
Minyard/Josten Rivalry

@alternatewrld / alternatewrld.tumblr.com

She/her, 23, multiple fandoms
Jayce: I have a new science headcannon!
Viktor: Can't you just say hypothesis like a normal person?
Jayce: So anyways, my science headcannon is...
Jinx: Vi's my sister, not yours. You will never be her sister!
Caitlyn: ...
Caitlyn: You have severely misread the situation.

working full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay........ being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS.... sorry i’m just heated about capitalism again i’ll be fine


8 days....never thought about it like that 😓

This seems really whiny to me. Like, I agree with you, work sucks, but our ancestors didn’t get to browse tumblr at their desks or have the option to gleefully spend their ENTIRE WEEKENDS horizontal on the couch stuffing their faces/watching tv/playing video games/wacking off.  They didn’t have weekends. They just slaved away as fucking peasants from dawn to dusk until they died in childbirth or got the consumption.

I am perfectly happy working 8 hrs a day because I don’t have to:

grow my own food

find my own clean water

heat my house

shit in the woods

Hi, I study social and cultural anthropology. Humans working 40+ hours a week is 100% an industrial revolution thing and was not normal in the early stages of our existence. In fact, hunter and gatherer societies that still exist to this day spend about 15-20 hours a week TOPS working. The rest is dedicated to sitting around and telling stories and jokes, dancing, singing, eating, sleeping, fucking and so forth. Read a damn book.


When the medieval peasant - the iconic, screwed over, worst off person of pop culture - had more days and time off than you, something’s gone wrong. And apparently something has been wrong for a while now...


one of my fave Jingyi moments from the novel that didn’t make it into the live-action.


The type of the mother I’m trying to be. Not just encourage bodily autonomy, but reward displays of it, even when it might make someone else in the room uncomfortable.

I’ve made so many people uncomfortable in supporting my daughter’s personal space. People will try to hug her, she’ll sometimes say “No, thank you” and the adult will look at me to make her do it, but I just say “It’s ok honey, you don’t have to hug anyone you don’t want to.” It makes people irrationally huffy, making me feel even more justified in supporting my daughter’s choices. Creeps.


I legit had to mom-voice some random woman with a “she said no!” when she tried to force a hug on Madison. (who was not very good at verbalizing to people she didn’t know/trust at the time)

She replied, “I just want a hug, it won’t hurt her.”

Me: She. Said. No.  

There aren’t many things more important than letting my daughter know that I have her back when it comes to something like this. 


I work with five year olds and I had a very long talk with them about permission and that your body belongs to yourself and no one else. “Even if you want to hug your friend, you need to stop and ask if it’s okay and if they don’t want you to touch them, you should respect that choice and not do it.” they were like “cool” and then every time after that they had no problem asking their friends “can I give you a hug?” Or “can I hold your hand?” Very politely. If their friend said no, they shrugged and went on with their life. They even started asking me if they could hug me or if it was okay to hold my hand when they were sad. And I always ask when they need comfort “do you need or want a hug?” If they say no, I ask “okay, let me know what we can do as a class to help you feel better. Quiet time? Do you want a stuffed animal? Sit on the couch? Do you need some time alone?” They verbalize what they need and they become aware of their own autonomy and their ability and power to say “no.” Just because someone is an adult does NOT give them the right to hug a child who has said “no” or “no thanks.” Teach then that they own their own body, and no one else is in charge of it. Teach them the power of NO.

^^^^^this is so important


Question about the untamed. I wanted to watch the show to read your fic, because I feel like I am missing something great by not reading it. So do I have to watch it? Also is it queerbaiting or is it really gay?


Ah...I try not to infodump with my stories, but I also try to give a good bit of information about the characters. With MDZS/The Untamed, there’s a lot of wikis out there that I think you can find out what you need to fill in the blanks.

Generally speaking, Wei Wuxian/Wei Ying was orphaned at a young age and taken in by someone who seemed to have a crush on his mother and was close friends/the clan lord to his father, and whose wife doesn’t like him (the whole ‘my husband liked his mother’ thing). He got along well with his foster siblings, though there was a bit of competition with his younger brother (mostly because of his foster parents). He’s brilliant at basically anything he puts his mind to, self-sacrificing, a huge flirt (but doesn’t see it through), can be brash and arrogant at times (see brilliant), and is a huge believer in justice (which gets him into huge trouble, along w/ the self-sacrificing part).

The other main character is Lan Wangji/Lan Zhan (the courtesy names and nicknames can make things confusing), who is quiet and stoic and on the surface seems Wei Ying’s opposite (other than also being intelligent and very good at almost everything). He lost his mother at a young age and his father was non-existent in his life, leaving him to be raised by a strict uncle and an older brother who adores him. He doesn’t speak or show much emotion (the Lans are WAY into self-restraint), but it’s there. Oh is it there.

I’ll leave it at that due to spoilers.

I know some people complain that the Untamed did away with MDZS’s gay storyline (you can find the novel’s translations online here, they did a great job translating it), but the show aired in China, which does have very strict censorship. They did what they could to keep the relationship intact, and while it’s not explicit, it’s definitely there in a ‘read between the lines’ way and with certain allusions (the chickens!, soulmates!, the ribbon) and the fact that they don’t give the two main characters hetero relationships.

This may have been a bit rambling, but considering how many people get sucked into this fandom, I think it may be worth your time to read the novel (or manga) or watch the show (just... ignore the terrible special effects, in the first couple episodes) or the even the anime. There’s also a ton of great fics out there.

“Your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay. 
This is not news to you. But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive.”

this scene really stuck with me, and it’s probably been done by everyone by now, but i just had to draw my own rendition


Netflix: Repeat after me, Shadow

The fandom: shadow

Netflix: and

The fandom: and

Netflix: bone

The fandom: bone

Netflix: Shadow and bone!

The fandom: Six of crows!


رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ

"My God, I am truly in great need of any good that You might send down to me." {Quran - 28:24}


So I used to have a Russian friend who had a pretty thick accent and like a lot of Russians tended to eschew articles. She would say things like “Get in car.” And stuff.

Well one day this asshole who had been kind of tagging along with us asks her why she talks like that because it makes her sound dumb and I still remember her response word for word.

“Me? Dumb? Maybe in America you have to say get in THE car because you are so stupid that people might just get in random car, but in Russia we don’t need to say that. We just fucking know because we are not stupid.”

One time I was proof reading a paper for a Russian student. As I was correcting her paper with her, the many mistakes in her grammar started weighing on her. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, almost sobbing,

“In Russian I am so intelligent and clear. In English I am like [an] idiot”

Respect to anyone trying to master a foreign language. I get so sad thinking about that student.

Full offense but people who make fun of someone else’s accent or belittle their limited vocabulary when they’re speaking a language not native to them are fucking disgusting and are just begging to be punched.

They’re speaking your language because you don’t know theirs. That’s not something they should be made fun of, it’s something that should be commended because learning a language is hard fucking work.

I hate people who do this so much.


notice how “girls mature faster” is never stated as a reason why girls should be given more positions of power and authority? It only works to hold girls to greater accountability than boys and to justify men’s attraction to them.

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