


i like movies, anime, manga, video games, horror, supernatual, marble hornets, creepypasta, reading, DC, Mavel, comics, undertale, DDLC, star wars and star trek

I went looking for more info on this school, and found it's part of a larger! effort in educating women both in modern skills and in traditional local arts. (Educating girls is a proven way to improve health and fight poverty for the whole community).

Great quick read if you need a break from doomscrolling :


I keep having to tear down extremely predatory/misleading Scien.tology flyers in my school's art building. This is the third fucking time I've ripped the fuckers up and I'm getting Real Fucking Tired of it.

If you see shit like this DO NOT call the number, do not do anything to interact with these fucking people. Take down the posters if you're able to. They do NOT want to help you. They are a literal fucking cult who openly despise psychology and any actual proven mental health science, and are actively trying to trick mentally/emotionally vulnerable people into joining.

The red flags here are "Hubbard," the name of their founder, and "dianetics," the crackpot theory they teach for "auditing" your sins from your past lives.

I’d like to add what @jaspertheshark said in the tags because I feel it’s important



Damn yay berlin


Just in case

I’m actually going to reblog a thing just because this is really important.

As someone who has epilepsy and used to have several grand mal seizures a day, I’d also like to add that “offer help” can range anywhere from keeping the person calm to explaining to them where they are and what they were doing to even just telling them they should sit and rest for a while longer (lack or coordination is common, and it can be hard to walk straight or see clearly).

It’s okay for them to take up to a half hour to fully regain their bearings and sort out what they were doing prior to the seizure. Just answer any questions calmly and be there for support.

If they come around and you start to panic or shake them or ask them what the heck is wrong with them they are going to freak out and panic too.

I cannot stress it enough that this is bad.

If someone has a seizure and they come out of it, please. please stay calm. They are likely disoriented and confused, even if it’s only for a minute or two, and you don’t want them panicking on top of that because they can have another seizure as a result.


IMPORTANT because last year a kid in my class had a seizure, none of us even knew he was at risk for them either so just cause you don’t think you know anyone doesn’t mean you don’t 

stay safe


I have to stress how important it is to time a seizure. If it lasts more than a few minutes, call an ambulance.

DO NOT CALL THE POLICE. I’m dead fucking serious. I had a grand mal in public once and the POLICE were called and imagine coming out of the seizure, feeling like you got smacked in the head with a sack full of bricks, confused, dazed, in desperate need of some sugar to boost low blood pressure and some DIPSHIT has called the police and I was being threatened with being ‘drunk and disorderly’. It took a phone call to my doctors office to get them to back off. The police cannot properly deal with sick people

Offer help can be:

  • assuring person where they are/what time it is
  • getting them something to drink if they can; seizure burns so much energy and does cause a blood pressure drop
  • getting them safely to transport or a carer
  • getting them some dignity like a blanket/towel [loosing control of your bladder and bowels is fucking horrifying]
  • ensuring they have a way to get home. Someone who has just had a seizure should NEVER DRIVE straight after
  • calling emergency services if you notice any of these symptoms because they may have stroked out.

Why you shouldn’t put anything in someone’s mouth: they will choke. Yes, they may bite their tongue but I can assure you it’s less traumatic than cracking your jaw on someone’s greasy wallet or choking on a spoon.

DO NOT HOLD ANYONE DOWN. Example: someone pinned my right shoulder mid-seizure a few years back and how I have a permanently displaced and clicking shoulder. Let the person flail around, those muscles are out of control and restraining them does cause more damage to the patient and you.


Here I am, getting all excited because I see something in my notifications, wondering what it is.

And it’s a damn pornbot 😑


Ikr it sucks


So there was this star wars post i saw awhile ago and can't find it anywhere it is a au about mace windu granting anakin a fake rank of master but anakin thinks its real to fool palpatine, so if anyone knows where to find it i would be gald to know, thank you


humans inviting aliens to visit earth after a long mission and aliens being really excited to go and see the infamous planet that led to the development of such universally renown species but get one look at the ocean and are just. what the fuck is that

and humans are like oh yeah we don’t fuck with that

and aliens are like you literally hop galaxies with little to no understanding of what you’ll find but you won’t venture into your own aquatic abyss?

and humans simply say scan it

five kicks later and aliens say fuck that fuck that fuck that what the fuck how are you all alive let’s go back to the black holes

With us part of the greater galactic community, I can’t decide if it’s funnier that we went to space and just collectively decided to never explore the oceans, or if Cthulu actually lives down there and we’re all just ignoring it until it becomes a problem.


I mean NASA had a department for the ocean they chose space


Saw this on Facebook. Reposting for the PSA.


