
Marigold doesn't live here




Do you play Exalted: Essence? Do you like Abyssal Exalts? Do you want more Abyssal Exalts content for your Exalted: Essence game? Well, you can have it! The Abyssal Exalted Player's Kit for Exalted: Essence has

  • 18 new Abyssal Charms
  • A new supernatural disease
  • Six new soulsteel artifacts
  • Seven new Abyssal-aspected demsenses, manses, and hearthstones

AND it's pay-what-you-want. Get it now before I come to my senses and lock down the price!




(And Merry almost-Christmas if you're into that.)

Your characters were so goddamn adorable that I couldn't choose who to draw... so I just didn't choose. I drew them all. With a full background, because I'm extra and have no chill. And that background is *packed* with little details, so if you want the much larger version of this image, I can send it to you.

I hope you're doing well, and that the holidays/Calibration treat you well this year.


@shiftingpath Tagging you so you can count me as done!


Oh my gosh I don’t believe you did ALL THREE and they’re SO CUTE!!!! And the environment is AMAZING!!!!!!! I do not have enough exclaim actions to express how much I love this My holidays were ~kinda rough~ but the thought and care you put into this totally cheered me up, thank you so much💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

I would absolutely love to see the giant version as well!


Exalted Secret Santa 2021

Hello Exalted art nerds!

If you know me it’s probably as Marigold on discord (specifically Marigold#7827, feel free to send a friend request if you’d like!) but I’m also @MaribunArt on the twitters, though I’m terrible about remembering to post things there.

Here are my babies for the art exchange! Sorry there are only a couple fully polished pics of them. I’m going to link a pinterest board for each as well, reflective of their general aesthetics, so feel free to change their outfits/hair styles/etc if you’d like

Ivy Rosedottir Air aspect Dragonblood Lot-Casting Atemi sheet link

Ivy Rosedottir is an air aspect born in a teeny tiny town a few days south of Icehome. She spent her early years as an exalt turning around the prospects of her slowly dying home town until an itinerant Immaculate Monk stumbled upon her efforts (which involved extensive collaboration with the local terrestrial gods) and used them as blackmail to force Ivy into "employment" helping manage a small, new, and thus-far unprofitable Satrapy halfway across Creation. Shockingly, she is not terribly fond of the realm.

Visual motifs: Crows, sheep, weaving/knitting/sewing/etc, snow and frost, spooky forests (she has the root lore sorcerous initiation & styles herself a witch) Aspect Markings: white/blue lock of hair starting at her right temple, tendency towards cold hands even in warm weather. Her anima leans more snow & ice than electricity. Important details: Freckles! Just so many, basically everywhere

Cathak Kilani Water aspect Dragonblood Lot-Casting Atemi sheet link

Cathak Kilani is, most likely, the most un-Cathak Cathak currently drawing breath. She excels at bureaucratic endeavors, would rather sort paperwork than spar, gets queasy at the sight of blood, and underneath a very sweet and kind exterior happens to be one of the sneakiest people on the entire Blessed Isle. She harbors an inordinate amount of guilt over her natural skill in what she views as dishonorable skills, but at the same time feels an intense need to employ said skills to keep her family and friends safe

House Cathak and House V'neef are currently in talks regarding a potential engagement between Kilani and V'neef Xelan, Matriarch V'neef's second-youngest child by blood, which would likely finalize the formal alliance the two houses have been dancing around. Kilani is utterly terrified that she's going to fuck this up somehow.

Visual Motifs: Dark waters, coral reefs, flowers Aspect Markings: Hair coloration resembles white-capped waves, stygian blue eyes, smells faintly of sea breezes and plumeria blossoms Important details: She has a large collection of alchemically preserved flowers and nearly always wears one tucked behind her right ear

Karal Lei-Xin Twilight caste Solar

Lei-xin is a Lookshyan ex-patriot, quietly struggling to aid her family and homeland without them finding out that she faked her death because she's a wicked, evil Anathema now.

