


I’m just here for fan fiction, nothing to see here

This is probably such a niche reference that no one will get, but whenever I find something annoyingly pointless, I always remember that one scene in Broadchurch where Hardy yells, "what is the point of you, Craig?!?" In that field in his thick angry boi Scottish accent.

So now I'll mutter, "what is the point of you, Craig?" to things that annoy me.


Five years

this is on my phone, so the editing sucks, sorry.

pairing: Althur Pendragon x reader

warnings: none I think, other than sucks

masterlist ↓↓

Being the daughter of Gaius came with a lot of privileges: you lived on the castle, you always had food, clothes, a good life. You grew up with Arthur and Morgana, and eventually Gwen came along.

Morgana always treated you like a little sister, as she had high respect for you father, and never had a sister. She used to joke about you ending up being royalty, as she was convinced that Arthur would en up marrying you. But you always laughed at her for it, you and Arthur hated each other.

The young prince did everything in his power to annoy you. He would push you, made fun of you, call you names… You were young, and the idea of girls made him want to puke, until it didn’t anymore.

One time, when you two were fifteen, he kissed you. It was Morgana’s birthday, and she insisted for you to come not as a servant but as a friend. You had danced, laughed and had a lot of fun, until the blonde prince asked you to come with him for a second.

“Are you going to laugh at me, Sire?”

No, I- I just-” he stuttered blushing, making you giggle. It wasn’t an everyday thing that the prince himself stuttered, even less blushed. “Don’t laugh at me, Y/N.

My apologies, Sire.“

"We’re friends, you can call me Arthur, you know that. You look very beautiful.”

Thank you Arthur.” you smile at the odd behaviour, he never complimented you, ever. In fact he used to take pride in calling you a troll, I know, charming.

Can I- Can I try something?” the young boy asks, his hand stroking your cheek.

What do you m-” you couldn’t finish the sentence because a pair of lips collapsed against yours.

It was an sloppy innocent kiss, his first kiss, your first kiss. It was short, as fast as it came it was gone. You stood there, looking at the boy in shock. Arthur had a boyish grin in his face, staring into your eyes, blue meeting yours. But the yells of Utter looking for his son woke the two of you from your daydream, making the boy go and attend his father. Leaving you and the kiss behind.

That day, he must have been sick, because the day before and the next one to that one, and for the next five years he had been the royal brat you knew. Only talking to you to give you orders, or to embarrass you. In those five years, you had become your father’s assistant. Helping him with everything your could, and learning about magic. Even if you had born a normal human,you knew about your father, and about Merlin.

Merlin arrived some months ago, making an amazing entrance, calling Arthur out on being an ass and a bully. But they became friends, not that you could understand how; Merlin was sweet and smart, an well Arthur wasn’t.

Now, pacing around the room with Morgana and Gwen you waited for them to come back from a search. It wasn’t supposed to be dangerous, they were supposed to come back hours ago, but they didn’t. What worried you to most was Merlin’s incapability of kept hidden is magic, so you feared they might discover his secret.

I’m sure they are fine, they’re knights, and Merlin’s smart, you said it yourself! Please stop worrying you’ll make yourself sick.” Both Morgana and Gwen begged you.

“Fine, I’ll stop pacing. But I’m worried I cannot not do something!”

We understand, we are worried about them too. But Arthur’s trained, he’ll be fine. So will Merlin, stop worrying.” Gwen says grabbing your hands.

“I’m sure Arthur will protect Merlin is anything happen, he knows how much he means to you. He’ll take care of him for you.” Morgana adds, a little smile on her lips.

“Merlin’s like my brother, and I doubt Arthur cares about who I care for.”

More than you’d think.” The brunette lady says. “C'mon, it’s been years just admit to each other that you’re in love.”

You, my lady, are delusional. I don’t love that brat, I don’t even like him!”

Why did you two kiss then?” she asks teasing you.

He kissed me, as a matter of fact. And we were kids, honestly I don’t know, he never talked to me after that.” you say before been interrupted by the echo of the horses arriving to the front door of the castle.

Running out of the chamber, ignoring the two woman screaming your name you made your way downstairs. A wave of happiness and comfort came through you when you saw Merlin and the blonde prince safe, without any visible injuries.

