
💠 We Can All Learn To Shine 💠

@aquashine101-mod / aquashine101-mod.tumblr.com

Elyse | INFJ-T | Sagittarius ♐️ | She/Her | Demisexual | Ravenclaw | Thunder Bird | Sky, Star and nature Enthusiast | In too many Fandoms | My inbox/IM is always open if you want to chat :)

So my sister’s out for the day and my sister’s room is completely covered in One Direction posters

So I thought “why not cut out 350 shrek faces




350 shrek faces

No face left uncovered

Now we wait


Its all ogre now

art is risk


this is gold

I CHOKED TOO HARD. have to reblog.


a 90’s kid? don’t you mean sad adult?

70,000 people have reblogged this but no one is trying to defend themselves

There is nothing to defend

This is the most solid explanation of our decade I have ever heard.


Oh my god


Just to add onto that, our childhood wasn’t even technology based. We grew up knowing of chalk, skateboards, jump rope, street hockey, playgrounds, butterfly collecting, etc. Slowly technology took over our lives and now there are hardly kids playing outside in the summer. We can clearly remember our childhood as it was and now we can see the clear line between it. We were the generation right smack in the middle of it all. Our parents were of non-tech and our children/young siblings will be all tech.

Not to mention, ours was the last generation that grew up with all those bright promises of “work hard, go to college, and you’ll have a successful life,” only to find those hopes abruptly dashed when the housing bubble burst. Milliennials have grown up expecting that disappointment, because for them, the problem has been there since Day One.

So 90s kids aren’t just nostalgic…we’re BITTER. And we ache for those days when we could still think that the world was boundless and full of the opportunities we were promised since the first day of kindergarten.

Every time someone adds to this i have too reblog.

This is all true.  As much as I love technology and as much as it has changed my life and as much as I would not want to go back to the days before The Internets, there is a lot about my childhood that I miss.  But mostly I’m just pissed off because.  You see.  I was there to WATCH people like my parents (born at the end of the boomer generation) raise two kids in a modest but lovely house with a yard and a dog without much financial trouble on ONE income from a state job (my dad’s).  My mom supported my dad financially through law school and they were poor as hell back then, but after he got his job which is EXACTLY THE SAME JOB I HAVE NOW, he was pretty quickly able to buy a house and she was able to be a stay at home mom.

And meanwhile I’m like well uh half my net income every month goes to pay the rent in an apartment and my girlfriend has to also have a job and she pays for our food and it’s hard for me to imagine buying a house anytime soon because my office’s salaries have not been raised commensurate with the cost of living over the years.  I will probably be in apartments all my life and while my life isn’t BAD by a long shot, it is not at all what I was promised by the 90s. I am privileged, and I KNOW THAT, and it is STILL not what I was promised by my parents’ generation.  And then I think about all the kids in my generation and younger who have it or will have it way worse than me (I have no student debt but my brother sure does for example!!!) and I am even MORE BITTER than EVER BEFORE.  I just don’t know how we’re all expected to make it in this world, and it’s a huge difference from the “you can do anything!” mantra we all learned.

Is it any wonder why “90s kids” view our childhood years of cartoons and the Disney Renaissance and weird huge phones and all that strange candy and slap bracelets and whatnot with rose colored glasses?


these are colorblind glasses. im about to take a walk around the neighborhood and experience colors like normal people. wish me luck, updates to come.

the trees. holy shit the trees. theyre different colors. like, a million different colors

grass….. it looks so soft… so green…

after laying in the grass for about an hour staring at the autumn leaves and laughing at how blue the sky is, i have some insight to share:

why the fuck do you people buy red cars like i had no idea how bright and obnoxious they looked

there are BERRIES on the trees. like bright red. id never noticed them because they blended in. a new problem has arisen now: how the fuck do you people keep yourselves from trying to eat them they’re so tempting looking

the fallen leaves are so beautiful and colorful and you all are heathens for stepping on them just to hear the crunchy sound they make

here it is, the best post of 2016


A true miracle has been bestowed upon you!

2016 was worth it all for this post



These looks like stills from a movie that I would very much be interested in watching.


Oh but it is!! These lovely screen shots are from Neko Samurai!!

Basically Dog-Gang hires dude above (Kyutaro) to kill Cat-Gang’s beloved Cat but the cat is too cute to kill and Kyutaro “accidentally” catnaps the cat and angers both gangs. It’s a wild ride.



if you’re a (mostly) bald cartoon dude you have to wear this color scheme

#you forgot aang (michymouses28)

FUCK ur right

what is this weird trope..the color coded bald dude cult



Just realized

Actually, there’s a reason for this. The human brain interprets round shapes as friendly, and the color yellow is associated with happiness and energy. So this design basically reads, “I’m a happy friend!” Its basically the most non threatening design you can have, which makes sense, even for Krillin and Saitama.


You wake up one day with the ability to freeze time at will for as long as you want with no repercussions. What’s the first thing you do with your newfound powers?

take a nap

i would literally always freeze time to sleep that way i would never waste time sleeping again. also. ALSO. FUCK MATE. Not feeling like going to work? Freeze time and chill until you do. In a shitty situation that has you in danger? Freeze time and walk away to safety. its. so useful. I literally. dream about this ability.

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