Lei is a natural bridge-builder, winning friends and allies across multiple factions. She counts at least one of nearly every type of Exalt a friend, and her most ambitious project to date is helping the Dragon Kings of Rathess rebuild their civilization and rejoin the world's stage.

Lei-Xin became one of the most talented chefs in Creation and beyond sort of by accident. The excessive amount of pastries she tends to send home with her Shieldbearer husband has even started to win over a few Bronze faction sidereals.

Visual Motifs: rabbits, clouds, Important Details: Always wears a necklace of some sort with a red gem on it (a simple choker is most common since it doesn't get in the way when she's working but she has several styles) and a moonsilver wedding band.


My new discord username is Mari_Bun


Exalted Secret Santa, 15th Edition

Hello friends!

It's that time again; time to come together over the winter season to make some art of each other's amazing Exalted characters. If you're an artist in the Exalted fandom, here's what you'll need to participate:

1) A working tumblr account. RSVP to me in an ask, message, reply to this post, confirmation in the reblog tags, etc. so I will know to add you to the list. If you submit under a new handle but have participated before, or if your tumblr name has changed, please note the name of the account you will be posting with for the exchange. I like to make sure repeat participants get different assignments and gifts every year; if you have changed names please just remind me a little, so I can ensure you don't get paired with the same person twice.

2) Post a journal to tumblr by December 10th with the descriptions of the character you would like drawn. Include two or three if you have them to give the person drawing for you more options. Please provide all the physical and relevant details needed to draw the character, and provide a reference picture if at all possible. (A piece of your own art, a commission, a play-by picture, etc.)

Also, if you have any strong aversions or phobias that might be important for a stranger drawing your character, please note that in the journal. (For example: “Silent Vortex of the Storm’s left eye is brilliant white-blue like her anima, but her right eye is lost and that side of her face scarred badly. She always wears her eyepatch and a close-fitting hood. (I’d prefer not to see any graphic eye trauma.)”

Just try to make it as easy as possible for your gifter to draw your character!

Tag your journal with #exalted or #exalted secret santa so I can find it (or message me with a link). Once all the journals are up, I’ll make a post compiling the links to them all so they’re easy to find. I will also send you a message through asks or messages with the name of the person you are assigned to draw for. Please try to get your journal up by the 10th so your gifter will have plenty of time to draw for you.

2) Check your messages or ask box for your assignment. I will have this to you on December 11th if at all possible. Let me know if you’re planning to be unavailable for any major length of time just in case I need to get ahold of you for further details. If you have an emergency and cannot finish the trade in time (for example, your tablet or scanner breaks), let me know asap so I can arrange a replacement. Thank you!

3) Submit a piece of finished artwork by January 14th.  Please tag your submission with the secret santa tag and your giftee’s name if you wish, or I can notify them once it’s up. When all the gifts are posted, I’ll compile them into a single post so we can all get a good look at them.

Let me know by December 10th and I will have your assignments to you within 24 hours if at all possible. Feel free to message me at any time with any questions.

Sorry, I do not accept writing or mechanics submissions for this Secret Santa (though you are welcome to accompany your picture with some text, and of course welcome to host a writing exchange of your own!)

Happy Calibration,



Hey @maribunart  Merry Calibration!!  how could I _not_ choose your adorable hearthcat-loving cinnamon roll of a Dragonblooded??? I love Kilani and I am so happy for the chance to draw her!! Tried to give her a quiet moment enjoying a delicious beverage with two hearth-cat buddies to keep her company.  I hope you like it <3 This is watercolor & colored pencil on hotpress watercolor paper, about 8x10 finished area, and if you want the original I’m happy to mail it to the address of your choice!  so sorry for making you and @shiftingpath sweat with my sliding-up-to-the-deadline near lateness! 😬 


Just realized I squealed about this on discord but not here LOOK AT MY BABY LOOK AT HEEEEEEEEEEER <3 <3 <3




Exalted Secret Santa 2021

Hello Exalted art nerds!

