
Jonalot Week

@jonalotweek / jonalotweek.tumblr.com

The official blog for Jonalot Week (14 - 20 June 2021) Mobile masterlist

Jonalot Week is back once again this year to celebrate the royal couple! This year, the event will be held during 14 - 20 June 2021, so prepare yourself for more Jonalot yet again!

Daily Prompts:

Day 1, 14 June // Childhood
Day 2, 15 June // Fairytales
Day 3, 16 June // Dreams
Day 4, 17 June // Soulmates
Day 5, 18 June // Change
Day 6, 19 June // Modern
Day 7, 20 June // Free Day



Jonalot Week 2022!

Hi! I’m back from the dead! And I would like to announce that I will be hosting Jonalot Week this year!

So basically, Jonalot Week is an event dedicated to celebrating the Jonah x Lancelot ship! For the past 3 years, it’s been held by @jonalotweek, but sadly, they’re too busy this year to organize it this year, so they have very graciously given me permission to run Jonalot Week for 2022! 

First of all, their blog contains allllll the rules and past prompts for Jonalot Week, as well as previous works people have submitted, so I would highly recommend checking it out! If you have any questions, I would love to take them, and I’m sure that they will, too!

I’ll be completely honest–this is my first time doing something like this, so guidance and help would be greatly appreciated!!! Everyone is welcome to chime in!!!!!

Expect an interest check soon!


This year’s Jonalot Week is being organized by @isoldmysoultojonahclemence! Be sure to give them (and Jonalot) your support as well!

Anonymous asked:

Jonalot Week this year?

Hi anon! Thank you for your interest, unfortunately I don’t think there will be a Jonalot Week this year due to my own irl commitments leaving me with no time (heck I never even had the time to participate myself each year).

If anyone wants to organize their own Jonalot Week (or any other ikerev ship week for that matter) this year, feel free to message the blog and I’ll be happy to promote it here!


Jonalot Week Day 3: Dreams


SUMMARY:  “One day,” Lancelot said, “I’m going to unite the Red and Black Territories.”


“One day,” Lancelot said, “I’m going to unite the Red and Black Territories.”

Jonah turned his head to look at the boy lying beside them. It was a sunny afternoon, and they were sitting at the lawn in the Red Headquarters, a place that he had only been allowed in occasionally because, according to Father, he was still a child even though he’s 13 now. He knew that it was terribly uncouth and bad-mannered to sit on the ground, but Lancelot had smiled so brightly that Jonah simply couldn’t refuse him anything.

Jonah considered the bold statement, “So you want to…conquer the Black Territory and unite our country under the Red banner?”

“No, not like that,” Lancelot replied. “I just don’t want our people to be so divided anymore. We all live in the same country, and it’s only natural that we should get along.”

“But why?” Jonah asked curiously. “Father said that the people in the Black Territory are savages, and that it’s good for us to be separate from them. The only way that they can reach our level is if they surrender and become part of us.”

Lancelot frowned, “This is exactly the problem. We’ve barely met anyone from the Black Territory, but we already have preconceived notions about them. That’s not fair at all.”

Jonah still didn’t understand, but it seemed important to Lancelot, so he nodded along anyways. If it was what Lancelot wanted, then Jonah would support him because that’s what a good Queen does. 

“What about you, Jonah? What do you want to do in the future?” Lancelot asked, turning his head as well so that they were face-to-face. Jonah could see the deep blue of Lancelot’s eyes, only inches away from his. He swallowed, and it took a while before he registered the question.

“I—I want to be a good Queen for you, of course,” Jonah said, slightly shy.

Lancelot smiled, and his whole face seemed to light up, brighter than even the afternoon sun. Jonah stared at him, enthralled.

“Is that so?” Lancelot breathed, and his blue eyes seemed to shine even brighter. Jonah drowned in them, unable to breathe. The eye contact was like a physical connection between them, a tether binding them together.

Jonah looked away first, unable to handle the intensity. He could still feel Lancelot staring at him, and to his displeasure, he felt heat rising to his cheeks rapidly. He stared up into the clear sky, trying to will away his flush.

Suddenly, he heard Lancelot’s soft laugh, and a warm hand covered his own, “I look forward to it very much.”

Jonah swallowed. In a burst of courage, he laced his fingers through Lancelot’s. The other boy didn’t say anything, and instead squeezed Jonah’s hand lightly.

Jonah closed his eyes, and prayed that both of their dreams will come true.