Merlin!” you scream hugging him, your arms tight around his neck, one hand in the back of his head. The young warlock nearly falls backwards because of the strength of the impact. “I feared the worst, I’m so happy you’re fine!”

We’re okay, don’t worry. Although if you’d let me breath I’d be really thankful.” he adds patting your back, making you release him.

Well we’re fine too, If you were wondering.” Arthur’s sarcastically says.

I’m glad, Sire. Lady Morgana and King Uther wait for your news.” you smile politely, making him roll his eyes and walk into the palace. Soon enough his knights were behind him, leaving only you and Merlin alone.

You know, if you treat him like you’re not interested you two will never end up together.”

“Who says I’m interested?”

You. Your bickering, your teasing, your staring too long at him. God it’s amazing how oblivious you two are, you flirt all the time! It’s nauseous really.” he dramatically sighs making your laugh.

And I think you hit your head, Merlin. C'mon Gaius will like to see you.”

You can’t deny the truth forever, my dear Y/N.”

“Shut up and walk.” you scoff at the brunette, embarrassed of his insinuations.


It was late night when a servant asked for my physician assistance, I was required to look at some wound Arthur just found out he had. Walking quietly to the Prince’s chambers you knock on the door, waiting for him to grant you permission to enter.

When I hear him grant me the permission, j push the heavy door to enter, being faced with his bare back. Even if I don’t like to admit it, Merlin was right. I stared at him for too long sometimes, he was handsome everyone could easily see it. His eyes were the thing that most attracted me, blue like the sky on a clear day, if you looked too long you could get lost in them. And you had to admit, he was a knight, the physical training was appreciated.

Do you like what you see?” his voice waked me up from my daydreaming.

“You wish. May I know why you called me? I assure you my father is by far a better physician than me, if you’re injured he’ll be better, Sire.”

“No need to disturb him, you can handle a little cut.” he says sitting in the big bed, letting you unwrap the messy bandage he did. The wound wasn’t deep, merely superficial but I looked a little infected.

You grab the herbs you brought, mixing them with some water and alcohol, Arthur’s eyes in you all the time.

This may burn a little bit.” you warm him before cleaning the wound. When the piece of clothing made contact with the wound in his back, he hissed a breath making you stop. “I’m sorry, Sire.”

“It’s fine, I took the cut I can take the healing.” he says turning his head so his eyes could meet yours. When you start to stitch it up, a silence settles between you two, only to be broken by the blonde man. “I told you five years ago that you could call me Arthur. You never did, only once and because I called you beautiful.”

Well every girl likes a compliment from time to time.”

“That’s why called me by my name? Because I stated the obvious?”

“I called you Arthur because you were being nice. You went back to treat me like a servant to I called you by your title, like all servants do.” you state focusing on the needle, trying to be as gentle as possible.

“You’ve never been a servant to me, Y/N. ” he whispers softly trying to catch your attention. “You know, you were my first kiss.”

“I know, I was there. Is that the reason you didn’t talk to me for five years? Because you were a bad kisser?”

“I am not a bad kisser.” he argues offended making you giggle at his dramatic ways. “Your first kiss, well at least that’s something Merlin can’t have.”

Merlin? What does he have to do with this?”

He’s courting you, isn’t he? I assume you like him back since you know, you’re always with him and you were worried about him.” he explains, a bottle tone at the last “him”.

“Is that jealously, Arthur?” you ask smirking at the boy, who smiles a little hearing his name coming out of your lips. “Merlin’s like my brother, the thought of it makes me sick. And he wouldn’t stand a chance anyways, I do have my sight in someone else.” you add getting off the bed after wrapping the bandages around the wound.

“May I know who’s that man?” he asks turning around to look at you.

“No, and it’s stupid he hates me so it’s childish.”

I do think anyone could hate someone as amazing as you. And if he does, he’s not worthy of you, why would he hate you?”

“Well, he’s not being very knightly. He makes fun of me, he’s really confusing. He acts cold with me but then sometimes he cares, he’s a bit of a dollophead.” you smile turning to see him resting against the end of his bed. “He stole my first kiss and never gave it back.”

