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30-something ADHD white trans man with Opinions About Things. I try not to be a jerk on my blog; I also try to keep things PG-13 on my main blog. Minors, feel free to reblog shitposts, but be aware I may have heard your contributions to Ye Olde Discourse/Fanwank 100000 times before and be a touch sarcastic about it.

Quasi-regular reminder to my new followers that my tumblr is about 20% politics, 50% fandoms, and 99% shitposting. If you don’t want to see what ADHD looks like in tumblr form, then kindly unfollow.

  • If you are a minor: I try to keep all the Adult Stuff on one of my sideblogs instead of this main blog, for your protection. This sideblog also contains the vast majority of my posts about shipping, so I can keep other people from looking at my main and being like “wtf is wrong with this person”
  • I occasionally forget to tag for things because ADHD. Tread carefully.
  • If I get your pronouns wrong, I am genuinely sorry! Just @ me with a gentle correction and I’ll find the post and fix it. :)
  • I am pro-shipping, anti-censorship, AND anti-p*doph*lia. This is not a contradiction. Pick a fight with me about this and I will block you.

I have a website elsewhere, too, if you wanna see:  https://l-chan.neocities.org/

It is deliberately designed to look like it was made 20+ years ago.


this is, no exaggeration, the scariest thing ive seen in my fucking life


so this is an older mod but as soon as I saw this on my dash I immediately ran to install it and OH DEAR GOD

I figured you were supposed to go to the playground in Concord to find Jangles? but no: Jangles comes to find you, wherever you are. You just sort of randomly turn around and there’s Jangles, idling behind you like a monkey-shaped harbinger of the apocalypse.


You can’t command Jangles, but you can reverse pickpocket weapons and ammo into Jangles’ inventory. This makes Jangles mad. Then Jangles will try to punch you to death.

this is hands down the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me in Fallout

if you kill Jangles–and Jangles is leveled to you! this is not an easy fight!–IF you manage to kill Jangles, you can loot a Jangles Outfit from the corpse.

and then YOU can become Jangles and haunt everyone’s nightmares forever


Monkey see

Monkey do

Shoot the monkey

Now monkey is YOU

The Santa Claus

He has no commands

Can’t be dismissed

Th-th-th-this ape

Is fucking pissed


god people have always been people. victorian noblewomen stubbed their toes and swore about it. medieval peasants ripped hangnails a little too hard and sucked on it to make it better. cavemen put kids on their shoulders so the kids could get their handprints up on the wall. someone in the 1760s played with their dog and someone in the 1340s dragged themself out of bed at some unholy hour of the morning to soothe a crying baby and someone in the 1550s stuck a flower behind their lovers ear. I'm gonna be sick people have always been people

“The Jewish response to trauma is counter-intuitive and extraordinary. You defeat fear by joy. You conquer terror by collective celebration. You prepare a festive meal, invite guests, give gifts to friends. While the story is being told, you make an unruly noise as if not only to blot out the memory of Amalek, but to make a joke out of the whole episode. You wear masks. You drink a little too much. You make a Purim spiel.” Precisely because the threat was so serious, you refuse to be serious – and in that refusal you are doing something very serious indeed. You are denying your enemies a victory. You are declaring that you will not be intimidated. As the date of the scheduled destruction approaches, you surround yourself with the single most effective antidote to fear: joy in life itself. As the three-sentence summary of Jewish history puts it: “They tried to destroy us. We survived. Let’s eat.” Humour is the Jewish way of defeating hate. What you can laugh at, you cannot be held captive by.

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l, "The Therapeutic Joy of Purim," article published 1 March 2015

The yassification of ghouls in fallout needs to be studied
  • Set (Leader of Necropolis, seen in Fallout 1 and 2)
  • Gob/Gobtholemew (Slave/Bartender, seen in Fallout 3)
  • John Hancock (Mayor of Goodneighbor, seen in Fallout 4)
  • Cooper Howard/The Ghoul (Bounty hunter/U.S. Marine veteran, seen in the Fallout TV show)

Those last two are just two dudes without a nose and some scarring


HAVE PEOPLE NOT HEARD OF LIBRARIES??????? They are 100% cheaper than AMAZON

Certified Oh My God Please Use Libraries If You Can Post


I beg of you, use the damn library instead. You can still order them from Amazon after you've browsed, if you must (why tho?), but if you leave the books you've browsed out to be reshelved, you are also helping the library with their usage counts! And you won't have been a giant asshole to poor retail workers.


