
Parasite‽ It's a term of endearment.

@kylocentric / kylocentric.tumblr.com


I tripped down the stairs today and when I landed for a solid 6 seconds I swore to God you were standing over me gently shaking your head and pushing your glasses up your face. Tell your admin she's ruined me


My admin has done nothing of the sort.. and, of course I was. How foolish of you, to you trip over your own feet. Of course, I should expect nothing less from a.. worm like you.




We are sharing some of our favourite gifs each day this month for Antifa International’s anniversary. Today: Nazi monuments being destroyed after the defeat of Nazi Germany.


Okay but lets illustrate how much white privileged is involved with this story. The weapons this little demon used to kill Grant Nelson were stolen from Walmart. She walked into Walmart, grabbed a machete and a knife, and then just casually walked out the door without anyone attempting to stop her. You get a box of tampons from Walmart and you don’t have it in a bag, they wanna check your receipt. Becky the Sociopath walked out unchecked with literal weapons.

Then she had time to wait outside for the uber this poor man drove to come pick her up. Then she got in his back seat and stabbed him multiple times, pushed him out onto the street, and stole the car. He was able to tell the police who stabbed him before he died. She then crashes the car and is found by the police hiding behind a tree covered in blood. The police try to gently coerce her into dropping her fucking blood covered knives and when she refuses do they shoot her eight times? Oh noooo Lizzy Borden gets tazed and brought in unharmed.

Like just think about the stories that have come out these past two weeks alone. The unarmed black teenager who were literally murdered based on vague suspicion and this girl actually kills someone and is still standing.

The white girl who stole weapons from Walmart and killed an Uber driver was taken alive.

The white guy who took weapons to a convention and planned to kill Jason David Frank and multiple police officers was taken alive.

The white guy who murdered two men who had tried to defend the Muslim women he was harassing was taken alive.

Don’t tell me police had to kill Tamir Rice or Michael Brown or ANYONE else out of caution or fear for their safety. Not when white people who are legitimate threats, even direct threats to police, are routinely taken alive.


i’m gonna be honest i didn’t even read the tweet because i had to hit reblog too fast when i saw this guy’s name is “i like hitting police because i am homosexual”

can confirm that is legit what that says lmaooo

It really does


An activate charcoal AND grapefruit smoothie called "what will your meds do ;)"

Actually its a juice

Wait no this was a joke


you're on antidepressants and you drink this you meet the devil


Ok I just want to say activated charcoal is really good for you. Especially if you have an upset stomach. Take it, and it'll absorb all the toxins in your stomach and make you feel better.

Natural remedies are good. They do work. And we shouldn't make fun of them.

You know how they give activated charcoal to dogs and cats if they get into your meds or drink coolant or anything else toxic? That’s because it binds with meds and carries them out of your system without them interacting with your body.

If you’re on meds and drink this bullshit you’re not on your meds today, champ. You may as well have flushed them down the toilet. So kiss goodbye to your blood pressure meds/antidepressants/anything else you’re on and if you’re on the pill I hope you’re ready to be a mom.

Among its other charming traits, activated charcoal can prevent your body from digesting food and absorbing nutrients and oh yeah side effects can include “diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and blockage of the digestive tract.” (Source)

But ya know, “really good for you.” 🙄

This is gonna be a very unpopular opinion but I don't care

Activated charcoal is a medication, not a food additive, and should not be taken if you're not sick. It absorbs toxins, as well as other chemicals in your stomach. And by toxins I mean actual toxic stuff when you accidentally poison yourself. Not the mysterious "toxins" you get rid of when you "detox". "Detox" is bullshit. You detox by having a working liver. If you're alive and not currently dying of liver failure, odds are you liver is working and therefore you don't need to detox and eat activated charcoal when you're not having food poisoning.

You wouldn't just make yourself an ibuprofen latte, so stop putting activated charcoal in everything.

You wouldn't just make yourself an ibuprofen latte, so stop putting activated charcoal in everything.”

Just in case someone missed it

Also incredibly important

Also, on the off chance the activated charcoal doesn’t immediately suck everything out of your body, grapefruit is literally the (second) worst possible thing you can eat or drink when you’re on medication, as it interacts with a LOT of them, and you should always double check- https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/grapefruit-juice-and-some-drugs-dont-mix


the sheer energies present here..

for the uninformed i would like to point out the many layers of this tweet:

the op, whose name is currently "captain a.c.a.b.", is jeffrey cranor, writer of popular podcast "welcome to night vale"

the quote retweet is cecil baldwin, voice of said podcast, "welcome to night vale"

the tweet is liked by noelle stevenson, showrunner/creator of popular netflix show "she ra and the princesses of power"

the joke itself is comparing the tulsa trump rally to tumblr dashcon, which is a circa-2014 tumblr joke

which implies that all three of these internet pseudo celebs found the dashcon joke funny enough to like/retweet/quote-retweet im reeling




Man, how soon we forget. History is being unwritten before my eyes.

