
my name is Noelle!

@lil-princess-peaches / lil-princess-peaches.tumblr.com

trans little. lesbian/homoflexible. cg/lre. liltot. pls don't interract if you're kink.

if cis women can bulk up and wear baggy pants and crop their hair short and go without makeup or shaving their pits/legs/anywhere else, co-opt traditionally ‘masculine’ behaviors, and still be viewed as women–even praised for how very feminist they are in doing so–then so can trans women. that’s it. end of.

and if cis men who love fashion and florals and pink, and wear dresses and makeup and love to bake, can be comfortable in their masculinity and praised as revolutionary for doing so, then–you guessed it–so can trans men. that’s it. end of.

not one single person on earth has any right to dictate how anyone else pilots their respective flesh suits. not one single person on earth has any right to claim someone is ‘faking’ their gender or performing a gender incorrectly when gender is arbitrary as hell as-is.

hnngg i love this


Smash that mf reblog button if you’re loving and supporting trans lesbians on this day

heck man i love trans lesbians everyday


So, you just saw a post from a TERF. Now what?

If you are trans, nonbinary, or any sexuality/gender that that user was being bigoted against— take a deep breath. 

Sit in yourself and find your center. Search for it in your body, were the feeling of truth and love is strongest. Mine is usually in my chest or throat. 

Keep breathing and feeling. Acknowledge how much the post made you feel. The anger, the hurt, the disappointment, the disgust, they are important and should be felt. You have every right to feel them. Let them flow through you and let them go if they are causing you harm. Say them out loud, pray, write them down, paint them out. 

If you are scared or feel overwhelmed, I would encourage you to get that out in healthy ways as well. For me that means reaching out to others and being comforted by them. Find something that works for you. 

Repeat what you know to be true—that the TERF was wrong, that they are bigoted, that there is a community that loves and accepts you. 

There will always be people that love you and will stand with you. Your back is never exposed. 

If you want to engage with the TERF, then make sure you are in an emotional place that is healthy. If it is going to hurt or upset you, I’d recommend that you let someone else with more energy/spoons than you handle it. 


please don't ever think that no one cares about you

I work in an ER and we see suicides all the time. And we get at least 3 suicidal ideations a night. We all care about you. I promise, we do. A team of complete strangers who have worked 3+ 12 hour shifts this week who are being screamed at all day and night and probably haven’t had lunch and trust me, we still love you and care about you.

We had a 16 year old patient last night who we couldn’t save. We were in that room with this patient for over an hour, we did everything we could. And let me tell you, we all cried. The EMT’s, the nurses, the doctor. We all huddled together in the doctors dictation room and cried.

I went through the rest of my shift with smudged mascara and tracks on my cheeks.

I remember the names of all the patients that have taken their lives on my shifts.

I remember squeezing the hands, smoothing the hair, kissing the foreheads, and wiping away the blood and the vomit of every patient that has left me too soon.

I can still see every face that I have zipped into a body bag.

Trust me, someone cares about you. You have never met them yet. You don’t ever think about them. They are never remembered when you talk about heroes and role models.

But someone loves you.


This made me cry

When I was in hospital being seen to, being bandaged and sedated and surrounded by medical staff, my family was ignoring my calls, my friends hadn’t cared to check in. I felt terrified and hopeless and so very unimportant that it was taking everything it had in me to not drink the cleaning products left nearby by one of the cleaners, to make sure I finished the job properly.

There was a nurse though, who came into my room with a soft smile, who held my hand, who took away the bottles when she noticed me watching them for too long. There was a nurse that plugged in my phone to charge in case my family called back, that took away the bloody cloths the paramedics had left me with, that helped me put my hair up when it was sticking to my tear streaked face, because my arms were too sore to do it myself.

There was a nurse that saved my life twice in one night, who made me feel that I was worth being looked after, and her name was Emma and she was the most beautiful person I’ve met.

Months later, I was visiting my mother at the same hospital whilst she was incapacitated with back concerns. Whilst I sat and watched my mum sleeping, a nurse approached to check up on her. She met my gaze and she smiled immediately, face lit with recognition, and she said “oh my gosh, hey! How are you doing?”

People definitely do care about us even if we don’t think they do, and to the original poster?

Your faces are never forgotten either.

You’re more than heroes to me.

