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Углавном ћу користити овде српски али користићу и енглески. Most of my posts will be in/tagged in Serbian but since im fluent in English the content will be translated accordingly. I make content regarding Serbia, my OCs ,history and also (although a bit less frequently) content from various fandoms that I find myself in.     -Chats : Serbian-Српски/English.                                                                               -Tags will be mostly in Serbian./Тагови ће вам углавном бити на српском.

Tadija as a freedom fighter, chetnik circa 1900s.


Basically this is the personification of North Macedonia. Macedonia, or simply put Tadija, has a complicated relationship with his identity identity, history and honestly his whole neighborhood. I wanted to make a sort of continuation of my former drawing of Montenegro but with all of my country/region male characters, in a monochromatic colour scheme. Since Montenegro was wearing a traditional costume that also doubled as his military uniform I wanted to make more illustrations with male characters in uniforma because Y E S- uniforms are somewhat attractive and fun to draw.

Tadija spent a long time with a sort of fluid identity, although most fluid among those were ethnic and social ones, he was sort of always constant with his faith. Surprising no one who follows me, Tadija was most often a Serb in my stories, he however did have perioda where he identified with Bulgaria and other cultures around him depending on the time period. While fighting against the Ottomans he sides with Vesna (Serbia) and identified as a Serb however as nations and powerful countries fell and sprung around him, he yearned for his own nation and not be subservient to his former love. He was a Chetnik before and during the Great War, with most of his land falling to Vesna it's no surprise that they became closer. However, despite their personal relationship being close he still yearned to be separate and distinct from her and the neighbours that surrounded them, with the help of Bulgaria Tadija started to secretly associate with terrorist groups that were fighting to separate Vardarska from the newly formed Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Technically speaking, he identified as a Macedonian way before the communists came to power, he only openly started doing so with the new regime.

Despite him rejecting Vesna's identity and the history they share, with all the neighbours that surround him -she's probably the one he has the best relationship with. Personally and politically, and although he doesn't know how to show it he appreciates her support. He argues with Greece, his relationship with Albania is always filled with tension and his interactions with Bulgaria always lead to fights about history and how Tadija should accept his identity. In the past he sided with Vesna because she was the stronger nation with whom he shared a lot of his ideals with, he also had a long personal history with Vesna which was filled with drama, friendship, romance and camaraderie. Who knows where his future will take him. Let's hope another crisis doesn't erupt.


У суштини, он је персонификација Северне Македоније. Македонија, или једноставно Тадија, има сложен однос са својим идентитетом, историјом и, искрено, свим својим суседством. Желела сам да направим својеврсни наставак свог претходног црно- белог цртежа са Црном Гором , али са свим мушким ликовима који су персонификације земаља/ регионе, у монохроматској шеми боја. Пошто је Црноје (ЦГ) носио традиционалну ношњу која му је такође служила као војна униформа, желела сам да направим више илустрација са мушким ликовима у униформи, јер је да се не лажемо униформа привлачна и забавна за цртање.

Тадија је дуго имао неку врсту флуидног идентитета, иако су међу њима били најпроменљивији етнички и социјални идентитети, увек је био на неки начин константан у својем верском идентитету. Никога ко ме прати не чуди што је Тадија најчешће био Србин у мојим причама, иако се он сам тако данас неби изјашњавао међутим, имао је периоде у којима се поистовећивао са Бугарском и другим културама/земљама око себе у зависности од временског периода. Борећи се против Османлија, стао је на страну Весне (Србија) и изјашњавао се као Србин, међутим, како су се народи и моћне земље распадали и настајали око њега, чезнуо је за сопственом нацијом и посебним идентитетом, где идеално речено неби био потчињен својој љубавницом. Био је четник пре и током Великог рата, када је током Балканских ратова добар део његове данашњем територије био додељен Весни, није ни чудо што су се зближили. Међутим, иако су њихови лични односи били много блиски, он је и даље тежио да буде одвојен од ње и комшијс који су их окруживали, уз помоћ Бугарске Тадија је почела тајно да контактира терористичке групе које су се бориле за одвајање Вардарске од новоформиране Краљевине Југославије. Технички гледано, идентификовао се као Македонац пре него што су комунисти уопште дошли на власт са свим својим променама, али тек њиховим доласком је отворено почео тако да се изјашњава.

