
You're My Shotgun Rider


Mitchell, 23 west Oakland, MD, if you need someone to talk to at 3 am, if you feel suicidal, please, talk to me, my place on this earth is to help you, and remember, no judgement about anything

I choose defeat, I walk away

And leave this place the same today


Think happy thoughts, Think happy thoughts, Think happy thoughts


So, I am unemployed, have a new home, three kitties, and an amazing wife, I am the most at peace I have ever been, sure I’m stressed about finding a job, but this is all I’ve ever wanted, her, a home that is ours, and cats, lots of cats, but in all seriousness I need a job


And in a way it seems there's no one to call

When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure

We all have emptiness inside

We all have answers to find

But you can't win this fight


This sounds dumb but I love my fishies and I want a bigger aquarium for them, it’s so cool just watching them


Wonder if I have an anxiety problem, is it normal to not be able to fall asleep or stay asleep cause you’re constantly thinking about anything and everything? Like literally my mind is always racing, but then again maybe it’s just my ADD


I miss internet, I miss video games, I miss having time


I just wanted to make a little post so that I can look back on this, tonight, the night before my wedding, my father gave me a pocket watch, he said my pop pop (Stanley) gave it to him when he and my mom got married, and now my dad is passing it down to me, my ring, my wedding ring was my pop pops, when my cousin gave it to me, she said I knew how much he meant to you, and you should have this, at the couples shower, my aunt gave me my popops flag box, with all of his medals and a picture of him, it’s crazy to me how a man I only knew for 12 years of my life made such a huge impact on who I am today, I know if he were still here and was at the wedding, he would absolutely love heather, and I know she would love him, with that, this is my last ever post as a un married man, it’s weird to say, but at the same time this all feels so natural, I’ve only been dreaming of this moment since 8th grade


Black, Hispanic,  Hindu, Sikh, Muslim..

There’s already precedent for this. California was an open carry state from the day it joined the Union on September 9th, 1850 until:

There are already a ton of black people and hispanics buying guns, and y’all ignore them. Just like you ignore the many, many black dudes who are killed with illegal guns in gang violence.

And the Democrats currently running Cali - which is one of the most diverse in the Union, where whites are minorities - are the ones with increasingly restrictive gun control, including >demands for gun manufacturers that are physically impossible<. Let’s not even talk about Chicago.

Meanwhile, the NRA is out there openly calling gun control racist. And many pro-gun folks openly say poor people and minorities, should have the right protect themselves with guns. And that gun control is racist.

Ironically, y’all are the bigoted, prejudiced racists here.

imagine openly admitting that gun control laws are racist and still supporting them

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