

@deathcomes4u / deathcomes4u.tumblr.com

Because it became convenient to do so. Warning this blog is not always safe for work. I got bored with the flashy robo-wang background but i like the blog title. It has been he man for some time and will stay that way. *edit* DESPITE TUMBLR THROWING OUT MY OLD THEME I STAND BY HE-MAN. FUCK YOU TUMBLR.

no bc this video has me in TEARS it looks like a sketch or a bit or a fucking tiktok but no that woman is legitimately fighting for her life while this bitch records some socmed segment for a ski resort

And they uplo… they uploaded it.


The following day:


Me and my pal's wonderful nickname for vlad <333 hed probably make it himself and everyone has no idea if its worn as an affirmation or as if its a fact.


“Do you remember when I sold my soul a few years back?”

The tapping at the keyboard did not still. “Yes of cour— Tim, you sold your soul?”

“Oh my god, you forgot.” He dramatically threw a hand against his chest, collapsing sideways out of the chair to land on the cave floor. “I’m wounded. In my cold, soulless heart, shot straight through it. You forgot I sold my soul. Dick, how could you?”

“It’s been a hectic few years-“

“It’s my soul Richard Greyson. Isn’t that important? I sold my soul to the Ghost King and now it’s apparently changed hands.”

“The Ghost King sold your already sold soul?!?”

Tim sat back up, using the BatDesk to pull himself to his feet. “Nah, apparently the og king got bested in combat and the new king now owns it. He sent me a letter. So we could meet. And potentially discuss me repossessing my soul. Anyway, are you free Thursday cause that’s when he’s picking me up and he said I could bring a friend. Cissie already said no, so you’re the next on my list.”

Dick had long since abandoned whatever report he’d been working on and was staring at Tim with what could only be described as ‘major concern.’ “Can we please backtrack to the fact you sold your soul to a Cthulhu-like entity?”


Meme under the cut


i know it’s all just jokes but i think we should fr stop acting like the people around us don’t have inner lives. “npc” becoming an acceptable term to call people is very disturbing to me like genuinely idc if it’s not that deep…. plus the new phenomena of calling things you find no substance in “coworker music/movies/etc” like i get the conceit of the joke but i think when you refer to other people in that way consistently, you start to genuinely become convinced that people are just there to fill the background of your life, that they don’t have hobbies or families or lives beyond what you perceive, and that’s so bad. that’s sooooo bad to think of people


I am seeing “NPCs” appear in more and more places, accompanied by literal threats of violence around shit like “stupid NPCs deserve to be killed because who cares” and that is intensely frightening. Labeling anyone who’s not just like you as an Other with no worth is a huge red alert


spiders have got to figure out contracting I need to be able to call my local spiders union and be like "hey can you send a guy out for a few days the fruit flies are back" and then pay it in spider currency. I'll learn the conversion rates. I'll be generous with my rounding. please.


My brother and a friend stayed over this weekend and Vice hid until everyone was asleep but then came and woke me up by crying in incredible distress at 3am. Which is really unlike him. So I did Show me! Show me! and followed Vice all the way through the house

And he showed me my brother, asleep on the couch. Which Vice found incredibly distressing, and pretty clearly wanted me to remedy by making him wake up and leave posthaste.

Vice when there are humans in the house:

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