


Honestly I am who I am and I have a fascination with whatever I am interested in.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @xoxacidxox !!!

A/N: Part 3. This imagine is the most popular one on my blog :) Also, this time @xoxacidxox requested this idea, so the idea belongs to her, I just wrote it :) Enjoy. Please read the   PART 1. , PART 2 first. GIF is not mine!

It’s been almost three weeks now since Thor hilariously interrupted your kiss. You always laughed when you remembered it but Loki just rolled his eyes every time you brought it back. However, none of that stopped you from kissing him again. And then again.. then again. You’ve never discussed what exactly it was between you two, but it kind of felt like.. dating? You’ve never tried to hide it from the rest of the team. Even if you would want to, there was no possible way how to do it, since Thor couldn’t handle it and told everyone about it right the following day. It wasn’t totally easy, but it could be worse. Bruce was clearly worried but supportive, Tony made stupid comments every single time he had a chance, Thor was way too much happy for you, Steve and Clint both looked like someone threw a dirty sock right into their face every time they saw you holding Loki’s hand or kissing his cheek and Natasha very honestly told you that this is the stupidest idea you ever had (“and you had many stupid ideas, Y/N, to be absolutely honest”). And Loki..well Loki did what he usually did - he didn’t give a single shit about them. Everything seemed to be better day by day. Until one morning, when Tony’s stupid comments were a little more stupid than usually. “Morning,” you murmured when you walked into a kitchen and took a cup of tea standing on the table. You always did that, instead of making yourself one too. But then the cup slipped from your fingers and a hot tea burned your hand. “Fuck me!” you swore loudly and Natasha chuckled. “Good morning.” “Y/N,” Tony started with a very father-like voice, “Captain America doesn’t approve your language.” Steve rolled his eyes and you laughed along with Thor. Then you turned over when you heard Loki’s steps. Of course he didn’t bother himself with saying hello to anyone but you. “You’re awake already?” you smiled, “you looked deeply asleep.” “Well I was, then I heard your passionate ‘fuck me’, so I told myself I won’t let such opportunity go,” he gave you that kind of devilishly charming grin you loved so much you totally ignored everyone’s dissapproving faces. The only thing you could think about was how much you wanted to take off that sweater he looked so handsome in. “You know what this means?!” Clint appeared in front of you and pointed at your hand, taking his cup of tea you stole, “that God finally punished you for stealing everyone’s food and drinks.” “No thank you, I have my own god to punish me,” you replied brightly before you could stop yourself, which caused some indignant comments and Loki’s laugh. You smirked, still holding your ring finger, that one hurted the most. Tony noticed, of course. “Be careful, beautiful, you’ll need that one,” he commented and you raised your eyebrows. “What?” You looked at others and you were even more confused, because it looked like everyone knew what’s going on, except you. And Loki, who was frowned. But that could be because of Tony calling you beautiful (these kinds of conflicts happened a lot). You shook your head and let it go. “Thor, a word,” Loki spoke, still looking at his brother. Tony’s comment was enough for him to figured it out. He wasn’t stupid. When they left, you took a seat beside Steve and for your own frustration, all of them suddenly acted weird. Something was definitely going on.

“Tell me, do you ever keep your mouth shut? Will there ever be a time you will be able to keep a secret for twelve damn hours?!” Loki wanted to shout but he kept his voice down, because they were only one room away from the kitchen. “I asked you to tell no one!” “I told no one!” Thor poorly defended himself. “Well who is no one?!” Loki replied sarcastically and disgustedly looked at his brother. “Cap-“ “You’re not supposed to answer that,  idiot!”

You were already back in your room when Loki came back to you. He said nothing so you took a word. “Please, sit and tell me what’s going on. Something happened.” “It didn’t yet.” “Stop it and talk,” you repeated and he sat beside you. “Well, I would have to tell you anyway so.. I planned to ask you to marry me, but I talked to my brother first. But he has a big mouth, you know, and everyone else knew it before I had a chance to ask.” You were so shocked by his words you didn’t even listen to the rest of it. I planned to ask you to marry me. You kept quiet so long, Loki finally spoke again: “Y/N?” “Marry you, already? You want to marry me so soon?” you asked, still clearly shocked. Loki frowned. “What do you mean?” “I mean. On Asgard.. don’t you, you know.. date first?” the question sounded even worse than it did in your head. And you were sure of that, because there apeared an amused smile on Loki’s face. “We do, but where is the point in dating someone when you don’t want to get married and spend a lifetime with them?” You tilted your head to your shoulder. He was always one big suprise. “You know, every man should take a lesson from you, at least in this thing,” you grinned and sat on his lap. “Is that a yes?” Loki asked with a small smile, when he hugged you around your waist and you felt his lips on your neck. “Definitely.”