You could laugh at his face right now, and so you did. It went from somewhat angry to confused to happy to a boyish grin. He moves closer to you, backing you against the table.His hand traveled to your cheeck, a soft look on his face.

“Well I think he’s an idiot. And that he’s been blind and childish. I think, no, I know you drive him crazy and that he tried to stop his feelings but they only grew stronger.” he says smiling down at you. “And he begs for your forgiveness, and he’d like to give your kiss back.”

You chuckle at him before grabbing the back of his neck, the other hand in his arm as he leans down, brushing your noses together before he finally kisses you.

Just like the last time, the kiss is sweet, but is waited, long, both of you wanting to repair the five years of childish bickering and denied love. His sightly chapped lips gentle but firm against your soft ones.

Breaking away you see him looking at you, a true smile on his lips, lighting up his face.

I should have done that five years ago.”

You did, but now it’s better.” you tease making him chuckle.

“Told you I was not a bad kisser.”

“I don’t know yet, maybe you should show me again?” you smile at him as he mutters how impossible you are before you bring him in another kiss.


Fond of You ~ Arthur Pendragon

Requested: Yes / by Anonymous

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1,607

Pairing: Arthur Pendragon x fem!reader

Summary: Reader is a maid in the castle and by the hands of Merlin, finds herself locked in a room with Prince Arthur. 

Tags: @hahaboop

As you entered the kitchen, you were greeted by mumbled cursing and a frantic cook rushing around. You smiled at her as she turned to you, “Hello, Elsie, I’ve come for the washing.” You held up your basket as if to prove to her that you were there to do your job.

She nodded, her frizzy hair shifting with the movement, “It’s where it always is.” She pointed to the corner and you stepped over to the dirty towels and cloths, piling them into your half full basket. You glanced over at Elsie as she continued to mumble to herself and throw pots around, seeming to not at all care about the clanging sounds they made. After you’d filled your laundry basket, you stepped over to the cook with cautious footing. She turned on you, staring as you gave her a small smile.

“Is everything alright?”


It’s crazy because black girls and boys have been historically perceived by white adults to be older, more mature and less innocent. Which has been problematic to say the least.

say her mother FUCKING name 😤😤😤

You can be anything. Representation Matters

or a superhero

or a gunslinger

or a gunslinger and a queen

or a princess and a warrior and a scientist



Or a genius hacker


Or Captain America

Or the woman who walked the earth

I love so many of these characters so much and knowing that people can have these characters to see themselves in makes me so happy, I wish there were more but still!! Look at these fabulous characters we have!!!

Or a big damn hero / space rebel. 


hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death

Thanatos explaining that he’s the god of death, not hades

Thanatos explaining that it applies to animals too


Poseidon explaining that he is the god of the seas and oceans

Zeus explaining why he can’t keep it in his pants


Hermes explaining why he gotta go fast

dionysus explaining why he’s Like That


When you get to the really good part of your fanfic and legit can’t contain yourself


Between the Stars

Pairing: ten/reader (neutral) or eleven/reader (I was originally gonna write this for eleven but it turned into a ten fic. You can probably read it as both though.)

Warnings: Fluff, both The Doctor and the reader are idiots in love

Summary: The Doctor takes the reader to an intergalactic ball, where, upon realising that they’re feeling uncomfortable, he asks them to dance.


It seemed as if every single person was dressed in gowns and suits, each far too elaborate to count the number of intricate designs swirling over the waistcoats and skirts. A pair of dancers brushed past, spinning effortlessly between the others in the ballroom.

Through the large glass windows, you could see the stars flickering through the darkness. People back on Earth were wrong about the stars; they didn’t twinkle, they pulsed and fluctuated as if they mimicked the beating of thousands of tiny hearts. You wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them was in fact alive.

You watched as the Doctor mingled, his eyes creasing as he laughed at yet another story which was no doubt incredible. Your heart clenched as he held the hands of an elegant looking woman, whose skin appeared to be shimmering with a psychedelic glow. You couldn’t help but release a sigh, immediately feeling guilty afterwards.

This kind of opportunity was something that many people would probably give their lives to have. The Doctor had mentioned that the ball was an exclusive interpretation of the eighteenth-century French Aristocracy – though he’d nudged you with a grin, explaining that it was exceedingly historically inaccurate.

