane events that could occur if I were to do the dishes. It must be you Haley. Do you think your up to that kind of task? The balance of nature itself rests in your hands Haley!


I swear, she does this every time...

Anonymous asked:

I know you said you might do this anyway, but what were the bachelorette's first impressions of the farmer? how did they all fall in love with them?

I had so many thoughts about this, and even though I cut out quite a bit—yes, it was worse than this—they’re still big. I actually had to rework the format because tumblr literally would not let me post the fucking text wall that was Maru's part, and then I couldn't have her part be formatted differently because that drove me insane. Jesus. Writing for Emily is still a little unfamiliar to me, and I think it reflects in my writing a little bit, but I hope I did her justice.

Bachelors are here.

Bulleted format. Scattered dialogue, self-doubt, and a little bit of thirst(Leah's fault, not mine), but mostly fluff. Mentions of injuries, blood, and the farmer being a reckless dumbass. Not proofread, please excuse any mistakes, my English isn’t great. Some of them include a bouquet, others do not. I stuck to canon for most of them, but I gotta be honest, sometimes my imagination is just so much more fun. Enjoy <3


This philosophy applies to SO MUCH. 

Agents want to love your book. Hiring managers want you to be exactly the person they need. The person on the other end of that blind date is hoping beyond hope that you’re their huckleberry.


Applies to interviews too!

A+ philosophy.


This definitely applies to interviews as well! I really like this! Excellent tips.

TRUTH. This totally helped lift my spirits and turn on the charm during interviews!

This was never emphasized enough during undergrad. They’re on your side! They want the process to be easy!

That is the most motivating thing that I have come across my entire life.

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