Most definitely in love with this 💕

Found it after so long ! Again I still love it



I open tumblr. I scroll. I like posts here, I reblog there, I reach posts I've already seen. I close tumblr. I am bored. I open tumblr. I scroll. I like posts here, I reblog there, I reach posts I've already seen. I close tumblr. I am bored. I open tumblr. I scroll. I like posts here, I reblog there, I reach posts I've already seen. I close tumblr. I am bored. I open tumblr. I scroll. I like posts here, I reblog there, I reach posts I've already seen. I close tumblr. I am bored. I open tu


Disney’s ‘What If…” Thor were an only child? “More than battles won or lost, it is relationships that truly define a hero. The people that shape them and their stories… Thor and Loki, a brotherhood so strong and pivotal, it would change the fate of a universe…” What if Odin had returned the lost Loki to the frost giants and Thor was raised an only child?


When Bucky’s attempt at reenacting handyman!p0rn turned unsuccessful.

…Or did it?


LUCIFER REWATCH: 3.26 “Once Upon A Time”

Once upon a time, there was a world just like ours, but with one small change that changed everything.

+ bonus


My Loki series

As I promised - First episode

Pls ignore not so pretty writing. Im not a writer and also english isnt my native tongue. Just focus on the story,not the way its written.

The dialogues would be much longer in the series than I wrote them. This is only a draft, I wrote only the most important stuff. So if you feel like the episode is too short, that it would maybe be like 20 minutes long,no. We would go more into details;write long dialogues. This is only a draft.

I have no idea how many episodes is this going to have,I only now finished Ep1 and havent started writing Ep2.

Im sure there are plotholes. Let me know so I can fix them as I keep writing. And feel free to tell me what you would like to see Loki do or say further. What character from mythology would you love me to include.

I do have the plot in my head and the ending but many things I can still alter and go into details so feel free to suggest whom or what would you like to have in future episodes.

I hope you will enjoy it. Im really putting my heart into it. But again. Im not a writer. If some great fanfic writer wants to team up with me and re-write this into beautiful form, I will be happiest person alive.

So here it is.

Episode 1

Loki picks up the Tesseract and he teleportates to a random place. He doesnt care where. He just wants to escape these pathetic mortals who call themselves Avengers.

As soon as he resumes consciousness, he opens his eyes. He sees a dark starry sky. Where is he? It was sunny day in New York.

He sits up. And he immediately can tell.


He sees mountrains covered in ice and sky, in the distance he can recognize the palace of Laufey,his biological father. For a second he returns to the moment he killed him. The fact he is here might be a problem if Jotuns know what he did.

He raises his hands to make sure shackles are broken. And he is stunned. His hands are blue. But he doesnt feel any cold. Just like that time in Jotunheim a frost giant touched him. He stares at his hands, turns them around. He sees not only they are blue, but they have markings on the skin.

Of course. He is a frost giant. In his natural habitat. He releases a sigh.

Why am I here he thought to himself. He grabbed the Tesseract that was laying next to him and put it into his hidden pocket. He stood up and looked around,checking for Jotuns or other danger. He didnt see anything or anyone.

Why did the Tesseract bring him here? He could just teleport home but after what happened on Midgard he doubted Odin would let him continue his life in Asgard as if nothing happened. And Odin will possibly not care it was not his fault.

Maybe its a sign he is here. He is Jotun. Son of Laufey. A dead king. He is a rightful heir to the throne. Maybe this is his glorious purpose. To claim the throne that belongs to him. Odin told him as a child he was born to be king.

He looked at the gigantic palace in the distance and took a deep breathe.

And he started walking.

On the other side of Nine rhelms, in Asgard, Thor arrives home. He stands before Heimdall who brought him back & asks him

Any news about Loki?

Nothing your majesty says Heimdall He uses magic that's letting him invisible to my sight.