As I’m always a skeptic and had never heard of this, I had to look up more information. Very true, and here are excellent sources if you want to learn more - 1 and 2


Most flowers, houseplants and succulents at home depot have been treated with neonicotinoids, and this is true of most major big box stores like it. To avoid these pollinator unfriendly pesticides, consider supporting small greenhouses that don’t use them. Many smaller specialty plant shops eschew their use and thanks to the internet many of them also sell online.


Save the bees


like if ur taller than dora

reblog if ur shorter than dora

like and reblog if ur height is same as dora


  I re-blogged this (the first time) in 2014. Today, I tried half a dozen times to re-blog it, and it wouldn’t work. So, I saved the images and re-posted it. I hope it helps make life a little easier. :-)   The original post is by iraffiruse.

Long but cool as hell.

I’ve been using these tips for ten years and not one has failed me.


I am a(n):

⚪ Male

⚪ Female

🔘 Writer

Looking for

⚪ Boyfriend

⚪ Girlfriend

🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can’t remember

*wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat*



the first result isn’t always the one you’re looking for but when you press enter it’ll give you a ton of words related to your query that’ll probably have what you’re wanting, or something better

here’s some examples:


Reblog to save a writer’s sanity.


Was talking about weddings on discord with some friends and like. I'm not getting married. I don't even have a partner. But my cousin got married a year and a half ago, and some of the conversations I had afterwards were very odd, to me.

Scale of one to ten, how mad would you be if someone mentioned their wedding would have a dry reception? Not for 'former alcoholic' reasons or anything, just 'I don't like alcohol and I really don't want to have to deal with drunk people at my own wedding.' People always get weirdly angry when I mention I like the idea of a dry wedding/reception.

Related, would you be upset if an outdoor reception required smokers to go to a designated area when lighting up?


...I am boggled at the notion that either of these might be upsetting or angering anyone. People who want my hypothetical wedding reception to have alcohol more than they want it to be mine are entirely free to not attend, and I'm kinda wondering how they got on my invite list to begin with.

And anyone lights a cigarette, blunt, or other smoky drug thing around me, I'm leaving the immediate area; breathing is difficult enough without making it harder on purpose. Designating an area for smoking is the alternative to both (a) banning smoking from the venue altogether and (b) banning everyone with lung problems, smoke sensitivities, or a general desire to avoid secondhand smoke from the venue.

Yeah, I am absolutely stunned that anyone would be angered by this.

And I’m saying this as someone with severe sensory issues who cannot attend large gatherings without alcohol. Every large gathering before I reached “yeah, you can give her a glass of wine” age ended with me having to leave after maybe half an hour before I had a meltdown.

If you weren’t a very close friend/family, I would just politely pretend I had another engagement and put the money I would have put to travel etc. to a wedding present, and make sure to catch up with you for a coffee around the time.

If you were a close friend/family... Well, then you would probably know that I can’t do crowds, and honestly, having a smoking area very far away from everyone else that I could escape to would maybe give me enough relief to attend. Otherwise, I might just say I’m not feeling well and slip away from the reception early.

Either way, I wouldn’t make the fact that I need a way to deal with sensory overload in a crowd and a moderate amount of alcohol is the best way I’ve come up with so far (and I must stress for anyone reading, I do mean moderate, this is a “glass of wine or lager with food” situation) your problem, especially not on your wedding day.

Also, yes, it’s perfectly reasonable to have a designated smoking area. In fact, especially if you’re serving food, I’ve never known a situation where the smokers don’t go off to their own corner where they don’t bother other people, as that’s just the polite thing to do... But maybe that’s just my family’s etiquette... Or (idk where OP is or the laws there) the fact that everyone’s gotten used to the designated smoking areas in most venues in the UK.

The smoking thing was on my mind because I attended my cousin's wedding about... God, two years ago? Before COVID, where the reception was indoors and every table had an ash tray and I had to go onto the balcony every little bit to breathe.

I live in the US, but most of my extended family live in Serbia, which is has the seventh highest rates of tobacco use (as a percentage of the population over age fifteen) in the world. If I invite any of them, I have to allow for the fact that I can't ban smoking without inviting a withdrawal incident of some sort.

Indoor reception is an easy situation, just go outside if you need a smoke. But an outdoor reception where I could be seen as micromanaging if I ask people to herd themselves to a designated area for smoking...? Less so.

Similarly, my optimal alcohol situation would be a drink limit, or a "we're providing drinks but if you get drunk enough to cause a scene, you'll be asked to leave" because I KNOW people like to drink at happy events, but saying "please don't go overboard" would be like... I feel like that would come across as MORE micro-manage-y than just going completely dry.


If my friend were to get married she would probably have a dry wedding/reception because she can't be around alcohol for reasons, you don't always need alcohol to have a good time

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