
this is fine

@avinaris / avinaris.tumblr.com

stupid ships destroyed my life

lemme talk about how much i love the Winter Soldier theme again.

first: i think its basically what Buckys head sounds like. screaming, metallic sounds. that bit in the beginning - ever been somewhere dead silent and get that loud hum in your ears? it sounds like that to me. its a great way to represent how completely alone and isolated he is. the radio-static with the distorted talking,  maybe its memories being completely distorted to the point he cant tell what they’re saying.

BUT this is the gorgeous part of it:

so, its been theorized that the metallic sounding scream is actually Bucky screaming as he falls from the train, but slowed down and stretched out with heavy filtering.

lemme tell you why thats got to be true. first, how beyond perfect?? its taking something thats *Bucky*, something he did while he was still himself. a very human sound, full of fear and shit. its taking that -just like Bucky- and turning it into something inhuman and metallic.

also, that even though he’s been turned into a cold, calculating killing machine, the machine is still screaming.

when you get your first look at Bucky, when he pulls the goggles off, what do you hear? the scream. you see his face a bit on the rooftop scene, but good enough as to tell its Bucky. but there we get a closeup of his eyes, and its sort of like the last time we saw him and the first since then are being tied together.

and ok, holy shit, i tried listening to it on my headphones, closed my eyes to focus…and had to open them because its just such a fucking terrifying song i got freaked xD

but think about that. you’re not suppose to know its Bucky yet. you’re suppose to be afraid of this dude, and the music seriously adds to that. but, in reality, its not the Winter Soldier thats scary, its what was done to him. the thing thats freaking you out is his terrified screams

now, ok, maybe its not that i could be wrong.

…except im not.

listen, listen! play the song. listen very carefully at the tail end of the first scream. you can hear Steve yell “Bucky!”.

and what is so bleeding brilliant is that, even though its heavily filtered too, its much less filtered than the rest. its the only thing that sounds remotely organic and human in the whole thing. basically, the one thing still human in Buckys mind is Steve.

on that note: does anyone think they know what the static/radio sounding voices are saying? i need fresh ears

anyways here the song xD (the thing im sure is Steve is about 0:25 seconds in. verrry faint gotta turn that bitch up)


oh my god.

all this time, i never thought of the most obvious thing: the most distorted, unrecognizable words in Buckys mind…would be his.  

@kaleenjackson figured it out. the first bit of speech around 1:20, listen a few times, and im pretty sure the words will click too “im with you till the end of the line”

of course thats in his head, if this is Bucky’s mind, and we know he recognizes it when Steve says it….what if he’s spent years trying to figure out what its saying, and then Steve says it and it clicks. The Russo’s said in the beginning of CW he doesn’t remember much, what if he doesn’t remember saying it, he realizes thats what the words he’d been trying to figure out have been.

look at his reaction with this in mind: distorted words in his head that are messed up and he cant understand what therye saying, probably getting more distorted as time went on, but always there. he knows its this on, huge important thing that he’s been trying to figure out for decades…and Steve just says it, and he’s realizing thats what the words in his head have been

this guy knows what they mean. Bucky might not remember saying them, but its this one, deep personal thing he’s been able to hold onto but never understand. if this guy knows them, he has to be telling the truth.

ily @kaleenjackson, i honestly do. this is just fantastic. i need to lay down ive worn myself out. and should go explain to my roommate why she just heard robot screaming and a bunch other terrifying shit and then ‘HOLY FUCK!!!! HO. LY. FUCK

also on that note, i think the second bit of speech is “Sargent James Barnes”

Because there’s a human element to the Winter Soldier that gets revealed toward the end of the film, the Winter Soldier starts off unrelenting and brutal and mechanized and almost Terminator like but the difference between The Winter Soldier and Terminator is that somewhere behind the wires and all the mechanization is a character that we know and we care about and that more importantly, Cap knows about and it’s very painful to him.

So one of the things I ended up doing with the Winter Soldier was I spent literally ten days just on production with vocals because I wanted to get the sensation of a human trapped inside machinery. So I did a lot of vocal recordings and then processed the living hell out of them to get these tortured, time-stretched human cries of someone who has been so processed that it’s become mechanized at the same time but you can still hear the human in there.


This is all too much


there is a note, buried deep in the winter soldier’s files, that warns his handlers against leaving slack in his leash on the fourth of july. if the asset must be taken out of cryofreeze on that date, it says, it should be done away from the states and any calendars should be kept out of sight

years after this note is written, anyone who comes upon it assumes something about the holiday wakes up some latent patriotism or perhaps that the fireworks cause an adverse reaction, but really the asset goes on the fritz a bit because he knows he’s missing something important, even if he doesn’t realize that something is steve’s birthday

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