Night Vale had to pull out of Dashcon, yes, because Dashcon refused to pay them. Likewise, Noelle Stevenson was there, & had to pull out part of the way through the con when she found out that she would have to pay for her hotel room. The Night Vale group let Noelle Stevenson stay with them in their room. (She has since designed merch for them + been invited backstage to their live shows.)

This post is not just random internet celebrities posting old memes. This is also a toast to the beginning of their friendship.



yall I fucking bled for this peice of trash pls like it 

oh. I thought it was a photo.

Damn it took me 5 minutes to figure out why you wanted people to like a picture of soap. You did such a good job people think you are just posting random pics of soap.

this isn’t the fist time this has happened, I painted lube and everyone was confused that I posted a picture of lube 

Here are some other paintings I’ve done, if anyone’s interested 👀 ( three of these are based off photos)



Bro you better be making so much money off of this-

Actually I have negative $40 dollars to my name, I’m gonna get fined by my bank soon lmfao

Did a quick check of the OP and they have prints available on RB, username sofakills

op doing art so good people think they just postin random pictures smh




May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨

10 of Pentz came thruuu


Omg this actually works!!! Thank you 10 of Pentacles!!!

I could seriously use this money right now….

Please give me my refund of 400$ soon…

I feel obligated to reblog this every time it shows up in my dash

No bragging, just 100% floored and grateful. Work hard, maintain a positive attitude, and believe that anything can happen.

So I reblogged this exactly a week ago because I thought it was funny and uh lo and behold, a family friend wrote me a big ol’ check just to help me out of a tough financial spot AND my bank refunded me $32 for fees they’d originally taken out. SO UH YEAH. Reblogging this again in hopes that it brings equally good fortune to my followers.


Sure why not? Jobs bring in money and prosperity…



It fucking WORKED.

Reblogging cuz what the hell 😂

reblogging this bc i saw my dream car for sale and they’re willing to work with on the payments😭


moneys a little short right now… please

I guess I could use some money

I’m desparate lol

I’m super desperate



Could pay for college 🥺


10 of Pentacles please please a girl is begging

The male benders in ATLA: Really good. They worked hard to get where they are skill wise and while it hasn't always been easy, they are capable and can hold their own in a fight. One of them was even the Avatar, which is pretty impressive since he mastered the elements at age twelve, rather than start learning at 16 like most Avatars.
The female benders in ATLA: Inarguably the most powerful and unmatched humans in the entire world. Prodigies, masters, and creators of subbending styles. One was compared in skill to the Fire Lord at age EIGHT and able to perform one of the rarest and most difficult forms by 14. She couldn't be defeated by another's (even the Avatar's) bending alone. Only faced defeat when fighting two other master benders while on the verge of a complete mental breakdown (officially being defeated by different female bender). Another held an entire city up by a single turret while standing on unstable ground, and then went on to invent her own bending style at the age of twelve. One mastered her element in mere WEEKS, mastered bloodbending and defeated the woman who INVENTED IT the FIRST TIME SHE EVER ATTEMPTED IT, held her own against a master waterbender without ANY TRAINING, and fully healed someone from a fatal wound, making her a master at two vastly different forms of waterbending at the age of 14. A female Avatar quite literally reshaped the planet and created her own ISLAND. AND MOVED IT ACROSS THE SEA. These women shown in the show are not only the most powerful and talented females in their universe, but also in almost any known piece of television or fiction, all while being completely fleshed out and complex characters, not being defined as nothing but 'strong'. Each has their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

I got real petty over on the Facebook page and IT WAS GLORIOUS.


This is me, going to check out Legendary Books now…

Publisher: We think that the way the fantasy genre treats women is problematic so we’re going to try and do better

A Fool: If you don’t like it why don’t you make your own!

Publisher: That

That is literally what we just said we are doing


BOY it feels good to be back in this particular saddle!

AHAHAHAHAHA we have a winner for today!



if anybody like me a) lol’d and b) wanted to get my hands on that book series, here’s the link

This is magically what I’m looking for right now.


Hi Legendary Books, I’ll take one of everything.


I literally don’t have the space for any more physical books, but I’ve downloaded every Underrealm book on Kindle. I read The Alchemist’s Touch specifically because of this post and I seriously can’t recommend the Underrealm books enough. they are absolutely fantastic.

I don’t really read anymore, not like i used to. And of i get a masters this year like i am planning to then that isn’t going to change. But hell yes I’m going to go and buy these books because THIS is exactly the kind of thing that i want to support!


One day I will have a job and a bank account and I will have money from the job in the bank account and I will use some of the money to purchase these books


You’ve always been wonderful to me, twisted little hellsite though you be. Now check this out.

Do you like wizards? Do you like girlfriends?


(Of course you fucking do)

Stick your entire face into a fantasy adventure where two kickass lesbians of color magic the shit out of every asshole they see

Support a queer disabled author

And do it for a buck.



A bunch of people out there don’t think books like this can ever be successful.

Fucken prove them wrong, babes.

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