I know that this is only, like, 400 words and I took 4 days to write this, but I have an exuse a valid reason! The next day is going to be significantly longer than the rest of my fics, and I’m been writing that one over the past few days as well. Also, because of the length, I’m considering posting Day 5 before Day 4, or posting Day 4 last. I just don’t want anyone to think I’m skipping the day because I’m not. It’s actually shaping up to be one of my favorites right now (well, they’re all my favorites, but this one in particular). These past 3 days have all been pre-relationship bc I’m a sucked for pre-relationship stuff, but Day 4 is gonna have some actual couple action.

But anyways, back to talking about this fic, I would just like to point out that this is unedited. I didn’t really have the time or energy to take a deep look at this before posting it and working on other fics, so I apologize for any grammatical errors, unnatural dialogue, or pacing issues. Actually, I should probably mention that I haven’t edited Day 2 as well; Day 1 was the only one I edited because I had the foresight to write that fic before Jonalot Week started. However, when I finish the week, I will be coming back and editing these again. So any weird mistakes you see right now will be fixed shortly (or not-so-shortly, considering the time it takes for me to actually write).

I originally planned for Jonah to be, like, 11 in this fic bc I still wanted to keep his ~childish innocence~ when it comes to Lancelot, but then things got a little shippy and it would’ve been weird to have an 11-year-old to, y’know, feel thingggggggs. So I switched him to 13 instead. It’s not that much better, but still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Beloved (Lancelot Kingsley/Jonah Clemence)

Summary: Lancelot has always wanted to try a pet name since hearing the Queen of Spades use one for his lady.

Pairing: Jonah Clemence/Lancelot Kingsley

Count: 501 words.

Rating: General

Warnings: None.

For Day 7 Free Day, we’re going to call it Pet Names, at the suggestion of one of my JonaLot shipping friends! I hope you have enjoyed these fics throughout the week – thank you for your interest and support all week, I appreciate it so much!


Jonah froze from where he was seated at the vanity, brushing the bedhead out of his hair. A word that he had never expected to fall from Lancelot’s lips had just crossed into the typical silence of their morning routine, uttered as Lancelot turned from buttoning up his crimson shirt.

The silence that followed practically begged for a response. Turning, Jonah raised a curious eyebrow toward Lancelot. “Yes, Lancelot?”

The response appeared to satisfy him, a small smile rising to his lips. “That name suits you best.”


Jonalot Week ‘21 Update

Aaaaand with that, Jonalot Week is officially over!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part, whether by creating content this week or simply sharing it! It always makes me happy to know this little ship still has people supporting it ^^

And remember that just because the week is officially over, it doesn’t mean the blog won’t be taking any more entries! All entries will be reblogged no matter how late it is. (I know it was a little more rushed than usual this year, sorry about that!) Just remember to tag @jonalotweek to ensure it gets seen or drop an ask if it somehow gets missed!

Once again, thank you to everyone and I hope you enjoyed all the Jonalot this past week ❤️!


When I Meet You Again (Lancelot Kingsley/Jonah Clemence)

Summary: In a more modern Cradle, Lance and Jonah find one another again and fall in love.

Pairing: Jonah Clemence/Lancelot Kingsley

Count: 995 words.

Rating: General

Warnings: None.

For Day 6 Modern, I’m back to throwing my own twists in the shuffle! This is a Modern Cradle! Assuming that IkeRev takes place in the 1880’s, this is pushing it to a future late 1900’s-society where they have continued developing their country and all has been at peace for some time. Enjoy!

A dozen tall buildings lined the horizon that was visible from sea. Historic smaller buildings were nestled between some of the high-risers, some boasting their long-standing establishment on a sign in the window, the brick around it well-worn.

Around the edges of Cradle and winding into some parts of the territories, train tracks connected the two territories. They then expanded beyond their borders, connecting the Black Territory’s ports to the rest of the continent, promoting Cradle from a small country of magic to a port destination and popular trade hub. The country had flourished in the past century and a half, thanks to the efforts of the two armies that still commanded their respective nations.

The reason for such a connection and transportation boom was two-fold: the discovery of crystal refinement and operations at the Magic Tower, and the combined efforts of major families across Cradle. The Godspeed family was still at the forefront of construction, while the Windsors had established themselves in transportation by land.


Like Father, Like Son (Lancelot Kingsley/Jonah Clemence)

Summary: Lancelot, in an attempt to resemble his father and connect with him, grows out a beard. Jonah loathes the new addition to Lancelot’s face and wants it off.

Pairing: Jonah Clemence/Lancelot Kingsley

Count: 621 words.

