
to the stars eternally

@agentblurr / agentblurr.tumblr.com

INTJ, Female pronouns. Aspiring novelist. Currently in university and considering a career in the video games industry. previously direwolveshowl. Aggression on AO3

Audio processing disorder is just like "you are going to be able to differentiate 27 distinct sounds happening simultaneously EXCEPT for when someone's talking to you. Good luck"

People think because my ears are so unreasonably sensitive I must also be able to "hear" them. This is false. I can hear the clock ticking though


being the most left leaning family member means everyone will always think that youre insane and then in two years they will believe what you were explaining to them two years ago but still think youre insane now. and you do it anywaybecause you love them


"I can't condone rap music because it has a problematic culture", says the heavy metal fan.

Y'all, this is not about "violent lyrics". This is about performatively handwringing over the fact that a lot of rap artists have mildly regressive gender politics, then turning around and doing the whole separate-the-art-from-the-artist routine about the fact that there's a solid 50/50 chance any given big name artist in your favourite genre of music is an actual neo-Nazi.


in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that macklemore would happily release a free palestine song that is AS balls-out anticapitalist and antiimperialist as it is, considering in 2011 he won a grammy with a song all about being poor and spending your money wisely while still being cool and looking fresh, bemoaning blind consumption.

it was a small domino to start with, sure, but the trail is there.


and that person just happened to be the person who is currently the most celebrated rapper in the world, Kendrick Lamar! he was apologizing for winning over Good Kid, M.a.a.d. City!

“You got robbed. I wanted you to win. You should have. It’s weird and it sucks that I robbed you.”

funny enough, he did NOT apologize to the other artists, and two of them are Drake and Kanye, which is EXTRA hilarious considering how well that decision also aged.

a lot of people are bringing up a very good point:

Macklemore has been an ally this whole fucking time, making whole songs dedicated to LGBT and BLM stuff. nobody ever talked shit about him for anything other than being uber-corny.

i think now that we're in the post-cringe era there's a lot of people remembering where we left him and thinking "oh fuck im so sorry white boy"


do you think that in the 1800s and shit when it was all steam trains and scrooge flavored business guys in the stock market, and shit, that people went to their rich grandmas house from the 1700s french revolution times with roccoco and so on and it was like floral curtains and 1950s lamps and other grandma shit to them? i think it was


yeah they mention this in the novels all the time. the funniest version of this is when Victorian novels have characters who are old grannies and aunties which means they were young women during the more socially liberal Georgian period and think all the conservative sentimentalism, modesty and layers are ridiculous

When I first started reading books featuring this historical generational gap (when I was in high school in the early 90s) I was like “LOL wild! Hilarious! Only imagine being in the situation of finding your own children or grandchildren to be maudlin Bible-thumpers and judgmental prudes!” And let me tell you: turns out it’s not as funny as I thought it would be.


a lot of people are dismissing the "violent" rap music rushing and scrambling to say well not ALL rap is violent here's some rappers who don't rap about violence but like. idk. I think the "violent" rap is important to listen to as well. do you know why gangs exist? do you know why Compton is the way that it is? can you listen to the experiences of black men when you can't personally relate on any level? or will you dismiss an entire genre of music because certain sub genres make you feel a bit uncomfortable as a non-black person?


actually while we’re talking about this- mocking a bi woman for having a boyfriend when she should have a girlfriend isnt cool or funny or progressive its really annoying actually


Next thing to tackle - When looking at a definitely one-cis-man one-cis-woman couple and being told that it's a queer relationship, don't immediately assume that she's bi and he's the guest in the community.


when I see something dated 2019 I think “oh that’s not too long ago” and then I remember that 2019 was not only five years ago but those five years have somehow contained several lifetimes

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