You’d even taken the time to dress up for the occasion; the TARDIS had provided an excellent outfit for you to try out, with golden thread weaving its way across cream satin. Honestly, you shouldn’t have been, but you were disappointed by the Doctor’s reaction. You’d hoped to surprise him and perhaps even impress him, but truth be told, it didn’t seem like he liked what you’d chosen to wear.

His cheeks had flushed pink and he’d averted his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck. He’d grown flustered and, so it seemed, couldn’t bear to look in your direction. You’d winced at his expression and decided that no, you’d never listen to the TARDIS again. You let loose another sigh, this time allowing yourself to wallow in your self-pity almost completely, and turned to stare out of the window behind you. Your reflection gazed back at you and the stars seemed to spin within your own pupils, once again seeming so very much alive.

You jumped as a hand greeted your shoulder. “Doctor!” you exclaimed as you turned to face him. “I didn’t see you there.”

“You see her over there?” The Doctor ignored you, shoving an appetiser into his mouth, pointing as he did so.

You turned your attention to where a blue-skinned female with silver hair. Her locks were held into place high atop her head with a cage-like headdress and her shoulders sprouted fins which floated gracefully in time with her movements. You nodded in response to the Doctor’s question.

“She’s a priestess of the Çelarii,” he said excitedly through a mouthful of food, “they’re only allowed outside of their temples once a year when their moon comes into orbit.”

You stared, your head swimming a little. “Moon…comes into…orbit?” you managed eventually.

The Doctor was too busy nodding and pointing out other guests to notice the way that your eyes were growing a little too wide and your cheeks a little too pale. By the time he noticed that anything was the matter, you’d already stopped listening.

“Y/N?” Someone had placed their hands on your shoulders. “Y/N, is everything alright?” of course it was the Doctor. You shook yourself back to…you’d say reality but, well.

“Yeah,” you said, forcing a weak smile, “yeah, I’m fine.” You weren’t about to admit that this alien party from a bygone era was starting to become a little much. The Doctor held you under a scrutinous glare for just a few seconds before plastering on a smile and grabbing your hands in his. Your heart fluttered involuntarily, and you cursed yourself mentally.

“Well then, what’s an eighteenth-century party without dancing?” You blinked at him. He better not have just suggested what you thought he had.

“It’s not the eighteenth century,” you tried.

The Doctor shrugged. “Might as well be.” He started to drag you towards the middle of the room. Before he could make much progress, you rooted your feet to the spot, gripping onto the edge of a nearby table for support. The Doctor turned around to face you with the eyes of a dejected puppy that’d just been kicked. “What is it?” he asked.

“I’m not dancing,” you declared, folding your arms as the Doctor’s arm fell limply to his side.

“Why not?” The Doctor asked, clearly a little hurt.

“I’m just not.”

The Doctor spun around in a wide arc, reaching his arm out as he did so. “Everyone else is!”

You sighed. Sometimes he really was a petulant child. “And?” you demanded, “Doesn’t mean I have to!”

The Doctor stared. His bad luck suit was really having a field day today. He could, not try as he might, seem to get a read on you tonight. First of all, you’d entered the console room and had, quite frankly, taken his breath away, but then you’d become all quiet - he really wasn’t sure what to make of that – and now he’d asked you to dance and you’d turned him down! What was he supposed to do? Ask you and take you to a restaurant like a human? No, he told himself, this was much better. So why did it always go wrong? Whenever he plucked up the courage at the right moment to say something, you were ambushed by Daleks or shot at by Sontarans and whenever he tried to show you how he felt about you, you just didn’t seem to take the hint.

Maybe he should just give up. He shook himself. No, he’d get it right eventually. After all, he had all the time in the world. He straightened his posture and held out his hand once more.

“Dance with me.” You shook your head.

“I can’t—” “I’ll show you the steps. You’ll pick it up.” You frowned. The Doctor bit back a smile. That frown meant that you were deciding something. You may not have known it yourself, but he’d paid enough attention to know what you were thinking from time to time.

“It looks so complicated,” you whispered, eyes darting around you. A duo of male dancers swept by, one of them tossing the other into the air as they went. The Doctor followed your gaze.

