@catvampire / catvampire.tumblr.com

🦇  saga. twenty-six. autistic. pansexual. trans. finnish.  🦇  enjoyer of cats, bats, vampires, and tv shows i sit my friends through.  🦇

Happy Pride Month


[ID: tweets by @/falastinerkive that read, "in honor of pride month, do not let israel get away with pinkwashing the genocide"

"I know 5 queer palestinians in gaza that died since march alone. 0 of them were 'thrown off building,' [sic] but all of them died by having buildings thrown on them by Israeli airstrikes. 0 of them died for being queer, but all of them died for being palestinian." end ID]

"As Ayelet, a sixteen-year-old Israeli trans man, who got arrested in the Tel Aviv pride parade in 2022 for holding a sign with the Palestinian flag on it, said, 'A trans woman who is a soldier will be able to receive hormonal treatment, but a trans woman who is an army refuser will be sent to a men's prison.'"

"What is pinkwashing?" by Ita Segev, Questions to Ask Before Your Bat Mitzvah (2023)


my partner doesn’t use pet names nearly as much as i do, which is very funny because i will crack my gay little knuckles and say some shit like “good morning my sun and moon, my loveliest boy, my baby my sweetheart my darling dearest” and he will reply “hello adrian”

This is because you are a straight girl. In a heterosexual relationship.

i love how many people saw this post and invented a world where i’m a sad little trans “guy” (aka confused woman) throwing endless love and affection at some loserly cisgender brick wall. first of all, my boyfriend doesn’t use pet names as often as i do because english isn’t his first language. our pet naming conventions do not come naturally to him. second of all, this is the t4t website. we both have vaginas


love the idea of kinks being trendy. like, in five or ten years we'll all go "omg remember when we were all into forcefemming? that was so 2024 tumblr"


the thing that sucks most about Joanne Rowling being a terf is that she is actively hurting real life trans people every day.

the second worst thing about joanne being a terf is that the Harry Potter intellectual property is So Much Larger than her. look at the credits for just one of the harry potter movies. every single one of those people put YEARS of time and effort and dare i say love into those films. think of all the people involved in theme park design and operation who put together the wizarding world park lands and detailed them so lovingly and fully

and yet even though the intellectual property of harry potter is so much larger than joanne, she's poisoned the whole well

i feel so. so immensely sorry for every person involved in the harry potter ip who isn't jkr. doubly sorry for every trans person involved. it's fucking sad

I want to be very clear, before we have a category 4 piss on the poor moment, that this post is not saying "it's ok to like Harry Potter still because other people were involved in it, and the ip is larger than jkr" NO! you must fully divest yourself from the harry potter intellectual property!

if you go to universal studios, it's fine to ride the rides and appreciate them on a theme park artistry level. jkr had nothing to do with the engineering. and you're already there for other reasons--riding the rides doesn't give any more money to jkr. but do NOT buy any hp branded merch, at the parks or anywhere else! that's where joanne makes her money! hp merch funds anti-trans legislation! almost directly!

"What about buying indie merch? What if I buy from artists on etsy? Nothing goes to JKR then..." I hear you cry. and you have a point. that's harm reduction. buying indie merch is unambiguously better than buying licensed merch.

but you must be aware that it still makes trans people feel unsafe. you become schrodinger's terf. i see people with hogwarts houses in their bios and i feel a chill. i see cars with glasses-and-lightning-scar bumper stickers and i have to wonder if those people literally wants my wife dead or if they're just clueless.

it's just horrifically sad that so many people put so much love and years of work and artistry and blood sweat tears etc into an IP that is now retroactively so emblematic of transphobia

Schrodinger's TERF is a new phrase that I'm stickin in my pocket.


sometimes i see an annoying ass post on the dash & im like wtf i’m gonna unfollow whoever made me witness this 😤 but then i look & it’s my Beloved Bastard Mutual so i can’t do it……. i have to let the gremlin run wild….


I also think that all the "um okay knives out & glass onion were good. Wrap it up now" posts are so funny. You're tripping if you think there's not going to be at least five Benoit Blanc films lol

What part of "the detective franchise is back babey" did you not get. There were 14 Poirot films and that's not counting the show which was a standard season for most of its run. 69 Columbo episodes. Like it or hate it you are going to be seeing Benoit Blanc until the day he stops making money and then some.


He hasn't even been on a train yet for fucks sake



english's pronunciation rules are absolute bullshit poopoo made up crap but one of my favorite side effects of this in written english specifically is like. altering the spelling of a word in such a way that it's technically pronounced the same. but reads very differently when your eyes go over it in written form. and that sort of dissonance between the proper spelling and the altered spelling producing the same basic sounds in your brain creates an unprecedented level of comedy.

ingredience. creacher. both of these are pronounced essentially exactly the same but the altered spellings are just hilarious for some stupid reason. the english language is a disaster but at least whatever is wrong with it is REALLY funny.

pakige 📦


sorry but i simply cannot take anyone seriously with this argument. being horny is not a crime. acting inappropriately toward another person is a different thing from simply perceiving them in a way that scratches your brain. but you cannot make sexual thought crimes (thot crimes) a thing without it leading down an EXTREMELY homophobic, transphobic path of "the WRONG type of person PERCEIVED ME and I DID NOT CONSENT TO IT." sometimes you will be perceived by people you personally are not attracted to, and i'm sorry, but that alone is not a problem. you do not need consent to find another person attractive. being horny is fine, actually. get over it.

I didn't see the full post that's cropped above so I might be missing some context but:

It's also just genuinely caving to rape culture to act like desire is the same as action.

For ages we've been told that rape is inevitable in some situations (when the victim is dressed a certain way, when the victim says stop after initially agreeing, etc) because desire for sex is impossible to just... not act on.

Inappropriate behavior and consent-violating behavior are NOT the automatic result of feeling horny. Please don't imply that having a feeling takes away a person's agency to behave appropriately.

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