
smol ballerina baby!!



Looks like a normal shiny Kirlia but its supposed to be a fusion between Kirlia and Altaria ^^; hope it looks good 0w0

Fusion Kirlia and Alcremie ♥ I shall draw her again! I named her Kirlie, because I’m very creative.

Kirlia done! 🍃

Along with some of the background 😁

Now onto Ralts 🌱

60 down, 75 to go!! 🧐


Shame on you.

So. For those of you who don’t know. Bulbasaur Propaganda, The Original pokemon Propaganda page has decided to stop posting. Citing constant hate message from people claiming he’s toxic. He also feels down about Bulbasaur not being in SwSh. (Something I’m also not happy about.) all of this has resulted in a total shutdown of his pages.

I seem to have a reputation for being a nice guy.

Let me warn you all right now. I’m pissed. And I’m not sorry for what I’m about to say.

I’ve seen a few people claim that part of his brand was shitting on other starters. And this is true to a degree. But nothing that actually warranted the hate he was getting. Whether or not he even liked other Pokémon shouldn’t have even been a factor. Plus, he stared on multiple occasions that he didn’t necessarily hate the other starters. He just felt that charizard was uncreative and overrated, (which, as someone who’s loved charizard since I was little. Is still true.) he would often express these feelings in the forms of memes and statistics he used to show that Bulbasaur was objectively the best Kanto starter.

Some people took this WAY too personal.

He also received hate for his early opinions on the Sun and Moon anime. A controversial subject at the time of it’s reveal. Which he later made a full statement on.

Once again, some people took this WAY too friggin personal.

I’m gonna remind all of you about something, something important.

This franchise we all love so much, this series we’ve made a part of our everyday lives. The games we love to play. The anime we love to watch. All of it.

It’s a fucking children’s franchise.

I don’t care how important to you Pokémon is.

I don’t care how personal it is to you.

I don’t care how it makes you feel.

I don’t care if you love the series so much, you literally feel like you ARE a character from it.

Nothing. NOTHING. Justifies bullying someone. Especially to the point of them going into complete shutdown.

No. Him not liking your precious favorite Pokémon was not bullying YOU.

No. Him making memes about your favorite starter was not bullying YOU.

You making entire groups centered around tearing one guy down? Provoking hate on someone because he didn’t like a show or character?

That’s bullying. That’s toxic behavior. And if you partook in it. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Maybe I’m worried over nothing, but currently, I’m worried about Bulba’s mental health right now.

If you are someone who feels called out when reading this. Feels this is a personal attack on you. Feels that I’m defending a terrible person.

I don’t care.

I’m not sorry. You had it coming.

Okay but like they’re racist and homophobic and ableist

Okay, but like I’ve been following their page since 2017. I never once saw these tweets or tweets of this nature. Nor did I ever see any behavior resembling these tweets.

Admittedly, I might’ve just missed them. And they went back and deleted them later. But it is also just as likely that these tweets are photoshopped. I’ve seen it happen before. It’s quite easy to do. Any enemies he had could’ve made those. Heck, I could’ve made those. If you want me to back down. You had better get something better then a few twitter screenshots. Like say, links to the actual public conversations where this happened. Only then will I back down and apologize.

Until then, I’m assuming your evidence is falsified. Because that is how innocent until guilty works.

(If anyone has links to those convos. I’d appreciate them. I went looking and couldn’t find them.)


Well. I owe you an apology. I owe everyone an apology.

It took me a while to dig this out. I don’t know how I missed it.

I’m sorry. I have no words with which to justify this.

Im gonna go take a break from tumblr for a bit.

Y’all. Please don’t attack cyndaquil props. We’ve all made this mistake before so there’s no reason to.


Rip my impulse control

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