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Lovleg Bakomfilm (BTS S1 & 2)

Hi! So, lovely @liteogstort made a huge effort to translate the BTS from the Lovleg website (here). As most of it is out of context, we kept in the time stamps in the transcript to make it easier to get what is said when! We hope you go as much nostalgia from it as we did. Also, the names of the actors can be found on Lovleg’s IMDb-page (here). Thank you for having been on this journey with us <3

(transcript is under the cut)


Lovleg season overviews

Did you miss out on Lovleg, the Norwegian web TV show with the gorgeous cinematography, adorable characters, queer representation and the sweetest main character ever to grace a screen?

Fear not, because there are neat chronological overviews of both seasons, with English subtitles and transcripts of each clip (translated by @lovlegenglish) and translations (by us at @lovlegskada) of social media posts, Gunnhild’s notes and all the more or less weird but always creative ways Lovleg gave us content.

There will be no more Lovleg, unfortunately, but by all means enjoy what we did get.


To all who have watched the Lovleg universe, A THOUSAND MILLION THANKS FOR THE TRIP! Sadly there won’t be any more seasons of Lovleg. I wish that we could keep telling stories from the shared house in Sandane, but it didn’t turn out like that this time. Thankfully I think that for fans out there these characters will live on. At least they will to me. I just want to say that I’m incredibly grateful for those who have watched and taken interest in the show. For all the complaints and compliments. I have learnt so much. It hasn’t been uncommon for me to start crying from the dialogue in the comments or in other channels, especially when people have shared something vulnerable and personal and received love and support from strangers. It has really been the loveliest corner of the internet I’ve come across ever.

I was never under the illusion that this show was for absolutely everybody. We live in a time where everything is competing for people’s attention, but the response we have received from those who have taken interest is overwhelming and inspiring. That has been the lights that have guided us in our work. It has been the energy that has kept us going. In the beginning we talked a lot about mistakes. That this show should demonstrate that it’s fine to make mistakes, that the world doesn’t end because of that. That’s why I want to finish by saying that nothing can be free of errors when it has been made with love. Love is dishevelled and uneven and nerdy. It says too much at the wrong time. It runs fast and tries too hard, but when it trips over a stone it gets up and keeps running. Because it’s worthless trying to hold back. This show has been made with love and I’m proud of that. It has been received with love and I’m enormously grateful for that. I don’t know who you are, you who came along with us for the trip, but I will never forget you. All my love goes out to the Lovleg fans. I think you should all get a dragon.

#lovleg #p3 #nrk #lovlegnrk #thewholeworldishere #stayweird


Note 39 April 12

“Who do you believe you are?” assignment Norwegian

You can come up with several terms if you are to define yourself as this assignment asks. You can say something about looks, social status or astrological sign. You can emphawise sexual orientation, gender or what kind of home you have grown up in. We are always asked to define ourselves. Who am I really? Lately I have thought that I will never really find out. Yes I can hang parts of my personality up on hooks like everybody else. And each of part will be correct and each part will tell you something, and I do not want to be ashamed of any of the parts. But none will say all of it either. I am a strange, colourful, embarrassing, poetical, queer girl from the countryside who says the wrong tings all the time and sometimes is terribly egoistic and sometimes is the kindest person in the world. I make some smile and laugh and some hide their face in their hands and ask me to be quiet. I spent a lot of time thinking that I ought to be quiet and pleasant, ordinary, someone everyone could look at and think “that is who I am”. But now I am beginning to understand, slowly, that everybody does not need to fully understand me and I do not need to be only one thing. I can be many different things at once and what really makes me me, is what happens when I meet other people. I have spent so much time thinking about what I am like, and whether that is good or bad. But I do not exist in a room alone with a mirror.

Right now the head of my best friend is resting on my shoulder. We are going to my home for the Easter holiday. She is drooling a little. I am trying to sit perfectly still so she can sleep.

When I met her I thought that we could never be friends. I thought that she was a popular girl who fit in and cared about clothes and makeup and selfies. And it was not like I suddenly realised that all of that was wrong. That it was one big misunderstanding. No it was actually correct, but there was just so much else there as well. A whole universe really. When I met my ex girlfriend I thought that she always knew what she wanted and was going to do and think about everything. And in a way that was true and in a way it was not. I understood that when she seemed most certain, was when she was most uncertain. When she gritted her teeth and insisted that the world was going to be like she saw it it was because she was scared. And now when it is over, at least for now, I am thinking that I have learnt and grown so much because of her. That the bad did not erase the good but that I learnt so much from being loved and it was worth it. Because now I am a slightly different person, and she is a slightly different person while we still are ourselves. Even though it hurts I am looking forward to seeing her after the holiday because I feel like I actually see her now, and the other way around. I don’t know. Everyone I have met since I moved away from home has been exactly who they were at first sight and still so much more. And I am thinking that the whole point of it all, if there was one, probably was to understand that nobody really knows, and that you need to be generous to each other, and honest and kind. That you should try to find those who are different from yourself, not those who are precisely the same. Those who are strange in their way. Everybody is strange. I do not know what will happen from now on or who I will end up being. Some times I picture that I have cables from my heart to many other hearts I never see. That it is like powerlines over mountains and through valleys. That they end up somewhere where they warm someone I may never meet. Or turn the light on. Or maybe give them electric shock so they get hurt. But at least there is some sort of connection there. Not just to those I spend time with every day, but that the line goes out to places I have never been. Maybe they are there to pull me in that direction one day. That one day I will get to hear their stories, what they think about right and wrong, what they feel, what matters to them, what upsets them. And I do not know who I will really end up being in a year, or two or ten. But I am thinking that I just want to be something to somebody. That maybe I can help somebody. And that is the most important hook I can hang my personality up on. That the one I most of all think I am, is a friend.