If you know me it’s probably as Marigold on discord (specifically Marigold#7827, feel free to send a friend request if you’d like!) but I’m also @MaribunArt on the twitters, though I’m terrible about remembering to post things there.

Here are my babies for the art exchange! Sorry there are only a couple fully polished pics of them. I’m going to link a pinterest board for each as well, reflective of their general aesthetics, so feel free to change their outfits/hair styles/etc if you’d like

Ivy Rosedottir Air aspect Dragonblood Lot-Casting Atemi sheet link

Ivy Rosedottir is an air aspect born in a teeny tiny town a few days south of Icehome. She spent her early years as an exalt turning around the prospects of her slowly dying home town until an itinerant Immaculate Monk stumbled upon her efforts (which involved extensive collaboration with the local terrestrial gods) and used them as blackmail to force Ivy into "employment" helping manage a small, new, and thus-far unprofitable Satrapy halfway across Creation. Shockingly, she is not terribly fond of the realm.

Visual motifs: Crows, sheep, weaving/knitting/sewing/etc, snow and frost, spooky forests (she has the root lore sorcerous initiation & styles herself a witch) Aspect Markings: white/blue lock of hair starting at her right temple, tendency towards cold hands even in warm weather. Her anima leans more snow & ice than electricity. Important details: Freckles! Just so many, basically everywhere

Cathak Kilani Water aspect Dragonblood Lot-Casting Atemi sheet link

Cathak Kilani is, most likely, the most un-Cathak Cathak currently drawing breath. She excels at bureaucratic endeavors, would rather sort paperwork than spar, gets queasy at the sight of blood, and underneath a very sweet and kind exterior happens to be one of the sneakiest people on the entire Blessed Isle. She harbors an inordinate amount of guilt over her natural skill in what she views as dishonorable skills, but at the same time feels an intense need to employ said skills to keep her family and friends safe

House Cathak and House V'neef are currently in talks regarding a potential engagement between Kilani and V'neef Xelan, Matriarch V'neef's second-youngest child by blood, which would likely finalize the formal alliance the two houses have been dancing around. Kilani is utterly terrified that she's going to fuck this up somehow.

Visual Motifs: Dark waters, coral reefs, flowers Aspect Markings: Hair coloration resembles white-capped waves, stygian blue eyes, smells faintly of sea breezes and plumeria blossoms Important details: She has a large collection of alchemically preserved flowers and nearly always wears one tucked behind her right ear

Karal Lei-Xin Twilight caste Solar

Lei-xin is a Lookshyan ex-patriot, quietly struggling to aid her family and homeland without them finding out that she faked her death because she's a wicked, evil Anathema now.

Lei is a natural bridge-builder, winning friends and allies across multiple factions. She counts at least one of nearly every type of Exalt a friend, and her most ambitious project to date is helping the Dragon Kings of Rathess rebuild their civilization and rejoin the world's stage.

Lei-Xin became one of the most talented chefs in Creation and beyond sort of by accident. The excessive amount of pastries she tends to send home with her Shieldbearer husband has even started to win over a few Bronze faction sidereals.

Visual Motifs: rabbits, clouds, Important Details: Always wears a necklace of some sort with a red gem on it (a simple choker is most common since it doesn't get in the way when she's working but she has several styles) and a moonsilver wedding band.


Exalted Secret Santa, 14th Edition

Hello again, all!

Apologies for starting a little late this year; things piled up unexpectedly. However thanks to feedback from last year, you’ll have some extra time and a later due date, so I hope that’ll help make up for it. So let’s get going with our official welcome. If you are an artist and Exalted fan, here’s what you’ll need to participate in this year’s exchange:

1) A working tumblr account. RSVP to me in an ask, message, reply to this post, confirmation in the reblog tags, etc. so I will know to add you to the list. If you submit under a new handle but have participated before, or if your tumblr name has changed, please note the name of the account you will be posting with for the exchange. I like to make sure repeat participants get different assignments and gifts every year; if you have changed names please just remind me a little, so I can update the giant excel sheet of secret santas past make sure you get a new partner.

