

@boiled-onionrings / boiled-onionrings.tumblr.com

And the universe said I love you. And the universe said I love you because you are love. And the universe said you have played the game well. And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.

Call me Peaches!

My bio is no longer frickin broke, but this is a better place for it anyway

Idek what the main fandom I reblog is anymore. But, everyone is welcome as long as we're not being intolerant, uppity assholes. I do reblog nsfw stuff, just a warning (all are tagged nsfw for filtering purposes <3)

Asra Alnazar, Mike Faist, Astarion Ancunín, Matt Murdock, MY GF <3

Love getting tagged in stuff like picrews, etc. Please do if you feel like it! And don't be afraid to talk to me, anon is always on and dms are open.

EST She/They (Over 18)



Current whittling project: driftwood wood spirit windchime! Piece 1 of 5 is carved, 5 faces total on it. Just needs a little cleanup and then I can start on the next!


i cant get over the king charles portrait. they made that thing to age in his place. that painting hangs in the house of a too-friendly family you find in the post apocalyptic wasteland who inexplicably has a ready supply of fresh meat. if mario jumped into that painting he wouldn't find a charming platformer he would be flayed and hanged like a medieval criminal by an unseeable force in a droning red void. that painting is a color blindness test for people who work in IT but believe in the divine right of kings. that painting is going to weep the sequel to blood. after he dies charles is gonna crawl outta that thing like sadako.

this painting is what ultrakill speedrunners see when they close their eyes. if you showed this to the romans who flogged jesus theyd think this painting is excessive. this painting is the blood cavern from space funeral. it's the color out of space.


jegus tapdancing christ it is actually that bad

my favorite tags on this so far:

-it looks like AM tried art therapy -martyr logarius when you get him to second phase -this is the horror Jerma peeped upon -girl what in the iron lung fuck -here is like if a painting from layers of fear was real -meat world portrait -What do you throw at a painting that already looks like it’s had tomatoes thrown at it -oil on raw steak


@entities-of-posts wanna hear your thoughts on this monstrosity

There’s so much going on here. It looks like gore, it looks like decay, it looks like a man in hell. The toxic monarch butterfly at his shoulder - did you know they’re not picky about what life fluid they drink and from what source, that they’ll gladly drink blood and the juices of decomposing corpses? This is a startlingly honest portrait of the king of a falling colonial power. This is the violence and rot of the empire.

The Slaughter, with hints of the Corruption.

"I remember when i used to be a violinist, chat..... oh sorry i misspoke, i remember when i used to eat violinists... good times." -BBH 2024


"I remember when i used to be a violinist, chat..... oh sorry i misspoke, i remember when i used to eat violinists... good times." -BBH 2024

Anonymous asked:

WIBTA for commenting on a coworker’s appearance? ✨✨✨ I think this is lighthearted but I genuinely need a second opinion here. So I (20s, F) have been working with this guy (20s, M) for about a year. During this time I have acted in a sort of supervisor capacity but we both have the same boss so I don’t have any true authority here. I run the project and he’s on the project type thing.

During this time we have become pretty good friends: we talk and joke a lot at and outside of work, and have also talked about more personal stuff (bonding over anxiety disorders, etc.) Overall, he’s incredibly kind, smart, and competent and I really like him as a person. There’s just one problem: he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen and it’s been messing me up.

Some more context: I am aroace and have a longterm partner who I love and am devoted to. I have absolutely no romantic interest in this coworker (he also has a longterm gf). But I cannot get over how attractive he is, and it’s been a year and it’s still distracting. I should maybe reiterate that I have literally never been so starstruck by a person before, it’s a bit unsettling.

Anyway I have been feeling compelled to say something about it to him - and if I did I'd probably I’d wait for the right context so it doesn’t sound super random. But I really don’t want to make him uncomfortable: he’s pretty quiet and humble and he might not know what to do with the information.

Reasons I may be TA: I am two years older than him, and (as aforementioned) have been in a sort of position of authority with respect to the project we’re working on, so there may be some perceived power dynamics at play. Also I try not to comment (in a positive or negative way) about things people can’t control. Also there isn’t really any POINT in telling someone they’re incredibly beautiful, so I may be setting up an uncomfortable situation for no reason.

Reasons I might not be: we ARE properly friends and in some contexts I would definitely feel comfortable telling my friends that they’re beautiful. Also, I have heard that men very rarely get genuine compliments and (in my experience) that kind of thing can stick with you and help you through times of low self-esteem etc.

I’m having a hard time looking at this objectively, so please help me out: WIBTA in this situation?


Why is my experience of ticks so DRAMATICALLY different than others'. ???? People in the notes of my educational tick post are like "yeah i used get like 12 of them every time I walked outside but now i've only been bitten a couple times this year" ????

Y'all i've been wading and crouching in waist-high weeds and grass, stomping around in brush, even climbing and crawling on hands and knees in the woods, almost every day and i rarely pick up any ticks at all. I've only been bitten by a tick once. Like. In my life

Like i've been getting so down and dirty in random fields and thickets that I come out with random bugs on me and twigs and leaves stuck on my hair and clothes. Yesterday there was a grasshopper just sitting on my shoulder. No ticks though. And i do check!!

The consensus seems to be that I am just yucky probably?

With mosquitoes it's wildly variable. A couple years ago I got at least 50 mosquito bites at once that all turned into huge red welts and it was terrible, but over the past year I haven't gotten any at all, which is bizarre cause i've been hanging out around ponds and wetlands a lot

I'm also not allergic to poison ivy so basically I'm too powerful


same actually, right down to the poison ivy insensitivity! I do get bitten occasionally by mosquitoes but I've only ever gotten chomped once by a tick, and I haven't found one on me in years despite basically living in the woods and checking for them constantly.

I think yucky human might just be a thing for ticks

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