

My name is Laura. If you know me in person I'm sorry. I act professional in the streets and watch cartoons and cry in the sheets.

Congratulations tumblr

We are officially responsible for a 1 billion dollar loss to Verizon let’s all give ourselves a round of applause

Canadians: I love Bernie Sanders and AOC! Healthcare for all! Free tuition for all! Tax the rich! No Oil Pipelines and a Green New Deal!
NDP: Hey our 2019 platform is basically Healthcare for all! Free tuition for all! Tax the rich! No oil pipelines and a Green New Deal!
Those same Canadians: Votes for the status quo Centrist Liberals and Right Wing Conservatives who promise none of that.

real romance is just being deeply stupid together. i dream of one day meeting someone i can be deeply stupid with and not feel embarrassed 


if we want to call ourselves writers we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of actually writing 

Anonymous asked:

Hey so why do Canadians not like Trudeau? Like I really don't mean to be rude or anything, I'm just honestly confused bc all I've seen about him are memes and I kinda wanna know what happened before the election rolls around.

Off the top of my head:

He blatantly lied about several of his major election promises including reforming our electoral system (which would have prevented any government from winning a majority of seats without a majority of the vote), a new “nation to nation relationship with Indigenous peoples”, claimed to take climate change seriously then adopted weak Conservative climate targets than approved, built and bought huge oil pipelines going through unceded indigenous territories without consent; 

He continues to give big oil billions in subsidies despite promising to remove these subsidies; has failed to remove the ban on gay men donating blood despite promising to do this; has continued selling armoured vehicles that can be armed with deadly machine guns to Saudi Arabia and which have been proven to be used on civilians in SA and in nearby Yemen; 

He is embroiled in a scandal around SNC-Lavalin a corrupt company under allegations that he pressured his attorney general to interfere in a prosecution (this has lead to major cabinet resignations); Has basically stayed silent as Trump has attacked mexicans, muslims and immigrants; has maintained bad Stephen Harper policies like cuts to healthcare transfers and mandatory minimum sentences; have repeatedly refused to properly fund Indigenous children and have sued residential school survivors and Indigenous children trying to access essential healthcare.

Justin Trudeau is a spineless Centrist, and he’s half assing everything making progressives and the right rebel against him. His party is not the most left party in Canada. Not even close. The NDP are the most progressive party in Canada. Canada’s Liberals are Centre to Centre-Right in the majority of their policies.


My hobbies include reading, writing, and doing neither of those things.

Well I feel insulted

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