
My Sex Life Is Not Public Domain


I need to know the nature of the demons that possess man's soul // RP blog that constantly gets bullied

@a-doctorate-in-social-drinkng Where are you??? And where’s Rachel???

Don’t know, henry. @fryingpanbich Where you at?

Don’t play games, I know you departed together from the society earlier in search for Hyde!

Aren’t you supposed to be in Surrey or something?

I am! But I still know you left!

How??? Whatever. I’m going to meet this ‘assistant’ of yours, Henry, one way or another!

Well, I wish you good luck then… For I know you’re not going to find him.

?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? YOU-! YOU-! AHHHHHH! Just for once let me meet this man!

It's not my fault he's so good at hyding, Robert!


@a-doctorate-in-social-drinkng Where are you??? And where’s Rachel???

Don’t know, henry. @fryingpanbich Where you at?

Don’t play games, I know you departed together from the society earlier in search for Hyde!

Aren’t you supposed to be in Surrey or something?

I am! But I still know you left!

How??? Whatever. I’m going to meet this ‘assistant’ of yours, Henry, one way or another!

Well, I wish you good luck then... For I know you're not going to find him.


Rb to give April a glass of juice

(1 reblog = one glass of juice)




you know what they say

if ya’ can’t beat ‘em

join ‘em


Okay I just want to say sorry, I know who is spamming you guys and it's certainly not a lodger. It's one of my friends. They dragged me into accusing Rachel. I'm so sorry!


Oh my! This is certainly a surprise. But still, I’m sure it was all in good fun and no harm was done so I’ll let it slide.

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