They've even got audio books and you get them from your phone use the damn library!!!!


Let’s be honest - Everest should be cut off from climbers, and the only people that should be allowed up there are ppl who volunteer to clean up all the garbage and human excrement adrenaline junkies have left up there over the decades, and anyone who volunteers to attempt to bring down any bodies of those who died.

The ascent is too dangerous, too many ill-equipped and unprepared climbers try to make the climb, and too much garbage is piling up and poisoning the run off that communities around Everest rely on to live.


Reminder that:


this is another reason why land back / indigenous sovereignty is so important. give the mountain back to the people who’ve been taking care of it for centuries and let them have full control over it legally. let them decide if it should or shouldn’t be a tourist attraction or if people should be allowed to climb it. just defer to Sherpa people when it comes to anything to do with Sagarmāthā

I mean, you’re absolutely right that the situation on Sagarmāthā (aka Mount Everest) is a real problem, but ‘ban everyone from it forever’ is a take that misses a lot of nuance, and will just make a lot more problems. The mountaineering industry is an absolutely vital part of Nepal’s economy, and  Sagarmāthā is a fair chunk of that. There’s a reason so many people choose to do something as dangerous as guidework, and that’s because it’s really good money. If that shuts down entirely, lives will be destroyed. People will die. You’ll just trade one problem for another.

So what should be done?

Well, for a start, I think it helps to actually fucking listen to the people risking their lives working on that mountain. They don’t want it closed, because again, their lives will be ruined if that happens, but they DO want better regulations about who goes on the mountain, and what happens there.

See, you need a permit to climb Sagarmāthā , one issued by either the Nepalese or Chinese government, depending on where you start your ascent. And yes, multiple governments being involved makes it even more complicated, but let’s just focus on the Nepal side of things for now; the Chinese route is a real bitch to climb compared to the Nepal route so it doesn’t have such a tourist problem, and also the first step to any real solution there is for China to stop fucking occupying Tibet. So let’s focus on Nepal.

The permits are a very good thing; you need to pay to be issued one, which brings in money to the country, and it’s just common sense to regulate how many people are going up there. What’s not good is that the Nepalese government isn’t doing a very good job of regulating the permit sales; guides have been complaining for decades now about the government selling way too many permits, overcrowding the mountain, and allowing wildly unqualified people to go. One of the main things the Sherpa guide community wants is for the Nepalese government to sell less permits for Sagarmāthā, and make the skill/fitness requirements stricter. One popular proposal is to change the rules so that you need to have climbed at least one 8000m peak to be eligible to get a permit for Sagarmāthā. Since eight of the fourteen are in Nepal, this would keep money flowing, since people would need to do multiple trips, and it would also scare most of the dumbasses away - they want to be carried up the most famous mountain in the world so they can brag about summiting Everest. Having to climb a harder mountain first would make that look a lot less appealing, especially since K2 is a hellish death trap, and none of the other 8000′s have the same name recognition. You can’t really brag to your buddies at the office about having summited Dhaulagiri or Manaslu the same way you can brag about Everest. So that proposed rule change would scare off the tourists, and ensure every single person on Sagarmāthā is an experienced mountaineer that’s already experienced the death zone, as opposed to the current issue of multiple people that have literally never climbed before buying permits to go up Sagarmāthā.

They also want better regulations for the guide companies that can be hired for Sagarmāthā - there’s a huge problem of tourists paying for the cheaper guide companies, not realizing that the whole reason they’re cheap is because they take extremely dangerous shortcuts in their equipment maintenance. Those companies are a massive problem, and the legitimate guides hate them. So, so much. They put their clients in danger, they put their employees in danger, and they put everyone on the mountain with them in danger.

Finally, the guides need better pensions and life insurance, because the Nepalese government has a real problem of not paying the families nearly enough when a guide dies on the job. That was the entire reason for the 2014 strike - an avalanche struck the base camp during the pre-season, killing sixteen of the Sherpas that were laying down ropes for the season. The Nepalese government offered to compensate the families of the victims with just enough money to cover the funerals, which infuriated the entire Nepalese mountaineering community. They demanded that the mandatory life insurance policy have its payout doubled in the future, more money to be given to the families of the avalanche victims, and government payment of medical bills for the wounded. None of the demands were met, and so they went on strike for the year. The government did agree to give more money to the families… provided they presented the appropriate documents in Kathmandu, which isn’t really feasible for most people living in the Khumbu region, making them angrier. The life insurance payout was also raised, but only by half the amount the Sherpa’s had demanded.