2) Post a journal to tumblr by December 10th with the descriptions of the character you would like drawn. Include two or three if you have them, to give the person drawing for you more options. Please provide all the physical and relevant details needed to draw the character, and provide a reference picture if at all possible. (A piece of your own art, a commission, a play-by picture, etc.)

Also, if you have any strong aversions or phobias that might be important for a stranger drawing your character, please note that in the journal. (For example: “Silent Vortex of the Storm’s left eye is brilliant white-blue like her anima, but her right eye is lost and that side of her face scarred badly. She always wears her eyepatch and a close-fitting hood. (I’d prefer not to see any graphic eye trauma.)”

Just try to make it as easy as possible for your gifter to draw your character!

Tag your journal with #exalted or #exalted secret santa so I can find it (or message me with a link). Once all the journals are up, I’ll make a post compiling the links to them all so they’re easy to find. I will also send you a message through asks or messages with the name of the person you are assigned to draw for. Please try to get your journal up by the 10th so your gifter will have plenty of time to draw for you.

2) Check your messages or ask box for your assignment.

I will have this to you on December 11th if at all possible. Let me know if you’re planning to be unavailable for any major length of time just in case I need to get ahold of you for further details. If you have an emergency and cannot finish the trade in time (for example, your tablet or scanner breaks), let me know asap so I can arrange a replacement. Thank you!

3) Submit a piece of finished artwork by January 15th. Thanks to those of you who provided feedback last year; as a result I’ve extended the due date. Hopefully those of you who are busiest during the holiday season can use the extra time after New Years to help get your submission finished! 

Please tag your submission with the secret santa tag and your giftee’s name if you wish, or I can notify them once it’s up. When all the gifts are posted, I’ll compile them into a single post so we can all get a good look at them.

Let me know by December 10th and I will have your assignments to you within 24 hours if at all possible. Feel free to message me at any time with any questions.

Sorry, I do not accept writing or mechanics submissions for this Secret Santa (though you are welcome to accompany your picture with some text, and of course welcome to host a writing exchange of your own!)

Happy Calibration,



A bit late to the party(sincerest apologies!), but here is my submission for this years Exalted Secret Santa! This is @maribunart `s Karal Lei-Xin, a former Lookshyan Twilight Solar.

I saw "Twilight" and immediately thought of Sorcery, and wanted to make a magical display using the colors of the sunset, and the gathering of sorcerous essence. I realized half way through that she might not be a Sorcerer, but it was too late to turn back!

There is more that I want to do with it, like adding a phantom cake and maybe a few dancing cupcakes. I’ll let you know as soon as that happens. Until then, Happy Calibration Maribunart!


OH I LOVE IT! Thank you so much (and no need to apologize, I only barely got mine in before the deadline haha!) I really love what you did with the magic effects <3


Sorry for cutting things so close to the deadline but happy Calibration @sly-works! I read “Disney princess of magma kraken wielding sorcerers” and I just had to. If any of the colors are off please let me know, that’s a super quick and easy fix

Here‘s a little bonus sketch of the other composition that got slightly past the thumbnail phase before I realized I’d have to design both a big scary warlord and a big scary sword and immediately chickened out

Thanks so much to @shiftingpath for organizing this, it was super fun!


Helpful and Preventative Stretches for Writers, Artists, and Gamers 💪🎨✍🎮

If you type, write, draw, game, or generally use your hands a lot (especially if you’re prone to RSI or Carpal Tunnel!) try these stretches as both a preventative measure, and on the spot relief. Take care of yourself and your body, friends!

Start with hands up, fingers stretched out.  Stretch your thumb as far as you can over your palm. Hold and repeat 4 times.