Rating: General

Warnings: None.

This is for @jonalotweek​ 2021 for Day 5 Change. This ficlet is based on a few personal headcanons from a previous post of mine about JonaLot: I personally believe that Lancelot’s father had a beard, that Lancelot can grow one (but not Jonah), and that… oh, I don’t know, ten-fifteen years down the line, Lancelot tries growing one himself?

“I want you to shave it off.”

Lancelot glowered at Jonah again from where he sat at the head of the dining table. His husband and Queen sat to his right, as usual. The Jack of Hearts sat to his left, hiding a snicker.

“You repeating yourself is not going to change my mind, Jonah,” Lancelot said. “Besides, I never said I had any indication of keeping it forever.”

“But you said you were just testing it, to see how it looked! Isn’t the testing over?”

“It’s over when he says it’s over, Jonah,” Kyle piped up from the end of the table. “Now can we talk about something other than Lancelot’s appearance over dinner? I don’t want it two nights in a row.”

“Maybe we should talk about yours, Kyle,” Edgar suggested, smiling even wider. “I’d swear you’re looking twice your age.”

“And I’d swear you’re a vampire because the only thing that’s changed about your face is more wrinkles around your eyes.”


Jonalot Week Day 2: Fairytales


SUMMARY: Lancelot had never liked the fairytale involving a white rose. That is, until he met Jonah.


Lancelot had always liked fairytales.

Ever since he could remember, his mother was already dead and his father was always too busy for him. He had many relatives, but their smiles were false and their words insincere.

Books were all he had, and he drowned himself in them, poring over each and every story until he memorized them all. Lancelot loved all of the stories, except for one.

It was most popular fairytale in Cradle, and also the first fairytale that he ever read. It’s not that he didn’t like the characters–he admired the prince who fought bravely even if he couldn’t hear or speak anymore and he also admired the maiden who presented him with the white rose and saved him from a certain death.

Lancelot just couldn’t understand it. 

How could something as vague and unreliable like love cure someone of their illnesses? The prince needed a skilled medic, not a flower. But then again, perhaps Lancelot wasn’t the best person to talk about things like love; after all, he had never received any.

That is, until he met Jonah.

Bullying wasn’t unheard of in the upper classes of the Red Territory. Rank and tradition were all that mattered to the nobles, and they were absolutely merciless to any who they deemed to be weak. Obviously, their definitions of strength and weakness were skewed and wrong, and Lancelot made it a point to put a stop to their cruelty whenever he saw it.

Of course, he would’ve rescued the victim no matter who they were, but saving Jonah was the best decision Lancelot had ever made.

From then on, Jonah became Lancelot’s shadow. Whenever they were in the same room, Jonah would immediately make his way towards Lancelot and trail behind him until they are inevitably separated. The behavior should’ve been annoying, but Lancelot didn’t mind. He liked having Jonah around. He liked having someone who will always stand beside him. Most of all, he liked that he wasn’t alone anymore. 

The months turned into years, but Jonah’s devotion never faltered. Lancelot’s life was filled with unexpected variables, such as his father’s death and his separation from those he considered his best friends, but Jonah was the one constant, the one person he can always depend on.

The realization came unexpectedly. It was on a completely normal day, and the King and Queen were working on paperwork in his office. Lancelot suddenly looked up from the report he was reading, and Jonah looked away a moment too late, a flush crawling up his cheeks.

And Lancelot knew that Jonah was in love with him.

Actually, he had known it long before then, but it was the first time that he had consciously acknowledged the fact.

Now, he finally understood why the prince had been saved by one maiden with one white rose.

But what can he do? Amon has already taken over his will and his freedom, and he shuddered at the thought of putting Jonah into danger. He had gotten accustomed to always having Jonah at his side, and he can’t imagine a world without Jonah’s smile.

It only strengthened his desire to take down Amon, even if he has to sacrifice himself to do it. One life doesn’t hold much weight against the hundreds of lives at stake, after all. Jonah will be upset, but at least he will be safe. Besides, he will still have his brother, the rest of the officers, and his Heart Defenders. Lancelot sincerely hoped that Jonah will eventually forget about him and live a long, happy life with someone who can truly share their lives with him, no matter how much his heart ached at the thought. 

Whatever happens, Lancelot will give Jonah the happy ending he deserves.