To summarize: shutting down Sagarmāthā will fuck over the entire economy of Nepal, leading to people dying and lives being ruined. Listen to the fucking people you’re trying to advocate for. They want the Nepalese government to sell less permits to climb Sagarmāthā, have stricter rules about who can buy the permits, tighter regulations for guide companies, and more government assistance for guides and their families after an injury or death occurs. And yes, Sagarmāthā is a sacred place to the Sherpa people, and their religious leaders want everyone off the mountain… but let’s be real here, that’s never going to happen.

So, if this is an issue you care about, and you actually want to do something instead of making vague, impossible demands to feel good about yourself online, what can you do?

For a start, begin calling the mountain Sagarmāthā instead of Everest. Everest was only used as a name because Nepal and Tibet were closed to outsiders when the British were surveying the Himalaya’s in 1800′s, so they were unable to learn the mountains real name. And the surveyors were surprisingly serious about labelling mountains with the correct local names, which is why Everest and K2 are the only standouts among the 8000 meter peaks - K2 is so remote it never actually had a name, and the placeholder label of K2 stuck, while Sagarmāthā was believed to be the same situation and given a name instead. The only reason it’s still called Everest is because that’s the name that became famous. Getting the proper name into common use might make things right. It’s about respecting the culture of the Sherpa’s… and it will also respect the wishes of Sir George Everest, who absolutely fucking hated the proposal to name the mountain after him, and fought tooth and nail to leave a placeholder and keep searching for a proper local name. The poor bastards been rolling in his grave for over 150 years now, let’s get his name off the damn mountain already.

For improving the actual conditions, push for the Nepalese government to make the changes the guides want. International pressure is necessary for that; if nobody cares about the Sherpa’s, the government can do as they please, and the guides just have to put up with it. Pay attention, raise awareness, advocate for their wellbeing, and, again, listen to what they actually need/want.

Finally, rookies climbers going up Sagarmāthā should be judged, and judged hard. They’re not impressive. They’re fucking idiots being carried up a mountain by the real professionals so they can claim bragging rights. If someone brags about climbing the tallest mountain in the world, ask about their climbing experience and training, and if they’ve ever climbed/considered climbing any of the less famous 8000+ meter peaks. If they’re not an experienced climber that respects the mountain, mock them relentlessly. They’re not impressive, they’re an idiot that burned their own money to be carried up a really big rock and steal the credit for their guides hard work.

That being said, also show respect towards the people that have died on Sagarmāthā, AND the people that have witnessed death on that mountain. I’m not going to blame anyone for bad decision making at 8000 meters of elevation. The death zone was named that because the conditions cannot support human life; you are slowly dying as soon as you enter, and the trick is just to get back down before you succumb to it. The human brain does not enjoy being slowly suffocated to death, and you sort of lose your shit as a result. That’s just biology, happens to everyone. There’s a reason why disasters high up on the 8000+ peaks are so confusing - there’s always multiple different stories about how events played out, because short term memory loss and delirium are a very common side effect of being at an altitude unable to support human life. That’s also a large part of ‘summit fever’ on those peaks; people genuinely cannot make rational decisions up there. It’s a well documented problem. A fair amount of lethal falls up there are technically suicides, as people get confused and wander off cliffs, or begin removing protective gear, or other things nobody in their right mind would do. That’s why so many people die attempting to summit after the cut-off point of it being too late to try - they can’t process that if they continue, conditions will become extremely dangerous on their descent. They can only understand that their goal is the summit, the conditions are good right now, so that means they’re fine and should keep going.

Basically this is a complicated problem, and ‘Sagarmāthā needs to be closed forever and everyone there is a heartless monster’ is just… missing so, so much nuance, and is worse than useless if you’re trying to actually help the Sherpa people.


Anyone got that quote about how modern authors deserve so much credit for writing anything when there's a world of distractions available and older authors who had nothing more entertaining to do except eat mutton deserve comparatively little credit

I think about that quote every time I sit down to write

In definitely unrelated news it's taken me all afternoon to write seven hundred words


I've been having VTM thoughts, and something just came to me.

