


shameless spirk

So I’ve been rewatching some tos and based on Sulu’s convo w Riley I don’t think he’s a botany and swordsman ship fanatic, I think he tends to fully invest every moment of spare time on something different every fortnight.

RILEY: Last week it was botany he was trying to get me interested in. I was supposed to be collecting leaves, plant specimens. SULU: Your attitude is all wrong. Fencing tones the muscle, sharpens the eye, improves the posture.

So I feel like Sulu is doing something random and extremely specific all the time. And he just pulls out this expery level knowledge on a whole range of topics. Ice sculpting, hockey, leather work. He can just do some stuff very very well.


This completely fits in with the bio of Sulu from the Star Trek writers guide - 1967. This was the ‘bible’ given to writers who were submitting scripts to be considered.

LIEUTENANT SULU: Played by George Takai, Ship’s Helmsman Sulu is mixed oriental in ancestry, Japanese predominating, [but] contemporary American in speech and manner. In fact, his attitude toward Asians is that they seem to him rather ‘inscrutable.’ Sulu fancies himself more of an Old World ‘D’Artagnan’ than anything else. He is a compulsive hobbyist; one week he may be fascinated by botany with the intention of that becoming his lifelong avocation, then another week we’ll find he has switched to a determination of acquiring a galaxy-famous collection of alien firearms. And like all ‘collectors’ he is forever giving his friends a thousand reasons why they, too, should take on the same hobby… Although these bursts of enthusiasm make him something of a chatterbox, Sulu is a top officer and one of the most proficient helmsmen in the Starfleet Service. When the chips are down, he immediately becomes another character, a terse professional, whose every word and deed relate solely to the vessel and its safety. He has never had to receive the same order from Kirk twice.


i will never be over the fact that during first contact a human offered their hand to a vulcan and the vulcan was just like “wow humans are fucking wild” and took it


Humanity’s first contact with Vulcans was some guy going “I’m down to fuck.”

Vulcans’ first contact with Humans was an emphatic “Sure.”

“sir…these…these humans…they greet each other by…” *glances around before furtively whispering* “by clasping hands…”

*prolonged silence* “oh my…”

“sir…sir how will we make first contact with them? surely we…we cannot refuse this handclasping ritual, they will take it as an insult, but what vulcan would agree to such a distasteful and uncomfortable ritual??”

*several pensive moments later* “contact the vulcan high command and tell them to send us kuvak. i once saw that crazy son of a bitch arm wrestle a klingon, he’ll put his hands on anything”


Elsewhere, w/ kuvak: “….my day has come.”


The vulcan who made first contact with humans is named Solkar guys. Y’all just be makin’ up names for characters that already have names.

Bonus: here’s a screencap of Solkar doing the “my body is ready” pose right before he shakes Zefram Cochrane’s hand:

I swear Vulcans only come in two types and they are “distant xenophobes” or “horny on main for humanity”. Also apparently this guy is Spock’s great-grandfather and frankly that explains everything.

Hey so I looked into this at one point and that handshake literally created a lifelong telepathic bond between the two of them, and basically all of Solkar’s descendants were later obsessed with humans, including freaking SPOCK, so I’m not saying that handshake was so gay and good that it created an intergenerational telepathic bond between Solkar’s descendants and humans, but I’m also not….not….saying that.

Bringing back to that one post that called “House of Sarek” the “Everytime I Touch a Human, I accidentally bond with them” house. 

When there are spaces literally everywhere on the damn bus but that one person decides to sit next to you

When there are spaces literally everywhere on the damn shuttle, but that one person decides to sit between you and your t’hy’la.


my life has gotten exponentially better since I abandoned the “I was once a kid in AP programs and now I’m a subpar to average adult like the rest of the rabble, boohoo, woe is me” mindset and wholeheartedly adopted the fact that I’m a big loud dumbass and I’m going to make it everyone’s problem


I’ve had a vision of the future. 

The year is 2066: In honor of Star Trek’s 100th anniversary, Paramount produces a Star Trek Broadway musical, based on The Motion Picture. The stage is a perfect recreation of the Enterprise bridge. The opening song is set to the tune of the original theme. The costumes are covered in glitter, as they were always meant to be. In the final number, a rousing and romantic ballad called “This Simple Feeling,” Kirk and Spock kiss, solidifying their relationship in Star Trek canon. We are all sitting in the audience sobbing. Leonard Nimoy gives a thumbs-up from heaven. The world is good and pure.



So recently, I got calls from the phone number, (937) 353-8319. They claim to be a job service, and one of their “employees”, Carrigan, is friends with whoever the call recipient is, and that Carrigan has recommended you for this $15.00/h “job”. I also got a text message from (937) 607-1493, claiming to be Carrigan, and that they need stuff to “win a scholarship”. I do not know anyone by the name of Carrigan and I know very well that this is a very dangerous scam. If you receive a call from a number, and they ask you if you would like a job for $15.00/h, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY. If you accept the “job” offer, and you go in for an interview, they will give you a drugged bottle of water and you will wake up somewhere you don’t want to be. These phone calls & texts are from a human trafficking service, and if you oblige to them, you will be sold to people and you will be raped, no doubt about it. So PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THESE CALLS OR TEXTS. I have listened to the voicemails, and allowed my dad to do the same, and he learned that anyone offering a $15.00/h “job” is a human trafficker. PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS ALL OVER TUMBLR

Okay, I am reblogging this because it is relevant again. I got another call from a 353 number. Not the exact same number, but I know that it is a trafficker because it’s 353 just like the last one. I also want this to signal boost so PLEASE REBLOG THIS.


Why are people deleting the captions though I had to search for what the pictures meant don’t do that

a side note,  because theyre very popular around the DMV, If you ever see a sign with something akin to ‘free debt erasure’ ‘15/h job’ etc and ONLY A PHONE NUMBER, ignore it. tear it down if you can, because those are well known scams and sex-trafficking baits.do not, by any means, call or respond to these messages. do not let your friends do it. do not.


Oklahoma is one of the worst states as far as human trafficking, so thank y’all so fucking much. That’s literally my life and the lives of everyone I know that y’all just saved. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you


guys pls this needs more reblogs

Be careful

Be careful, these people are ruthless and will definitely do horrible things to others, stay safe.

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