love is so nice

@taenys /

krystal (31, usa). i just really love shinee, snsd, and being soft and sappy about my favs. 🔐240808

people will be like “don’t worry it’s all in your head!” like babe… yes… that’s the problem… how do i get it out of there…

Anonymous asked:

hope everything’s okay! your personal post has us worried

everything is okay! promise! i'm trying to be respectful of my boyfriend and not air out his personal details for all of you to read. i know that it bothers him if i do that, and i get that completely. the long and the short of it is, we're both insecure about a lot things. he's insecure that i am/was still friends with my ex (i just ended that friendship last night), and i was insecure about how beautiful his ex is and i felt like he still had some feelings for her based on how defensive and accusatory he got when talking about her (and i still lowkey think that, but at least i was able to be open about it). anyway, communication is important and i've done that, so i feel good about things. things are better :) humans are weird and sensitive and sometimes we get angry, hurt, etc. and need to mend those things. and that isn't always easy too! but it's always worth it


@my anon, i’m okay. if you come off anon i can share details if you really want. but it’s okay. i’m okay, promise 🩷

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