@pistolslanga / pistolslanga.tumblr.com

he's some billy the kid . and no one knows where he went.

there’s Β a Β particular Β disbelief Β in Β this Β situation Β but Β no Β discomfort Β which Β in Β itself Β is Β strange. Β heavy Β palm Β cups Β warm Β water Β from Β the Β bath Β before Β tossing Β it Β atop Β the Β other Β man’s Β exposed Β nape Β with Β a Β carefully Β focused Β expression.Β Β the Β spot Β between Β their Β shoulder Β and Β bicep Β tasted Β steamed Β bathroom Β air Β through Β a Β wet Β patch Β on Β their Β shirt;Β Β not Β long Β ago Β when Β theΒ Β manΒ Β in Β the Β tub Β had Β relaxed Β enough, Β they’d Β forgotten Β themselves Β and Β lain Β their Β head Β back Β against Β himΒ Β by Β mistake. Β an Β apology Β was Β promptly Β issued Β but Β mister Β mccree Β hadn’t Β broken Β their Β attention Β off Β from Β their Β task, Β only Β nodded Β as Β they Β felt Β a Β gaze Β on Β his Β cheek.


years Β ago Β this Β gentleman Β had Β taken Β part Β in Β many Β assignments Β where Β there’d Β been Β victims Β β€” Β victims Β of Β cruelty Β he’d Β rather Β not Β reminisce Β on.Β Β they’d Β need Β the Β most Β care. Β sounds Β of Β a Β towel Β being Β wrung Β with Β droplets Β hitting Β the Β water’s Β surface Β followed.

it’s Β this Β experience Β that Β applies Β itself Β in Β those Β fingers, Β now Β kneading Β at Β pale Β arms Β to Β encourage Β the Β blood. Β he Β hadn’t Β said Β a Β word Β beyond Β explaining Β what Β he Β was Β doing Β and Β why.

β€œΒ Β .. Β π’π‡πŽπ”π‹πƒ  𝐁𝐄  𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 Β π“πŽ Β πŒπŽπ•π„ Β πŒπŽπ‘π„ Β π…π‘π„π„π‹π˜ Β π’πŽπŽπ.  ”  he Β murmurs Β seemingly Β more Β to Β himself.


You are Diomedes, a well-trained spearman and noble hero, son of King Tydeus and Queen Deipyle of Argos. While you will prove yourself to be a deft, powerful, and effective warrior, your true distinction among the Achaean ranks is your wisdom, logic, emotional maturity, and strong sense of self. You are the adult in the room, foil to the infamously petulant and tempestuous Achilles, and your prudent humility will get you through the war alive and well, celebrated for your heroic excellence and chosen by grey-eyed Athena as a worthy opponent to her godly siblings. Bravo, great Diomedes! Bravo!

TAGGED BY: @eisiramdeus​ ( well well well, the lesser cowboy )
TAGGING: @rebellock​, @unforgive​, @elskcv​ ( for gaea ),Β  @wiiaca​, and anyone else can give it a go !
Anonymous asked:

Hey, sorry to bother you, I hope I'm not coming off as bitchy, but would it be possible to tag that screenshot as a spoiler? I haven't had a chance to sit down and read the comic yet and that popped up on my dash very unexpectedly.

not at all a bother, i was debating it since not a lot of folks were around, but I should’ve gone with my gut. it is now tagged as new blood spoiler //

hope you get around to reading it soon! sorry about that!

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