
Vinyl Fantasy


Comics and Records in Brooklyn, NY
194 Knickerbocker Ave

Sun shower. (at Grote Markt Brussel- Grand Place Bruxelles)


Neurosis was the perfect end to a perfect Roadburn fest! Later Tilburg, it's been real. (at Roadburn Festival)


I didn't think I'd ever see this live. Fucking best vacation ever. (at Roadburn Festival)


In the middle of a spring store purchasing spree for records and comics. Sell me your vinyl!!! Also, I'll be in and out of #moccafest2016 this weekend if your going to be there and you see me say hey!


Real nerd ralk time guys. The biggest problems with Superman that comic fans, us included, often cite is he is an overpowered character with a narrow right and wrong moral code that can't work in todays complicated modern world. But Zach Snyder, you really missed the mark with your "vision" of the big guy. Superman works best when hes painted as that overpowered, righteous Boy Scout who just wants to help people. Is he flawed in that simplicity? sure. But its in that simple mission, his desire to always help, that the characters real struggle emerges. When done right the character still can be compelling. In a fair world Bruce Timm & Paul Dini would be in charge of the DCCU.


We mustn't dwell...no, not today. We CAN'T. Not on Stone Cold Steve Austin day.

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