
Hockey And Star Wars Please


Hockey girl and Anakin Skywalker SIMP 21 years old

Logans quartet of adopted teenage girls stopping by to bother him (Added some color to my previous drawing)

*please click for HQ*


I feel like an idiot trying to prepare for my period because I’ll notice mood swings, acne breakouts, an altered appetite, strange cravings, and I’ll be like oh okay I’ll wear a pad tonight so I don’t leak onto my sheets. Only for everything I know about my own hooha to be wrong because I wake up and it’s bone dry. Not a single stain. Oh well let’s wear one to work I’m sure it’s just a little delayed. Nothing. That’s 2 pads wasted. They are not free. I’m not gonna make this same mistake a third time. Naturally it’s going to start the second I crawl into my white bedsheets and it will be delighted that I am no longer ‘wasting’ pads.

Wanna guess what happened this morning


apparently just SEEING someone wearing a kufiya is “unsettling” and “offensive” to Zionists. To me this seems like just another good reason for non-Palestinians to wear it in solidarity. Zionists should not remain comfortable with their position on the wrong side of history.


For 6 months, Israel has been committing genocide in Palastine. They have also been attacking Lebanon and Syria, while sending their sugar Daddy after Yemen.

All this US politicians refer to as self-defense.

But when Iran retaliates after Israel bombed their embassy, they say Iran is "escalating tensions."

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