Touch each finger to your thumb. Hold each for 30 seconds. Repeat on each hand 4 times.

Start with a fist. Open half way, hold for 2 seconds. Stretch fingers out, hold for 2 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

Start with one arm out, palm up. Pull your fingers back with your other hand. Hold for 10 seconds. Do the same with your other hand. Repeat 4 times

Start with arms up, palms out. Bend wrists down until you feel the stretch, but keep your fingers loose. Hold 10 seconds. Bend wrist upwards, until you feel it in your wrist and arm. Hold 10 seconds. Repeat 4 times.


Exalted Secret Santa 2021

Hello Exalted art nerds!

If you know me it’s probably as Marigold on discord (specifically Marigold#7827, feel free to send a friend request if you’d like!) but I’m also @MaribunArt on the twitters, though I’m terrible about remembering to post things there.

Here are my babies for the art exchange! Sorry there are only a couple fully polished pics of them. I’m going to link a pinterest board for each as well, reflective of their general aesthetics, so feel free to change their outfits/hair styles/etc if you’d like

Ivy Rosedottir Air aspect Dragonblood Lot-Casting Atemi sheet link

Ivy Rosedottir is an air aspect born in a teeny tiny town a few days south of Icehome. She spent her early years as an exalt turning around the prospects of her slowly dying home town until an itinerant Immaculate Monk stumbled upon her efforts (which involved extensive collaboration with the local terrestrial gods) and used them as blackmail to force Ivy into "employment" helping manage a small, new, and thus-far unprofitable Satrapy halfway across Creation. Shockingly, she is not terribly fond of the realm.

Visual motifs: Crows, sheep, weaving/knitting/sewing/etc, snow and frost, spooky forests (she has the root lore sorcerous initiation & styles herself a witch) Aspect Markings: white/blue lock of hair starting at her right temple, tendency towards cold hands even in warm weather. Her anima leans more snow & ice than electricity. Important details: Freckles! Just so many, basically everywhere

Cathak Kilani Water aspect Dragonblood Lot-Casting Atemi sheet link

Cathak Kilani is, most likely, the most un-Cathak Cathak currently drawing breath. She excels at bureaucratic endeavors, would rather sort paperwork than spar, gets queasy at the sight of blood, and underneath a very sweet and kind exterior happens to be one of the sneakiest people on the entire Blessed Isle. She harbors an inordinate amount of guilt over her natural skill in what she views as dishonorable skills, but at the same time feels an intense need to employ said skills to keep her family and friends safe

House Cathak and House V'neef are currently in talks regarding a potential engagement between Kilani and V'neef Xelan, Matriarch V'neef's second-youngest child by blood, which would likely finalize the formal alliance the two houses have been dancing around. Kilani is utterly terrified that she's going to fuck this up somehow.

Visual Motifs: Dark waters, coral reefs, flowers Aspect Markings: Hair coloration resembles white-capped waves, stygian blue eyes, smells faintly of sea breezes and plumeria blossoms Important details: She has a large collection of alchemically preserved flowers and nearly always wears one tucked behind her right ear

Karal Lei-Xin Twilight caste Solar

Lei-xin is a Lookshyan ex-patriot, quietly struggling to aid her family and homeland without them finding out that she faked her death because she's a wicked, evil Anathema now.

Lei is a natural bridge-builder, winning friends and allies across multiple factions. She counts at least one of nearly every type of Exalt a friend, and her most ambitious project to date is helping the Dragon Kings of Rathess rebuild their civilization and rejoin the world's stage.

Lei-Xin became one of the most talented chefs in Creation and beyond sort of by accident. The excessive amount of pastries she tends to send home with her Shieldbearer husband has even started to win over a few Bronze faction sidereals.

Visual Motifs: rabbits, clouds, Important Details: Always wears a necklace of some sort with a red gem on it (a simple choker is most common since it doesn't get in the way when she's working but she has several styles) and a moonsilver wedding band.

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