
james 🌈

@illsingyourname / illsingyourname.tumblr.com

#1 king of my heart stan. brooklyn. Avid Taylor Swift fan & coffee enthusiast. Twitter: illsingyourname. Insta: jmarceau29

i think this album is important, especially in contrast to lover, it shows that even when you’re at peace and happy that the ghosts from your past can still linger. i think it’s incredibly humanizing and comforting to know that it’s okay to feel sad when everything in your life seems fine. we’re allowed to have these emotions. we’re supposed to have these emotions.


who remembers when we were still changing for the better??

“‘Fearless’ is a record I will look back on when I’m 85 and think, I’m really proud of that piece of music. It’s my diary from the time I was 16 to 18. I’ll never capture that in a better way.”

Taylor Swift talking about the Fearless album (x)


taylor when you asked for help your black fans sent emails upon emails to your record label, uploaded stories, spoke up on twitter... they are simply asking for the same energy from you. it’s not too late. you can use your platform in the right way - it’s your responsibility to do so. your heart is good. so use it to be vocal about the fact that your black fans fear for their lives every single day.


it’s just SO frustrating to me that taylor swift made an entire documentary about her social and political awakening and said that she wants to be more active in what happens in the world. she said over and over how she worked to dismantle an entire system in her head and learned how to reject it. how she was tired of being just a good girl who was polite and kept her mouth shut. she cried and fought with her father about how she wanted to be on the right side of history. she wrote a song about how young people can and will change the world. she branded herself as miss americana. and now when her black fans and black people all over the world need her the most, she’s SILENT. she has a massive platform. on instagram alone, she has 133 million followers. posting a fucking black square and sharing a swipe up link is NOT enough. that is NOT activism. we are being unjustly murdered at the hands of white cops and white supremacists at an alarming rate. she has a responsibility to use her platform in the right way, and i’m sorry, but she’s not doing it and i’m tired. 

every single day i’m scared for myself, i’m scared for my friends, i’m scared that a little black girl is going to wake up somewhere tomorrow morning and find out that her mom or dad was racially targeted by a trigger happy police officer and suddenly she has to grow up without one of her parents. i’m scared that this is never going to change and that black people will have to live in fear for the rest of forever. i’m scared that one day i might have to sit down with my own children and tell them how to respond when they get pulled over by a police officer. i’m scared that one day when my own children are my age they’re going to have to go out and protest for themselves & their friends to have basic fucking human rights. i’m tired and i’m scared and i’m sick of white celebrities and their performative activism. 


i can’t put into words how much this means to me and how proud of taylor i am. just a few months ago she couldn’t even listen to the song and here she is performing it for who knows how many viewers. this song is so special to me and i’m just. very grateful and honored to hear this. it must’ve taken a lot of courage and i’m proud.


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