Kindred that have been Embraced within the past 2 to 3 decades must really fuckin' hate the True Crime™ boom. Especially the prominence of cold cases/missing persons, coming to the forefront.

being embraced around the 80/90s, where it was typically easier to disappear into the wind; Gotta come with some major whiplash now.

Like imagine, you were happly settled into your Unlife. Maybe you're about 60 now with very little human relatives alive or perhaps your 'cold case' as been fully shelved for decades now.

Then suddenly, your case has been shoved to the center staged via social media, either by some popular podcast or Netflix Documentary. Your face is plastered EVERYWHERE.

Some people swearing they saw you alive somewhere; claiming that you rented an apartment from them a decade ago with your new Alias or people invigorating new relatives of yours to pick up the search for you again.

It's gotta fuckin suck.


Please stop conflating heresy blasphemy and apostasy. It's a victimless crime but it irritates me on principle

BLASPHEMY is to speak against a religion's doctrine and practices. To say "The Holy Roman Catholic Church has been abandoned by God for taking indulgences" is blasphemous.

HERESY is to preach and act in contradiction with your religion's doctrine, dogma, and practices. "Pope Leo has no right to tell me as a priest to retract certain statements I have made about our religion" is heretical.

APOSTASY is to separate yourself from your religion and no longer follow it. "I'm going to create the most insufferable denomination on the planet in about 150 or so years" is what Martin Luther said, nailing his list of HR complaints to a door as he became an apostate.

While the giant bill was fake, it represented a very real accomplishment. The group raised more than $17,000, which purchased more than $1.6 million in medical debt owed by Philadelphians, according to their nonprofit partner RIP Medical Debt.

This is a great way to undermine the system that we are trapped in


The fact that this can be done at all shows how utterly bullshit the entire system is. There was literally no reason for that medical debt to exist in the first place.


Let's say you owe a private hospital ten thousand dollars, but you have very few assets, so they're pretty sure they're never getting any of that back. There's ninety nine other people who also each owe the hospital ten thousand dollars. (It doesn't have to be a hospital; any debt can be sold this way.) The hospital has shit to do and the low chances of you paying them mean it's an unnecessary drain on their time and resources to hound you all for it. But they can get *some* money, by selling your debt to a third party.

Let's say the sell each ten thousand dollar debt for ten dollars (I'm making all these numbers up for simplicity). So a third party gives the hospital one thousand dollars, and now all hundred of you owe that third party ten thousand instead! You're in the clear with the hospital, you owe it to these guys now! And their job is to hound and harrass you for the money you owe. If one of you pays up more than a thousand dollars, you've covered their initial investment. These guys are gambling on the likelihood that enough of you can pay your debts that you make it worth the time they spend tracking you and harrassing you.

Or, instead of trying to get the money out of you, they can just... decide you don't owe them. Why not? They own the debt. They can fork out a thousand bucks, buy a million in debt, and forgive it. That's what these guys did. (This is also a favourite move of John Oliver; if you ever see headlines about John Oliver forgiving debt, this is what he's doing). A small payment can take a massive weight off the shoulders of a lot of struggling people.

Again, I made up the numbers to simplify the math. But this is how the process works.


seventeen thousand dollars to buy SIXTEEN MILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT. Absolutely FUCKED at how cheap our misery and servitude is.

thing is, the debt companies *hate* this, because it means that it gives hope to people saddled with unimaginable debt that someone will come along and buy that debt and cancel it. So more people don't pay their debts, and they lose money. Debt buying companies do their *damnedest* to keep people like these philadelphhians and john oliver from doing exactly this.


you can do this too! Follow OP's link to https://ripmedicaldebt.org/ and donate whatever you can. For every $1 you donate, they buy $100 of debt and cancel it. I donate $10 each month just to get that amazing email that says I've been personally responsible for cancelling $1000 of medical debt - it's genuinely the best $10 I spend each month 😊




People who have spent the last few years crying about how “THE WOKE IS INDOCTRINATING OUR CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS” are incredibly funny in a country with the Pledge of Allegiance

For any of my followers outside the US who may not know what the Pledge of Allegiance is:

Basically, every morning in public school, everyone has to stand up, usually placing a hand on one's heart, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, which is as follows:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

Now, you might be thinking "what the fuck?" and you'd be right to think that! A few things that should be added are that in most states, it isn't legal to FORCE someone to say the Pledge, or punish someone who refuses, and there have been a number of court cases where people who have tried, and the courts don't rule in their favor (so that's good). But in 47 out of our 50 states, there are laws that do require the recitation of the Pledge, although many of these states have exemptions (the full breakdown can be found here)

Another thing that is of note that has been mentioned before, but bears repeating, is that the "Under God" part was added in 1954. Totally awesome from a country founded on separation of church and state.