Иако одбацује Веснин идентитет (читајте као "српски") и историју коју деле, наспрам свих комшија које га окружују, она је вероватно једина са којом има најбољу везу. Лично и политички, и иако је он неспособан то да покаже, цени њену подршку. Он се расправља са Грчком око историје, његов однос са Албанијом је увек пун напетости, а његова интеракција са Бугарском увек доводе до расправа о историји и о томе како Тадија треба да прихвати његов (читајте као "бугарски ") идентитет. У прошлости је био на страни Весне јер је она била јача земља са којом је делио многе своје идеале, имао је и дугу личну историју са Весном које је било испуњена драмом, пријатељством, романтиком и савезништвом.

Ко зна где ће га будућност одвести. Надајмо се да неће избити још једна криза.



-Иако се трудим да користим српски овде не знам да ли ћу наставити да га користим . Пошто овај налог има мање пратиоца него мој прошли, на коме сам раније на енглеском писала, можда ћу поново писати на енглеском.

Елем, ево сцена из кратке фикције о мојим ликовима. Нисам се навикла позадине лепо да цртам али вежбам, пејзажи и природне позадине ми иду лакше али природно светло ме полако убија.
Sometime after their divorce.
Crnoje clearing his throat sits by the foot of their former bed: "Vesna, I know it's been a while, try and control yourself, I need some rest.'' he jokes
Vesna kicks him off the bed
Crnoje: ''What the hell was that for!?"
Vesna:-" You're not getting in this bed, Crnoje."
Crnoje:-" Then where am I supposed to sleep?"
Vesna: -"On the floor, like any dog."

Beautiful faith:

It is the latter half of the First Millennium, Christianity while slowly being accepted was far from being widespread in the Balkans. There were a few tribes and places that claimed Christ as their Lord, but mostly... pagans/heretics roamed around.

Veroljub had spent many years, for the Lord allowed him to stay young for many centuries, preaching his holy name. The folks he met were a colourful bunch, many disliked him for promoting a humble life and begging. He was neither the first nor last Christian sect trying to spread the word of God among these heathens. Yet, among these menageries of characters appeared a girl. No older than 5 or 6, if he could tell? The girl was shorter than himself but she followed him around, making the wrath of her parents fall upon Veroljub's shoulders whenever they were seen together. Yet he knew, she wasn't normal- well, not a human at least. He saw her a few centuries back and she seemed to be spying on him a lot. Her name was Vesna, she listened to his sermons and seemed to be inspired by his words, yet he couldn't help but think things wouldn't last. He suspected she listened to him because of a crush she might have, he didn't want her to waste his time. His job was to spread the word not humour a pagan baby. Well, honestly now he wasn't so sure about her.

A week had past and he sat by the bed's end, looking at the girl lying unconscious in his bed, as he had brought her after the incident. Blue, slightly purplish veins are visible on her pale body due to the trauma. How she had the guts to act out in this environment he had no clue but she spread the word. The Lord works in mysterious ways. they say...

It was a stormy night, Veroljub hid his cloaked frame and watched the villagers argue. All yelling at that small little brunette, who spoke about his faith with such vigour and passion that it made him feel goosebumps all over his small frame. Why had she snapped like that? Veroljub watched the villagers for he had been visiting secretly a few who converted and noticed the commotion.

If you look at it it seemed ridiculous, seeing a child argue with her elders about something bigger than them all, if he wasn't so shocked he'd be impressed. He observed and listened in.