Thor nodds and leave but as he is walking away he doesnt see strange look on Heimdall's face.

Thor goes to the palace where Frigga greets him. She huggs him and Loki tells her about events on Midgard.

I knew the whole time my son was alive said Frigga I could feel it. But I also sensed a presence of a much greater danger. I do not believe Loki acted under his own free will.

Mother says Thor Loki is no longer the little boy you once knew.

But he is still my son she replied And noone knows him more than I do.

Thor thinks "You didnt see the desolation in New York" but he is quiet. Then he leaves to find his father in his study.

Frigga then visits Heimdall. She's been doing that a lot lately. He watches her as she approaches him.

Any news about Loki? She asks.

Heimdall conjures a picture before them. They see Loki, clear as a sunny day, walking across a snowy land. His skin is blue and his face decisive.

Jotunheim Frigga whispers and closes her eyes.

Yes my lady says Heimdall.

He turns to her.

What should we do? He asks.

Frigga is watching her son & says

Nothing. Nothing for now. If it does come to it and Loki asks for our help, we shall help him. But it looks like for now Loki's fate is in his own hands.

Farbauti,Queen mother of Jotunheim is walking across the city of Utgard. Peasants nod at her and she nods at them. People love her and even more so since the death of her husband Laufey. Its been a year and her daughter Dufa was ruling Jotunheim as Laufey's only heir.

Suddenly a guard approached her and said

"Queen requiers your presense."

Farbauti nodded and the guard left. Dufa was asking her to come. Farbauti hurried up because her daughter never sent a guard after her if there wasnt a serious reason.

She found her daughter in her study, sitting behind a table.

"You wished to see me darling?" Said Farbauti.

Dufa smiled and stood up.

"Yes mother. I wanted to discuss something with you. Its about father."

Dufa tells her that she wants to avenge her father's death and find Loki,the asgardian that killed him.

"He fell from Bifrost" said Farbauti.

"I heard he is alive. Word has come to me that he has been to Midgard."

So they talk about this. Dufa has already decided she wants to find Loki & punish him gruesomely for her father's murder.

They are interupted by a strong knock on the door. A guard comes and tells them an intrudor has been spotted few miles outside the city. Scouters say he might be asgardian. Dufa doesnt hesitate. She takes multiple soldiers with her and leads them outside the city to personaly confront this person. Whoever it is.

As Loki walks across frozen land, big birds typical for Jotunheim fly above his head. They mistake him for a prey. One wants to attack him and grab him into its claws but Loki quickly reacts and shoots it with energy blast. Bird falls dead from the sky.

"Dull creature" he says and keeps walking. The rest of the flock flies away. But new menace is on the horizon. Loki sees movement in the distance.


He stops and takes a deep breathe. He uses magic to hide his Jotun appearance and his skin is normal again. For now he choses to hide his origins. In a matter of several minutes he is surrounded by a smaller army of Jotuns several steps taller than him. They circle around him and stop.

Loki soon knows why. A tall female Jotun warrior,who based on her clothing Loki would say is a top brass, emerges and looks at him.

"Asgardian spy?" She asks.

Loki smiles mischiviously.

"That's beneath me" Loki says.

They talk for a few minutes and when Loki says who he is, Loki,the God of mischief,she opens her eyes wide. She grabs a whip that hangs on her belt and the whip wraps around his neck. Its a whip made by Jotuns and it can be destroyed only by Jotuns. She is holding Loki by his neck with the whip in the air several feet above the ground.

The bigger is their shock when Loki casts a spell and the whip falls apart and Loki falls gracefuly to the ground,doing what we would call a superhero landing. I would kill to see Loki do that so I would put it here.

"Thats impossible" mumbles Dufa.

Loki stands up and now his skin changes colours. He is standing in front of them in hid Jotun form he even has small horns on his head. They are all stunned.

"I am Loki. Son of Laufey".

Dufa gasps. The runt her father left in the temple during war with Asgard. The boy.

"You...you are alive" she whispers.

Loki is confused.

"I am Dufa. Your sister."

In another scene there would be Odin, Thor, Frigga and Heimdall. Odin all pissed that Loki is in Jotunheim, he somehow found out and yelling he will bring war on Asgard. In this scene he would also talk about what Loki did on Midgard but Heimdall and Frigga would tell him it wasnt Loki's fault that he was mindcontrolled by Thanos. But Odin would keep repeating he doesnt care. That everywhere Loki goes he brings death and destruction.

