

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

That feeling when you were someone’s anon a while back but they changed their name while you were MIA and you don’t know who they are anymore

@ me trying to transcend space and time to figure out what damn conversations I was having with this person literally over a year ago

I have given up for now 😔

it is literally a YEAR later and I FOUND THEM OMG it’s a glorious day


you’re all full of shit, y’all may hate the man, but i bet if you saw your president getting attacked, no matter how much you dislike him or disagree with him, I BET 93% of you will jump in and defend the fucker with your life, you’d fight to the death if you must, to save that hateful orange.

I would literally do crack to hit him harder

Endeavor: Shouto, heroes don't need friends
Shouto: But-
Endeavor: You shouldn't be friends with that finger destroyer kid. Or anyone. Friends are distractions
Shouto, pointing at the macaroni friendship bracelet Hawks made him: Then what's that?
Endeavor, eating the bracelet: I Have No Idea What You're Talking About

Jorge Gonzalez, suffered a broken neck, and a compressed spine at the hands of 3 sheriff deputies in Texas. He couldn’t even hold his head up for this mugshot…so they had to hold it up for him. They actually thought the mugshot was more important than a hospital visit.

After a deputy tripped him he hit his face hard and went unconscious. They tased him couple of times “to wake him up”.

He was left paralyzed neck down, went through a series of surgeries, and was in ICU on the ventilator for over a month after the arrest.

According to the hospital he went over 26 hours in Hidalgo County jail without necessary medical attention that could have saved his life.

“Deputies advised Gonzalez he was being placed under arrest for violating the emergency management plan, according to the complaint. He was also informed he was going to be charged with public intoxication.”

These cops beat a man to death because he was outside.

There are inconsistencies in the report and they fail to provide details about how he allegedly resisted arrest. Nevermind that nothing in this report - not a shelter-in-place violation, not drinking, not resisting arrest - justify multiple people ganging up on one person, breaking his neck, and failing to obtain medical care.

This man died because police are the institutionalization of prejudice and brutality, and this country requires you have papers to be treated like a human and insurance to live.

They didn’t even take him to the hospital in an ambulance.


Please sign the petition to get the 3 cops fired.

And if you can, donate to the Gonzales family!!

Both are SOO CLOSE to reaching their goals!!


NEED to hurry up and get my kids and I OUT OF HERE [abusive partner]

tl;dr. need donations; been saving up to escape, had to use most of my savings while leaving was not yet an option, but now it’s finally gonna happen 💖


may have seen previous posts around, but the long story short is things have gotten worse. i still have some money saved up, but it’s only 330 dollars.

however, it’s now CRUNCH TIME. which means i can forsee escaping in a month, maybe just a bit longer depending on factors.

i’ve got a low income apartment my mom and i are looking into so we can live close, so my kids will have trusted babysitters while i continue to work. i have a car (needs fixing, but i think my savings can afford it)

paypal: imposterwarp@gmail.com ⭐

cashapp: $sinisterspiral ⭐

venmo: kashebu ⭐

please boost and thank you to anyone who can donate.


also, i’m now in a good position to handle commissions; so if you’d like that, DM me here or on my art blog, slimealiens 🎨

Oh god he found out I’m leaving this has become SUPER urgent!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

i’m touched by the generosity on day one of this post (7/31)

counting what i’d managed to save, i now have 340 dollars. still trying to contact the car guy abt how much repair costs will be plus tags and registration, plus waiting on a call back from the apartment complex

so please keep boosting!! i’m gonna need quite a bit to get started, out, and furnish the new apartment when i get in, in which point hopefully my job can keep us afloat

thank you all once again <3



did y’all see the guidelines for homeless shelters turning away trans people (specifically trans women)? every line of it is so awful. if you can, PLEASE donate towards homeless trans women today. these shelters are not safe for them.


https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020/07/trump-administration-memo-explains-spot-transgender-woman/ <- heres the article if anybody else wanted to read it


this shit is going to, once again, disproportionately impact tpoc. go donate to this gofundme, reblog with other supports or gofundmes you know about.


We would like to discuss the current situation regarding SVT’s recent actions.

Here is a post which explains the situation clearly, so please read that post if you are unsure what we are referring to.

We currently believe that SVT should make a statement about this issue, acknowledging their discriminatory actions and apologising as well. At this point in time (18th of July), Pledis Entertainment seem to be trying their best to skim over this issue and pretend nothing has happened. We don’t support this approach at all.

We encourage everyone to use the resources listed in this post to email pledis/make posts and comments on weverse/twt/any social media SVT will be able to see. Even though Pledis are trying to ignore this, please keep speaking up and demanding justice.

This issue of racism is something that affects POC carats everywhere, and especially following from the recent rise in support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, we think it’s important we stay educated and informed on racism as a fandom.

We think it’s important that SVT blogs acknowledge this situation and speak up about the racial injustice perpetuated by the members who referenced that song/laughed at it. While it is a personal choice to continue supporting SVT, this incident is a result of the issue of systemic racism, and we encourage all carats to take time to understand this.

Finally, at this time, we strongly believe that carats who are not South Asian should NOT speak over the South Asians in this fandom, dismiss their feelings or urge them not to express their anger to SVT or Pledis.

South Asian carats have the right to do these things, and we think the fandom as a whole should amplify their voices and support them in speaking up about this.

Anybody is welcome to unfollow us if they disagree with this viewpoint.

@SaraSoueidan: Dear men, This is how you greet a veiled Muslim woman (a Hijabi). Hand on your chest, not offering to shake hers. 🙋

so prominent BLM activist deray mckesson just retweeted this which i think is super cool for various reasons :)))

I did not know this. Is it OK for a non Muslim woman to shake hands with a Hijabi? Or do we do the hand on chest thing too?@popcanpoli

hey so i don’t wear a hijab and i’m not muslim so i definitely don’t have the authority to answer this question (or any other questions i’ve been getting abt this) (i’m just a lil canadian politics blog i didn’t expect this to blow up lol) 

BUT here are some tweets by the original tweeter (who wears a hijab) that clarify some things




This is also good if you’re meeting an Orthodox Jewish person who’s not the same gender as you!  Not all Orthodox Jews hold by this restriction, and many consider it a permissible exception to shake hands in a formal greeting context; I’d guess this is parallel to Ms. Soueidan’s last-quoted tweet above.  And as that says, the sensible thing is to wait for initiation.


learned something new. awesome

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