Elder: ''Vesna, child, what do you know about the gods? You are aware there are many of them, right? Yet, you foolishly spout such nonsense as if you know better than us. Speaking of ''The One'' - Look at yourself! You look like a beggar, what kind of god would allow that? Oh dear, your poor mother Slavica! And the shame you bring upon her and your father!'' The man belittled the girl, although it seemed more if he was scolding her for her foolish behaviour.

Veroljub was aware that the heathens disliked his faith, for claiming that their gods were below his God, for he was the only true one. All the others standing as false gods, in comparison. Yet, he met the girl's parents and they were pagans... that Vesna, she stood out to him. He couldn't explain the confusion boggling him but he listened on.

Vesna: '' You are all being fooled, my teachers have taught me that the Lord is one, you all believe in totems and call them gods! I thought so as well. But no, no, that can't be, I know the truth... He appeared to me in a dream! My God is love, the beginning and the end, he-'' '

the girl's speech was interrupted by a few more elders trying to send her home, however, their attempts were cut short by thunder. People covered. Thinking the child's brash tongue had angered the Gods, or specifically Perun-the Thunder God himself.

An old woman barked at Vesna, worry plastered on her face.

Old lady: ''Bite your tongue, foolish child! Do you want to be stricken down by lightning, run home this instant! Lest you want Perun to hear you! ''

Veroljub looked and frowned, unsure if this child is unaware or completely bold. Such a sharp tongue, sure he didn't like them but he disliked when people disrespected their elders, for that was a sin as well.

But what happened next still makes Veroljub shudder.

Vesna, from her tunic's pocket, pulled out a medium-sized cross. It shined in the moonlight and reflected the lighting from afar. It didn't look like a normal wooden cross, maybe it was polished? -who knows. Where did she even get that?

Strange as it seemed the cross was made from both wood and metal, though that part was not important. Vesna raised it above her head and started shouting up to the heavens, her voice rivalling the echoes of the thunder.

Vesna: ''Your false gods can do me no harm, the Lord is one! Damn you, Perun the Thunderer, may you be damned! You are nothing, nothing compared to the Father, Son and ...and the Holy Spirit! '' for a moment she stuttered, almost like she forgot to mention the whole trinity "Glory be to God; The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...Ame-"

the next few seconds were a blur. The cross Vesna held was struck by lighting, the imagery made the villagers run away in all directions, screaming and afraid of the wrath of their mighty thunder God. Veroljub's mouth fell agape immediately and he had covered it, however, the horror in his eyes was were easy to recognize. For a few seconds, only a white light shone blinding, the girl's body became almost see-through. She stood, her eyes wide and her hair standing up from the electricity.

Vesna gasps: "A...men. . . " she fell to the muddy ground, hand clenched to the cross that burnt her hand.

Yeah, that's what happened. Yet...something had been bothering him. To the pagans it looked like she had been punished, for where had the foolish girl's God been then, when Perun had stricken her down? Well, when the people ran and the blinding light had engulfed the night, for a few seconds Veroljub felt as if his eyes playing tricks on him. Behind Vesna, as she was being struck by lightning, there was a short moment when he had seen a figure looming over her. Huge wings, intimidating to the eyes, took most of the damage, as the girl slowly fell to the ground. Like she had been gently placed onto the muddied surface.

He couldn't explain what he had seen, however an explanation that made sense left him even more flabbergasted. Had Lord sent an angel to protect her from the pagans' lowly god? So she truly spoke when she mentioned the Lord speaking to her. As the image repeated in his mind Veroljub had the urge to weep at the little girl's valiant expression of faith.

A few moments he hears Vesna groaning as he's close to the bed, fearing his honey-brown eyes might've spooked the little one.

Vesna: ''Ouch, ouch it hurts... Vero, teacher, what are you doing here? Where am I?''

Veroljub got down to his knees and placed his hand over hers, staring at her with amazement and tears of joy in his eyes,

Veroljub:''A miracle, she's alive, it's a miracle, my God! ..This is the Lord's miracle...!'' he mumbled and grinned at her confused face, something which he rarely did with anyone.

''Your faith... I find it to be beautiful !''

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