In Lancelot’s Romantic End side story, it was revealed that he didn’t get a lot of love from his parents. Instead, all he received were books, and that’s where I got the idea of Lancelot loving fairytales from. Also, since he didn’t get love from his parents, I realized that Jonah was probably the first person who had truly loved Lancelot  (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

This is yet another fic that I had to completely change. My original idea was to write them both into fairytales. Not just one fairytale; but five of them (Snow White, Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, Rapunzel, and Beauty and the Beast) and then tie it all together with true love’s kiss. But that was wayyyyy too ambitious and I only got to Cinderella before I realized there was no way I was going to finish it in time. It will probably take me another month at least to finish writing and editing. But I love this idea too much to give it up, so I’ll probably still work on that fic and publish it separately. 

But this one was definitely difficult to write. There’s no dialogue and barely any action at all. It’s more like Lancelot’s monologue than a fic, but whatever. I actually really like writing in Lancelot’s perspective bc he’s usually so repressed XD, but expect Jonah’s perspective for the next two fics!


In Another Time (Lancelot Kingsley/Jonah Clemence)

Summary: All is well. And for the first time in his life, Lancelot wishes for a longer, brighter future.

Pairing: Jonah Clemence/Lancelot Kingsley

Count: 627 words.

Rating: General

Warnings: None.

Day 4Soulmates, where I wrote something short and hopefully sweet. And romantic. (I’ve denied these two their romance for almost half the week. I can’t do that to them anymore…!)

A laugh could be heard through the somewhat crowded Cradle streets. The night air was pleasant, a warm breeze coming from the south. Couples were linked arm in arm, and Jonah was no exception as he tugged Lancelot a little closer as he stifled his following laughs.

“My apologies, you just haven’t told a joke in some time,” he confessed, looking up at his husband. “That wasn’t too much, was it?”

“Not at all,” Lancelot answered with a gentle smile. “But it has also been a while since I’ve heard you laugh. Everything has been too busy as of late. I knew that after all our work was done, I was going to take you out on a date.”


One’s Legacy (Lancelot Kingsley/Jonah Clemence)

Summary: A solitary King makes his choice – but his passionate Queen refuses to leave him to his job alone. After Amon destroys all that Lancelot and his father had worked towards, Jonah is there to assist him in his journey.

Pairing: Jonah Clemence/Lancelot Kingsley

Count: 720 words.

Rating: General

Warnings: None.

This is for Jonalot Week 2021! A more somber theme for Day 3Dreams.

It was a week after his father had fallen into a coma no medicine or magic could ever hope to cure. Five days after the new head of the Magic Tower appeared in his office, having usurped the previous leader in a cruel, swift manner.

In the span of two sunsets, the hopes for Cradle shouldered by Lancelot’s father had been crushed.


Amon’s threats were potent and provocative. They forced Lancelot’s hand into accepting the burdens that came with the long-standing secret relationship of the Red Army and the Magic Tower. What had been a relatively equal relationship a century ago was now a forced power play, the apparent weaker forced to submit the to the stronger.

Lancelot knew he could not stand for it, but with the newfound title of King on his shoulders, he knew there was naught he could do until he regained his footing. He could not even confide in Harr nor Sirius – Amon had threatened their lives as well, should Lancelot ask for their assistance or advice. The Red King did not doubt for a moment that the Magic Tower had eyes and ears in all places, and that talking with either of them, even in confidence, could run the risk of alerting Amon to his plans.


The White Rose (Lancelot Kingsley/Jonah Clemence)

Summary: When the young Prince of Hearts loses his voice in defending his people, his love in this fairytale devotes their existence to rescuing him from his fate.

Pairing: Jonah Clemence/Lancelot Kingsley

Count: 1688 words.

Rating: General

Warnings: None.

This is for Jonalot Week 2021! Day 2 – Fairytales – puts a spin on the Cradle Fairytale about the Prince and the white roses! One day, I would like to make this into a full-fledged story, but for now… enjoy!

(And shh, yes, it’s a day late. I’m a busy soul.)

“There once was a prince who fought to protect his Kingdom. But, fearing his strength and goodwill, an evil sorcerer from a rival kingdom cast a spell on the prince.”

That was what Jonah had taken from the meeting. The Red Prince used his magic for the good of the people, vowing to bring back the people’s faith in wizards and magicians who had previously tried to overturn the governing forces of their kingdom. People had been against his rule from the start when he, too, was born with magic, but he had done all he could to prove himself the stronger, more humble man.

Jonah knew that Prince Lancelot was the greatest of all the wizards in the land. And that is what cost him his hearing. He repeated his story to a council whose responses he could not hear, whose outrage was only visible on their faces and in the way they gestured and rioted.

And as his right hand, Jonah merely sat at his prince’s side.

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