“We don’t have to do anything as difficult as that,” he chuckled softly, “trust me, you have me to guide you.”

You bit your lip, your heart thundering. The Doctor placed both your hands in his.

“What are you so afraid of?” he asked, leaning in towards you. He searched your eyes with his, your noses just centimetres apart. Your breath caught in your throat and you swallowed tightly.

You really weren’t sure. It was a combination really: you were afraid to disappoint the Doctor (he wasn’t exactly the kindest at times), you were afraid of making a fool of yourself and most of all you were afraid to be that close to The Doctor, to the man who a few hours before couldn’t bear to look at you. You elected not to say anything. Instead, you shook your head, as if to say that you had no idea.

The Doctor smiled softly, and it was only when his smile broke into a devilish grin that you knew you were in trouble. He yanked you with him, spinning you around as you crossed over to the middle of the dance floor.

“I hate you,” you said as he placed a hand upon your waist, the other taking your hand in his.

“Nah you don’t,” he grinned.

You smiled back, rolling your eyes. Your feet knocked against the Doctor’s and you yelped as he only just caught you in time. You glanced around you at the other dancers, hoping they hadn’t seen what’d happened.

“Sorry,” you mumbled. The Doctor only nodded slowly, leading you into a twirl.

“Are you sure we’re doing this right?” you asked.

“Of course not,” The Doctor scoffed, “but nobody really cares.” You found that hard to believe. You were acutely aware of other people’s eyes, fixed upon the pair of you.

“Hey,” The Doctor said, “hey look at me.” You managed to tear your eyes away from those around you, looking up at the Doctor’s face instead.

“Everyone’s watching,” you said tentatively.

“I’m sure they are,” The Doctor pressed you closer to him, “how could they not? You look brilliant.”

Your eyes widened and you leant back a little, giving you room to properly look at him. “You think so?” you asked. The Doctor nodded, brow creased.

“I thought that was obvious,” he said. You barked a laugh.

“That was the furthest from obvious,” you said, “I thought you hated what I’m wearing.”

“I thought you hated dancing,” The Doctor teased, “yet here you are.”

You punched him lightly on the shoulder as he spun you around. “Doesn’t count,” you said, “you made me.”

“You tell yourself that.” The Doctor tilted his head to the side. “No but you really do, look lovely I mean. Anyway, the TARDIS wouldn’t have picked out the outfit if she knew I wouldn’t like it on you.” The Doctor’s cheeks flushed when he realised what he’d said. You grinned, raising your eyebrows.

“Oh? And why’s that?” The Doctor pursed his lips tightly but said no more.

He cleared his throat. “You were uh, you were looking out of the window before,” he said, and you nodded. “What were you looking at?”

You shrugged. “The stars I guess.” You looked sideways at the windows surrounding the ballroom, smiling gently. “The universe.”

The Doctor nodded. You looked on in silence for a while.

“Funny, I was looking at the same thing.” The Doctor whispered.

“The universe?”

“In a way, I suppose I was.” The Doctor tucked a stray hair behind your ear as you swayed to the music. “I was looking at my universe.”

He pressed his lips against your forehead, wondering if you realised he meant you.

Notes: I hope you guys enjoyed this one! It was a little more challenging to write but I think I got there in the end. Let me know what you think and it’s probably a little early but if you send them, I’ll do requests. Stay safe!


Is it just me or do y’all ever feel fanfiction is like a drug? Like if you can’t find something to read, you’re going stir crazy and you’re desperately looking for more. Caz the other fkn option is to deal with life and that’s just a bigass nope.


Hey friends! Hope you are all safe! Over on instagram, a user called isokorevieno made a fantastic suggestion: to sell prints of black women I’ve painted, and donate the profits to help Black Lives Matter. I’ve selected 9 paintings to raise funds. All of the profits generated from these prints from now til July 31st will be donated to Black Lives Matter Global Network. INPRNT will also donate 10% of that amount. Find the prints here: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/loish/

You will be able to see which prints are for the fundraiser by title: if it contains BLM fundraiser, the funds will go to Black Lives Matter. Two of the prints - Soft and Magic - are exclusive to this fundraiser, so be sure to get one before July 31st - after that they will no longer be available!

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