
its cat town folks


UNDER DEVELOPMENT archive: @murder-catsarchive
(WIP Pinned, just because I keep getting asks about what happened to this blog)


This is a blog for @beffalumps & @casualjster's fantasy cat project that is currently in development.

While this project is going to be cat based, we will be leaning away from the classic "warrior cat" structure and will be implementing more of our own ideas and systems.

Things are still very much in the beginning stages of planning, but we're both very excited to get these cats rolling and causing mischief!

If you're interested in content previously shared to this blog, be sure to check out @murder-catsarchive!

Anonymous asked:

If you choose to reboot it could you leave the old posts up??? I love the old designs and still look at them from time to time for inspiration!!!

I'm so glad this blog offers some inspiration! I probably will end up purging most of these posts just for my own sanity, but I moved most of them over to an archive blog, so people can still see them, if they wish!

Anonymous asked:

are you unsatisfied with the characters right now? or bored, or whatever? (i have no qualms about a reboot, to be clear)

Yeah, to be honest I’ve always sort of battled with the overall plot of this story. It’s either too bare bones or too convoluted and I ended up getting frustrated and tired of it lol. I think I’m going to be collabing with my friend (idk if they want me to tag them ;;;) on reworking everything and I’m happily feeling more excited about these characters again!

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