
the music channel

@simstationdance / simstationdance.tumblr.com

Marko | adult | he/him
this is where i post sims 2 stuff. stories & gameplay mostly. i am Extremely Shy, but feel free to send asks / messages (also please read my pinned post) (tries to be) WCIF friendly

Hi! I’m Marko and this is my simblr. I like taking pictures and telling stories in The Sims 2. Sometimes I also post custom content. I am not good at it but I’m doing my best. 

I have terminal strangetown brainrot, and I’ve decided that’s going to be everyone else’s problem.

Note: If my blog ever disappears, Tumblr did it, not me.

- My Dreamwidth My sticky post (includes ToU & in-game resources) Archived posts from Tumblr “WCIF?” - My Custom Content Hair retextures Clothing recolors Curves - My Original Sims — OC recreations - My Stories:  Long Road Ahead (Early Strangetown story) masterpost — Read LRA on Tumblr Read LRA on Dreamwidth (warning: currently very far behind)  Current chapter: Specter (R1) - Misc:  general catch-all posts tag: #|| extra — reblogs: #|| reblog — other stuff: — ts2 screenshots / sims 2 screenshots — My sims art & memes

edit 2/16/23 4/13/23: I’ve been informed that blog pages don’t work on the mobile tumblr app, so - to reduce clutter on my pinned post - I’ve moved my resources page to my Dreamwidth, which has a mobile friendly blog theme (tested on Android).


How to Fully Overhaul The Sims 2 Bodyshop (Mods List)

Here are all the mods you can use to make your BodyShop look like this:

or even something like this:

Reblogging this because doing as much of your CAS work in Bodyshop as you can is one of the report recommendations. And, well, lbr, you’ll only do it if it looks good and the UI is practical.


Hi there, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.

The pain is caused by a Pineal Cyst. Pineal cysts are relatively common, 1-2% of the population has one, but it is not common that they cause symptoms. Few doctors on this planet even believe they do cause symptoms.

I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again. The only hospital that offers this surgery in my country, England, is deciding whether it wants to bear the risk of offering this surgery after I was on the waiting list for 6 months. I have found two European surgeons who can perform this surgery and believe I am a good candidate for it.

Needless to say, I, being a disabled unemployed person, cannot afford the surgery. I should be able to have it free on the NHS but it is not routinely offered so they won't fund me getting it abroad.

I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain. Doctors don't care about this cyst because it's not a threat to my life. Anti-depressants can only dull the pain so much.

Can people please reblog this, no matter how small your blog is, so that it can get traction?


How to Fully Overhaul The Sims 2 Bodyshop (Mods List)

Here are all the mods you can use to make your BodyShop look like this:

or even something like this:

Reblogging this because doing as much of your CAS work in Bodyshop as you can is one of the report recommendations. And, well, lbr, you’ll only do it if it looks good and the UI is practical.


in unrelated news, this post has been sitting in my drafts for a while and i forgot to post it so im posting it now


Two of my friends on Simblr have been wrongly terminated by Tumblr staff.

@cassandra-goths-wife and @rascalcurious

rascalcurious asked me to put up links to their cc so that people can still download it while they sort the issue out:

  • Hair conversions: SFS
  • Natural hair retextures: SFS
  • Unnatural hair retextures: SFS
  • Hair defaults: SFS
  • Aug 2023 Hair Dump: SFS
  • Clothing conversions: SFS
  • Clothing edits/recolors: SFS
  • Eyes: SFS
  • Makeup: SFS
  • Skinblends: SFS
  • Build/Buy: SFS
  • GIMP Curves: SFS
  • Sims: SFS

tumblr get your shit together challenge.

i’m back 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉!

hoping that tumblr will reinstate @cassandra-goths-wife @rustys-cc and any other simblrs that have been taken down asap


Two of my friends on Simblr have been wrongly terminated by Tumblr staff.

rascalcurious asked me to put up links to their cc so that people can still download it while they sort the issue out:

  • Hair conversions: SFS
  • Natural hair retextures: SFS
  • Unnatural hair retextures: SFS
  • Hair defaults: SFS
  • Aug 2023 Hair Dump: SFS
  • Clothing conversions: SFS
  • Clothing edits/recolors: SFS
  • Eyes: SFS
  • Makeup: SFS
  • Skinblends: SFS
  • Build/Buy: SFS
  • GIMP Curves: SFS
  • Sims: SFS

tumblr get your shit together challenge.


This is a re-release of the prologue.

I switched it over to Twine, removed some things, added some things, updated some pictures, cleaned up the writing, moved some bits around to improve the story flow, and added some music. Other than that, it is still largely just the same thing I posted an eternity ago.

The biggest change is to Lilith and Lucy's story lines. If you don't want to reread the entire thing, then the relevant stuff can be found here.

Anonymous asked:

thank you so much for fulfilling those hair requests! they look amazing, and i love the customs too!

You're welcome ☺❤


Ok so, I know I said that I’d need to put sims stuff on hold in preparation for dealing with broken computer shit, but also since my computer is “Basically Still Working For Now" I’ve been doing some very small things, like trying to finish WIP curves - which was already something I wanted to do and something that I was doing before The Horrors.

So, long story short, here’s Io’s Copper and Honey actions converted into curves. Special thanks to my friend @corvigae for giving me reference textures for both. These are not an ~official release~ or whatever because I’d still consider them a WIP, but they seem to be as close to the original colors as I can possibly get at the moment (and I’m saying that after doing nonstop side by side comparisons on one of Io’s own retextures). But if you feel like they could be better, you can try to fix them up and make them more accurate.

(I was also working on converting Pooklet's darkest dungeon colors into curves. I still am working on them, even though it’s been taking literally forever. They will be released someday though, I Swear On My Life.)

download (sfs): copper & honey curves


Hair Requests Batch #1 - Remi V3 + V2 Black

- Wings TO0607 F&M - Nightcrawler Belle - Nightcrawler Candy Apple - Jujujam Polar Bear (Naturals + Customs)

Nice, quick, and easy. The super cute pigtails seemed like a good opportunity to use those custom hair curves that I released a little while ago. The customs weren’t part of the original request, they’re just an addition that I felt like throwing in. They’re in a folder separate from the natural colors, so you can toss ‘em if you don’t want ‘em.

Info: - Binned, familied, tooltipped and compressed. - Grey linked to black. - Natural colors merged into one file. - Mesh included.

More info about each hair (ages & poly counts) + individual download links under the cut. This info is also included in a Readme file in the link above.

Credits: Wingssims, Nightcrawler, Jujujam, Evannamari, Grecadea, Roxanna-Moxie, Remi

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