Frigga would step in this moment and say

"I forbig you to speak about my son this way."

"He is not your son" yells Odin.

In this moment Thor is shocked. Frigga says in cold voice

"Thats what you always do when your child doesnt behave the way you want. When they need your help you send them away or pass judgment."

This scene would be like 5 minutes long and Frigga would make it clear she will fight him if he hurts her son. And she leaves. If Loki comes back home; and If Odin prepares to arrest him, she is ready to fight for him.

Then we go back to Jotunheim. Now we are in the city. Loki side by side with Dufa and her soldiers behind her march to the palace across the city. All Jotuns gather by the road to see the small Jotun next to queen. He looks like them but he is small and he has what appears to be Asgardian clothing. Loki isnt scared despite being surrounded by frost giants. He has his magic & tesseract and he can teleport away anytime if shit goes down. He isnt chained or anything. He isnt a prisoner. Dufa invited him to the palace to meet his birth mother. This is all implied off screen. Loki is checking out the entire city, where are all the guards and watch towers and stuff and since they are walking he has a lot of time to do that. The scene would be several minutes long, with camera cutting to Loki's face and especially close ups to his eyes, as they look into various directions to as I already described, Loki checks out the city. Like, we would show his eyes, then cut to the tower on top of the hill, then close up to Loki's face with his eyes now looking into different direction and so on. Dufa would tell him few things during this scene, like "That's the city guard" or "This is armory".

At they approach the huge castle, only few soldiers follow them and the rest leaves for their daily duties. A huge gate opens and they enter a courtyard. Loki is surprised by how gorgeous everything is. He still despises them but he must admit they do know how to build castles.

He is like a world wonder to Jotuns there. But since he is walking side by side with the queen they do not see him as a threat. Dufa, as they are now walking towards to door, tells him what purpose has which part of castle. As if she wants to introduce him to his home. Before they can even get to the door,it opens and Jotun female comes out.

Loki freezes but keeps moving, altho slowly. That woman resembles him too much. And he can feel in his heart, that he is standing before his birth mother. The female stops and looks at him with confusion. Dufa stops too and says


Dufa turns to Loki and says

"This is intruder we found outside the city."

Loki and Farbauti look at each other.

"He looks like one of us" she says but she hesitates.

"Because he is" says Dufa. "This is Loki"

Farbauti looks at Dufa in shock and with question in her eyes. Dufa cleary said she wanted to kill her father's son.

"Why is he still alive?" Farbauti hisses and she is ready to kill him herself.

Dufa takes one step closer to her mother.

"Because he is the child my father left that night on the rock in the temple "

Farbauti gasps and looks at Loki. His thoughts cannot be seen in his face.

"This is your son." Says Dufa.

Farbauti is looking at Loki in shock. After a while she takes few slow steps towards him. Loki is ready to teleport in any second. He expects attack. Instaed queen mother reaches out her hand and touches Loki's face. As she does this, Loki is able to see her memories. How she loved him despite the fact he was a runt. How she put him into the cradle the last time she saw him, possibly not knowing Laufey was going to take him away. It was a long ago, and yet he can now feel all the love she had for him. Odin said he found him cast out on a frozen rock. That does not fit. This woman loved him. His eyes are getting wet.

"Mother" he whispers.

If she kills him, so be it,Loki thinks and he suddenly hugs her prepared to be killed by this Jotun female. She doesnt push him away. On the contrary. She starts crying. Dufa also dries her eye when she sees this. They dont know they are being watched from one of the many windows above by Laufey's brother Aegir. And his face doesnt look happy. Old problem he thought he took care of reappeared.

Thor is walking throught The city of Asgard. He has so much on his mind, where is Loki and all, and he needs a drink. He stops at a tavern and sits and orders a beer. Few commoners chat with him, waitress brings him huge beer and he drinks it in its entirety. A fair maiden sees him and smiles. She approaches him and says

"I'd say your visit to Midgard did not end up well."

He looks up. Its Sigyn. Loki's old love. Thor smiles and she sits on the chair opposite of him.

"I failed to bring Loki back" he says with sad smile.

She nods sadly and says

"Loki had always his own head. One of the things I love about him. But sometimes..." she goes quiet.