Translator’s note: there are some misspellings in the original text, and I’ve tried to translate the intention of those. It’s written in an assignment-like style, so I’ve tried to make it a little more formal than usual.


Spegelen av Kjersti Wøien Håland

eg står åleine i rom fulle av folk det er for mange stemmer som snakker samtidig og det er for mange dagar som glir over i kvarandre og det er for mange gonger eg snublar i trappa eller kjenslene og det er for mange ting eg har gløymt å gjere eller gløymt å vere og eg tenker at eg ikkje heilt veit kva som skal til for å vere menneske for å vere ein å sjå på høyre på men eg kan sjå det dumme ansiktet mitt i dei klare auga dine og der er eg plutseleg! heil og verdt noko fordi eg bur i deg kan eg gå ned gata med eit smil i hjarta fordi eg finst lufta er full av ord eg ikkje har sagt og tankar eg ikkje har tenkt og eg er full av feil og fakter men det kjem an på auga som ser om ein fell eller flyg om ein rotar eller dansar om ein er full av feil eller full av små tunnelar der kjærleik får komme inn og kjærleik får komme ut ein kan vere ein heil person når ein gløymer spegelen på badet og ser seg i fjorden og i skyene til heile den blå planeten er irisen til ein som er glad i deg og du vil ikkje lenger hate deg sjølv for då hatar du alle og du vil ikkje hate andre for då hatar du deg sjølv og du vil redde verda for det er ein venn som har fått noko i auga ho ikkje får ut

This was featured in the last episode of Lovleg’s second season. All rights belong to them. I just loved the poem and wanted to share the original (as written in the subs under the last clip).


Lovleg S02E10 Clip 5

Spegelen (The mirror)

S: Hi. What are you doing? G: Writing. Not really. S: Do you want to be alone? G: Yeah. Or no. S: We have pizza. G: Great. Sara, it’s short notice, but… Would you like to go home with me for the easter holidays? I’m sure it’s going to involve a lot of crying and there won’t be much to do, but… S: Sounds perfect. Do you want a ride on my back? G: No. S: Did I just hear a no? G: I’d rather hang off your back. S: Let’s get on with it, then. Come on. One, two, three. G: No… Ow, ow, ow. I’m choking you. Ow. S: Shush. S: Ok, here, here, here. G: OK. S: Nice.

I stand alone in rooms full of people

There are too many voices speaking at the same time

And there are too many days that merge into each other

And there are too many times I stumble over stairs or over feelings

And there are too many things I have forgotten to do or forgotten to be

And I think that I don’t really know what it takes

To be a human being

To be someone to look at

Listen to

But I can see my stupid face

In your clear eyes

And suddenly there I am!

Whole and worth something

Because I live in you, I can walk down the street

With a smile in my heart, because I exist.

The air is full of words I haven’t said,

And thoughts I haven’t thought.

And I am full of faults and affectations.

But that depends on the eyes that are watching.

Whether you fall or fly.

Whether you stumble or dance.

Whether you are full of faults

Or full of small tunnels.

Where love can come in,

And love can come out

You can be a whole person.

When you forget the bathroom mirror

And see yourself in the fjord and the clouds,

Until the whole blue planet,

Is the iris of someone who loves you.

And you don’t want to hate yourself,

Because then, you hate everyone.

And you don’t want to hate others,

Because then, you hate yourself.

And you want to save the world, because she is a friend

Who’s got something in her eye and can’t get it out.

G: Did you learn the whole poem by heart? S: Yeah. And I still think you should have read it at that slam thing. G: Yeah. S: It reminds me a bit of… G: You have my full attention. S: OK. Anyway, it reminds me a bit of when I was small. I had a best friend I used to run off to. And her father was so good with poems and stuff, and he used to read, like… and there was one poem I especially liked, and it goes like this …

This was the last clip of the last episode of season two! Thank you so much for keeping up with our translations! It has been a wonderful journey :) (and hopefully, we get a season three)

💛❤️💙 💚 🖤


I’m going to be a little personal on this blog, hope you’ll bear with me. I know that quite a few people are a bit unhappy with how the wlw relationship in Lovleg is portrayed, so I have a couple of cents on that subject under the cut, written after the Ustemt/Out of tune clip.


Gullruten nominee for Best Actor, Kristine Ryssdalsnes Horvli.

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