So yeah. I don't think the recent college grad with they/them pronouns are the most blatant example of indoctrination.


I remember how shitty the teachers treated each child that didn’t say the pledge of allegiance. And we were absolutely forbidden from sitting during it even if we didn’t say it.


thinking about harvey stardew valley and being a rural country doctor with a caseload like:

  • guy who won’t accept any diagnosis except “you have consumption and need to go to the seaside for your health”
  • woman who asks what gemstone he would prescribe for her UTI
  • guy who spends half the day trying to give himself a concussion and the other half trying to blow out his hearing on his guitar
  • two people who have struggled with alcoholism for years but reject all of his resources for it UNTIL someone gifts them alcohol biweekly for a year straight and suddenly their lives turn around
  • guy who will not stop mailing people bombs but in a friendly way and like this just isn’t on the PTSD screener??
  • guy who won’t stop asking him vague but increasingly bizarre questions about the safety of truffle oil
  • woman who EATS ROCKS

and also there’s a fucking wizard. what’s up with that. how often do you think the man goes “why did i get an MD why didn’t i just train to be a wizard i didn’t even know that was an option” while performing emergency surgery on this one farmer who won’t stop picking fights with ACTUAL MONSTERS


somebody will rightfully notice that europeans are really fucking weird about romani people and there will always be 1 person in the comments going "okay it's not racist, you just don't understand, bleeding heart americans, i promise my brother tony had an experience which proves they're all raping theives and hitler was right about them" and not seem to be aware of how much they sound like americans talking about black ppl


What goes through the European mind that makes them see a post about being racist and, like, activates the deep-well Yakubian Inhibitor Chip that makes them immediately be racist as a "joke"? Like, are you guys programmed to do this? Is it an Order 66 deal?

I was unsure what “ruspa ruspa” could mean so I tried to do some research and I am pretty sure it is an anti-Roma phrase from the Italian far-right. “Ruspa” is “Bulldozer.”

After an internal crisis, in 2013, Matteo Salvini became the leader. Under the new leadership, the party embraced Italian nationalism eliminating the suffix “Nord”, to become only Lega, and took a turn to the right, adopting the classic themes of the European far right—opposition to immigration and nativist nationalism—and allying with the French National Front, the Freedom Party of the Netherlands and the Freedom Party of Austria, at the European level (Chiaramonte et al. 2018). The nationalist change of course implies a change in the identification of the “other”, against which social insecurities are directed: the great enemy to be opposed is no longer the southerners, but immigrants, foreigners, including Roma, framed through increasingly explicitly xenophobic and racist positions (Bobba 2018). As mentioned, the politician is not new to anti-Roma statements. Already in 2008, when he was councilor of the city of Milan, he declared, “rats are easier to fight than gypsies” (Radio Padania 2008). However, becoming the leader, he placed what he calls the “Gypsy problem” at the center of his agenda, “inventing” the “camp visit” as a new form of campaigning event: during every electoral campaign, he visits a Roma camp, with the purpose of “documenting” the situation. In 2015, during the European election campaign, for the first time he proposed his “final solution” for the “Gypsy problem”: “using bulldozers to destroy all the slums” (Ruccia 2015). The word ruspa, bulldozer, will become his trademark, the iconic image that he uses as a metaphor for “cleaning up” problems. In the 2018 general elections, the two main populist parties, Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle, achieved historic success, with a combined vote representing the absolute majority (D’Alimonte 2019), and formed a coalition government, in which Matteo Salvini is appointed Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister. On the 18th of June, 2018, only eighteen days after being appointed Interior Minister, he announced that the government would conduct a census of Roma people in Italy for the purpose of deporting all who are not in the country legally, stating that, if some of them are legally Italians “unluckily we will be obliged to keep them” (Custodero 2018). In August 2019, in response to a news report showing a Roma woman saying that he deserved “a bullet in the head”, he tweeted “Stay calm, zingaraccia (dirty gypsy), stay calm, the bulldozers will soon be there” (Kennedy 2019)

(emphasis mine)

How the fuck is that an OK joke to make???

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