
The Prince of Snark

@theprinceofsnark / theprinceofsnark.tumblr.com

A raccoon and two mental ilnesses in a trench coat pretending to be a Classics PhD student covering up his existential dread with memes and stupid humor.

top 10 most divorced men to ever live right behind henry viii


He was bitching about Mackenzie Scott, Bezos’s ex wife, because she’s donated tons of money to nonprofits who support minorities. Man invents a new level of petulance each day.


context is so important/funnier cause omfg this man is so Divorced he's endlessly bitter at ex-wives that aren't even his own


assorted BG3 men* ranked by how likely they are to eat pussy

*men as in characters i would consider dudes who i also consider worth ranking lol

Anonymous asked:

Halsin got frisky with a chimera????? When?

Alluded to in a party banter with Lae'zel:

Lae'zel: You've quite the appetite, Halsin. I'd wager you've bedded more of your foes than you've felled.

Halsin: Hmm. A challenging sum. The chimera has three heads, but does it still count as one?

Lae'zel: Must have been a challenging kill.

Halsin: Kill? ... yes.

Imagine getting slut shamed by Lae'zel. I'd never recover 😭


Just rolling around in my brain how isolated and affection starved all these (romanceable) companions are, pre-tadpole

Karlach spent a decade in Avernus fighting and dodging devils

Shadowheart was ostracized by her cloister for damn near her whole life

Gale was isolated from most mortals and spent a year in near-total isolation in his tower

Wyll had been traveling basically solo as the Blade of Frontiers since he was kicked out of the Gate a teen

Astarion spent two centuries getting tortured and isolated by Cazador

Lae’zel might have had a better social life, but comes from a culture that devalues physical and emotional tenderness/closeness

Halsin spent the last century obsessing over the shadow curse

No wonder all these people are out here going feral for the first person (Tav) that shows them kindness/softness/physical touch/protection


every time i see trad gender roles people being weird about fibercraft i wanna tell them

-medieval and early modern knitting guilds were full of men learning and perfecting fancy knitting techniques to impress rich clients

-in cold, wet climates like the scottish highlands knitting was done by the whole family, in fact it was the perfect activity to do while a man was out on a fishing boat or in the pasture with his sheep and cattle

-men who were away from women for a long time had to know how to knit and sew at least well enough to mend their own clothes. soldiers knitted. sailors knitted. cowboys and frontiersmen knitted. vikings probably knitted (actually they would have been doing a kind of proto knitting called nalbinding, but that's beside the point). all those guys the far right love to treat as ultra masculine heroes were sitting around their barracks and campfires at night darning their socks and knitting themselves little hats


and spinning, there are accounts of shepherds walking their flock and spinning or knitting as they did

traders would knit as they travelled

the same techniques used to make fishing nets can make lace [its just scale]

surgeons are still encouraged to learn knitting to a) help their mental health [which it does] but to keep their hands and fingers mobile

fibercrafts are only considered women's work reasonably lately, and that is often a class issue


OBSESSED with teacher gale still using his orb as a threat to his students to have them pay attention despite the fact he doesn't even have it anymore. If you guys dont pay attention to my lecture i am going to kill myself.


just over a year ago, @saturdaysky commissioned me with an absolutely outstanding shadowgast prompt; namely, 'Caleb helping Essek put on a fancy outfit'. i'm sure you can imagine how ecstatic i was about it (just look at that line, every single word in it is designed to make me go heart eyes), and i'm finally finished and excited to post this bad boy. i hope you guys enjoy this picture too and my very optimistic wish is that it inspires all sorts of lovely stories in your minds 😏

sky gave me a beautiful prompt and a specific atmosphere/mood to depict, but was very patient and generous about letting me go wild on the actual posing, colors and details, so naturally i did 😂 my idea of using a mirror in the composition was admittedly rather ambitious, and lead me to reading up quite a bit on optics, the physics of reflections and reflections in art specifically (as well as the history of zippers and other closures!), so not only was this commission a delight from the point of view of its topic, but i also learned a fair amount of new stuff while working on it. honestly speaking, i like to think that the bookworm wizards would approve of my little adventure.

thank you for commissioning me! 💜


“lol Arthur Conan Doyle clearly didn’t know anything about drugs. Sherlock Holmes did cocaine but it calmed him down. That’s not how cocaine works!”

There are two options: Arthur Conan Doyle had never met someone addicted to cocaine or he met some with ADHD who was addicted to cocaine


100% TRUE

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