Im not crying you are 

I remember the paramedics that picked me up recently after my attempt. They said they were “rooting for me to get better.” They said they “wouldn’t ever stop hoping I get better.” they too said they wouldn’t “forget my face.” It really sits with you when you realize people that don’t even know you care about you and are rooting for you.

As a paramedic myself, and someone who’s tried to take her own life twice, I feel I was not allowed to take it because it was my duty to spread my story around. Jared’s AKF campaign helped me do my fucking job. And let me tell y’all something. Us, the SPN Family, hear those words all the time. 

“Always Keep Fighting”

And sometimes, I’ll admit, they become so overused and repetitive that the meaning and message can get lost.

I was transporting a teenager to a mental health facility after her attempt. I told her my own story and it resonated with her a bit. But what got her to change her attitude towards recovery was this:

“It fucking sucks girl, but I tell myself ‘I am enough’ every single day and it does help over time.”

She nodded.

“So…what are you?”

“Enough,” she replied with such a beautiful smile. One that I think she doesn’t show very often.

I told her she needed to say it in front of her parents, who were absolutely distraught that she tried to kill herself. As a parent, I felt their anguish and they probably were blaming themselves for not seeing the signs in time.

She managed to tell her parents that she was enough.

Her father replied, “Damn right you are, princess.”

I don’t think this girl had a good relationship with her father (know the feeling) because she looked at him like he told told her she was going to be crowned Queen of England that night.


I was alone in my initial struggle with depression/anxiety/suicidal tendencies. I NEVER want anyone else to feel that way.

@oneshoeshort… I really needed this tonight. Thank you.

Since this popped up on my dash again (thanks @familybusinesswritingbro you gorgeous thing you!) I’m reblogging my own reblog for everyone to see.

This made me cry.   There aren’t onions around. Honestly, I don’t think my mousepad will work with the tears on it.


Because it’s important.

This is a powerful post that needs to be spread. There is someone who cares about you out there.


frickin heck,,

i love trans girls?? so much?? we’re all so damn beautiful hhh every trans girl is so so so gorgeous and i love you


things reserved exclusively for LGBT people:

  • the color mustard yellow
  • jean jackets
  • beanies
  • red eyeshadow
  • anything with a rainbow on it

feel free 2 add xoxo

  • having an undercut
  • crop tops
  • combat boots
  • true love

Nothing, actually, because no item or person is specifically for anyone. So screw off with this post because straight girls wear crop tops, the military wear combat boots, rainbows can be a sign of peace, Tyler Joseph has a mustard yellow hoodie, some of my friends wear jean jackets, and almost everyone’s worn a beanie at one time in their life.

things reserved exclusively for straight people: 

  • 21 pilots 
  • whining about gay people making jokes

things reserved exclusively for LGBT people: - oversized hoodies

these are all right but I like 21 pilots so it’s gay too

tyjo is gay lmao 


“There are girls with penises, boys with vulvas, and transphobes without teeth.”


Oh shit. No. Shit. Thank you

Just gonna reblog this out of gratitude because I actually did forget…

Fffffffff let me get right on that. 

and then reblog for the next forgetful son of a bitch

I’m so great full for everyone that is reblogging this. I totally forgot to take mine

I think that there is some sort of unspoken fairy godparent thing where you see this, realize that you forgot your meds, and rebagel it because if you forgot someone else must have. And in our turn we all take care of each other, even if we don’t know it.


The other day I was washing my hands and another woman came out the stall a couple seconds after I did. She wasn’t cis, and a different woman waiting for someone to finish up looked angry and opened her mouth to say something. Before she could, I smiled real friendly a this woman who’s just trynna wash her hands and told her I loved her skirt, and we started talking clothes.

The waiting woman was still clearly pissed but she didn’t say anything because she knew I wouldn’t have her back. That’s all it took to keep some poor lady just trynna scrub up from getting harassed.

Sometimes doing the right thing is really hard and kinda scary. Other times all it takes is making it clear that you won’t support someone’s nastiness. It’s a little enough thing to do your part.


Cis women: read this.


Great tip, thank you. I like to think that I’d have no problem standing up and telling someone to go fuck themselves in the event they did actually say something nasty, but preventing that situation is clearly 100 million times better than defending a harassed person after the fact.

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