"He did cause a lot of trouble on Midgard. We put the stop to it but before we could question him why he did it or who made him do it,he disappeared. "

Sigyn smiles. She always loved his magic. Then she hesitates and says

"If he does come back...could you...let me know? Or just tell him I asked about him?"

Thor smiles. It appears she still loves his brother.

"You have my word" he says.

Sigyn giggles and stands up. She leaves one coin on the table and says

"Have one on me."

And she walks away.

I do not have details about the next scene but it would be Thor coming to Odin and Odin would tell Thor the same thing he told him at the beginning of TDW. That time has come for him to take the throne. And Thor is considering it. He thinks that if he was a king, he might have a bigger chance of finding Loki. After conversation with Odin Thor leaves and as he walks through the palace, he meets Sif. They would talk about events on Midgard.

So where is Loki now she asks.

No idea Thor says. I guess he will come when he is done exploring the nine rhelms. As always.

Here he implies Loki has been doing that alone a lot. (As we know from all the movies, the knowledge Loki has,and noone but him, he must have been doing that before).

Do you think that he might try to destroy Jotunheim again? Sif asks quietly because the people of Asgard dont know he tried to do that before he fall from Bifrost. Officialy they think it was an accident.

I have honestly no idea what Loki does next says Thor.

Next scene we are again in Jotunheim again. Farbauri doesnt want to ask Loki anything. For now. All she wants to do is celebrate her lost son's arrival. Son she thought to be dead for millenium. Now we are at a huge feast in the palace,in a gigantic hall, there is lot of Jotuns present. They are drinking at eating and toasting to the return of lost prince. Loki sits there between sister and mother and he looks calm but there is a huge conflict inside of him. He is sitting among monsters. Yes. Creatures he was taught to hate since his early childhood, but now these creatures are toasting to him. There is no Thor here to steal their attention. They all celebrate him. He is also worried what would happen if they found out he killed Laufey.

Dufa and Loki talk. She tells him how Jotuns celebrate and Loki tells her some things he has heard. In this dialogue, Loki finds out thanks to Dufa and Faubauti, that much of what he was taught about Jotuns were pure lies. And couple of children come to him, who are small in eyes of Jotuns, but almost as big as him and they ask him if he can show them some magic. He smiles and proudly conjures an ice dragon that flies across the hall and children try to catch it. That never happened to him in Asgard noone had ever asked him to show them his magic. He looks happy.

Until an older Jotun walks in and circles tables around to find a spot to sit. Noone pays no mind to him,Jotuns are feasting, but the eyes of this man are fixed on Loki. And Loki senses danger. He doesnt think the man will attack him, but he certainly feels this man isnt happy about his presense here. He sits down not so far away from them and Dufa says to this man across the table

Uncle! Youre finally here. You two have to meet. Loki, this is Aegir. Our uncle.

Loki and Aegir look at each other. Loki nods his head slightly and to his surprise, Jotun does the same. They are polite enemies. Havent even spoken yet they can feel it. Loki is certain this man whos what he did.

May I talk to you in privat? Says Aegir to Farbauti.

Loki's eyes follow them as they leave the grand hall. He senses danger. He knew he wouldnt just march into Jotunheim and take the throne.

Next scene. A dark room with a fireplace and table,Aegir's office as we could call it. He is the commander of the army. Farbauti and Aegir walk in and Aegir closes the door.

How could you throw a feast for your husband's killer? He hisses.

Farbauti says

He is my son. And trust me Im conflicted. But I will ask him about it. Trust me. And I shall think of a punishment. My husband's death will be avenged.

Then why dont you do it now? Why the feast?

He is my son! I thought for more than thousand years that he is dead! Now he has resurfaced and I will not throw away this chance!

He killed my brother Aegir hisses.

We dont know what happened. Maybe it was an accident. I tend to ask Loki what happened on that day. Trust me. And if he just murdered Laufey in coldblood then I will punish him. But for now, let us feast and celebrate that my son has been found.

She kisses him on his cheek and he nods. She returns back to the grand hall,Aegir few steps behind her. She sits next to Loki again and when Aegir stands at the door to the grand hall, he looks at Loki. Loki can sense it and he looks at him. Two powerful Jotuns look at each other. Loki can feel in his bones, that this Jotun will not ease his path.

End of episode 1

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