@nedflames /

Moe/Mel | she/they/Greg | 30 | anti rpf | anti stan culture | Edit tag: Moebojumbo | Filter the tag "Moe's Soap Box" to avoid my rants | if you want me to tag certain things pls send me an ask!

If you're still following this blog..

That's cool! I'm still a Danny fan but, again, I'm not as hyperfixated as I used to be. Just swinging by to tell you to check out @robynsarchive which has a TON of awesome Danny fan art!

That's it. Bye!


Yo it's been a while. I still love Danny's content and all but I'm not hyperfixated on it anymore so I don't feel the urge to post about him. So consider this blog defunct. I'll keep it up because I see some people still like my gifs!

The REAL reason I'm posting is this video:

(Trigger warning: miscarriage, abortion, abusive boyfriend, neglectful boyfriend, poor Healthcare, near-death experience from pregnancy.)

Sabrina just opened up about her traumatic experience with a pregnancy. She didn't reveal her ex-boyfriend's name, I think she's trying to protect him, but I'm certain he was Gus Johnson because of this post on instagram on the day of her surgery:

I am furious. I don't care about protecting him. I'm not saying we need to gang up and harrass him, what good does that do, but please consider not supporting him anymore. I bought a ticket for his stand up and there is no refunds for it so I just have to eat the cost now because I'm definitely not going.

And I know how rabid fandoms can get so let me just say: his friends are not responsible for this. Eddy, Danny, Drew, Jarvis etc. did not have any involvement. Unless they speak up publicly in defense of him, leave them the fuck alone. They're not responsible for his behavior and Sabrina said herself that no one knew about it.


I'm happy that Danny and Laura have a new puppy to love and cherish but I just thought of the line "your dog will never know how much you love her" from Sad and Deep and how he still had Peanut when he wrote that and--

Anonymous asked:

do you have any gifs of peanut.. idk why I'm so sad

Tumblr mobile is a bitch! (See my last post for answer)


My heart is breaking for Danny rn. I've lost a pet before still hurts to this day.


You know, I'm not super in to Danny's stream content. I really find his chat annoying as hell and it's hard to watch one of his streams and ignore them because he KEEPS THEIR COMMENTS ON SCREEN. Also, he just doesn't have a lot going on like the other streamers I watch but I'm sure, with time, he'll have a smoother interface that fits his personality better.

That being said, I love when he's streaming with his friends because they're all very good at improv and building bits into stories, silly lore, and callbacks. When Danny is streaming alone there's almost a nervousness? to his comedy? I dunno I can't really define it but it feels a little forced.

And why are fans so fucking mean to him? I hate fandoms who think they constantly have to be roasting and trolling creators. TMG's fandom and Watcher have similar issues. I don't mind a well placed roast, but god it's like watching a bunch of children trying to be the biggest-dicked bully on the playground. HIS CHAT IS SO OBNOXIOUS. And this isn't the case with every chat because Julien and Chris have great chats filled with people interacting with EACH OTHER and not constantly vying for the streamer's attention with unoriginal "jokes".

On a tangential note, fandom involvement is one of the worst things about internet culture. I just dont think fans should have a say in the creative decisions. Like, so much media is destroyed by fan pandering. Look at season 4 of Community! It's filled to the brim with fan pandering and it HAS NO GOD DAMM SOUL! Children slamming their fists on tables and demanding their way should not motivate the creativity of others. Creators should listen to GOOD ideas, not popular ideas.



This new bill has been introduced in both the house and the Senate.

Among other things, it will:

  • Raise the monthly disability income by just over 30 percent - bringing it to poverty level.
  • Remove penalties for recieving financial help from friends and family.
  • Increase the amount of assets a disabled person may have from $2,000 to $10,000 (this hasn't been updated since 1989)
  • Update outside income restrictions to allow disabled people to receive up to $399 a month without reducing their benefits.
  • REWARD, not penalize, people who want to receive additional income while on social security income.

For those unaware current regulations do a lot to oppress disabled people. In fact marriage equality doesn't even extend to disbled people who risk having their benefits reduced or outright taken away if they marry someone. This means that in common law states disabled people can't even live with their significant other or they risk losing their financial independence.

Current regulations mean that if you're disbled you can't have so much as one penny over $2,000 to your name. So buying a car and gaining more independence or freedom is largely out of the question for disabled people.

Current regulations penalize social security recipients who receive income from outside sources, even if those sources are reimbursement. Did you get paid to babysit for a few hours? That's income, and you get your benefits reduced. Did you loan a friend $10 and they pay you back? The government considers that $10 income, and you get your benefits reduced.

These aren't mere anecdotes - these are all examples of actual things that have happened to disbled people I know, and if you have any disabled friends in your life I'm sure they can tell you the same stories.

If you value marriage equality, if you value financial independence, if you value the rights of disbled people, please PLEASE support this bill! Contact your reps, vote, and make noise! This is a great thing!


Resistbot is hosting a petition for this! They will automatically send letters to your representatives for you!


I gotta say I really disagree with some of Danny's interpretations of Bo's music in that second channel vid, ESPECIALLY his interpretation of "White Woman Instagram". Like, I don't get how someone who is so familiar with Bo's work would think the song is JUST making fun of white women on instagram because I agree that that is low hanging fruit but he really missed the point of that song. I guess Bo could have been more clear but I also guess the only people that really get it are going to be well...women---or, at least, women-adjacent people (like me) who understand what it is like to be a woman on the internet---because it's a song written for and about us. It's incredibly sympathetic, especially compared to his actual satirical work, and I guess I'm just surprised (and a little angry) that that message just flew over so many people's heads.

Anonymous asked:

my cousin's name is Eline! how do you pronounce yours?

*waves at cousin* same hat!

id probably say its eh-lin, emphasis on the lin



You're not to blame! You didn't even ask me to get you a vid!

I stressed MYSELF out! I deserved to be dragged!! I earned it for the self-sabotage! I earned the disrespect, don't take that away from me!

Anonymous asked:

Just a compliment here - you're super awesome and whenever I read one of your posts pertaining to the finer points of comedy as an art form (your posts about Danny not getting the proper acknowledgement for his comedy music or satire vs parody) I feel very educated. Anyway love your blog it's cool <3

Moodboard for how this ask makes me feel

thanks! It feels good to know that what I rant about makes sense to people! That's something I'm constantly worried about lol

Also never acknowledge my existence again but also keep giving me attention

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