
Ough... mechanisms

@pepsiwatermelon / pepsiwatermelon.tumblr.com

DID system- 27- He/him, white. Commission info here: https://melon-arts.carrd.co/ DNI general bastards, terfs, transmeds, ppl who think it's cool to ship pedo/incest shit, or anyone calls traumagenic systems "traumascum" even if they're anti-endo (what's wrong w y'all)

cohost dot org is a new website

cohost is a lot like tumblr. you can have a blog, you can reblog things.

cohost is also a lot NOT like tumblr. it's explicitly anti-algorithm, no ads, and extremely transparent.

it's made by some friends of mine, and right now it's invite-only, but you can also make an account and you're put into a queue that's activated as the site scales up. I think it's a really cool project and I'm going to be on there more and more, i think.

it's totally free, and the culture is still starting, but there is some real top-tier Posting going on. you can check out the cohost twitter account for more information, but i really think this is gonna Be Something.

if we're mutuals feel free to reach out for an invite code, i have a few more saved up. (update signup is totally open now) the site's good, i love it, and i'm way less worried about some of the dumb shit that circles around sites like tumblr or twitter. for one thing, they're actively doing all these things:

i trust these folks, and i think the site's good. i think more people should be on it, and if you're used to tumblr you'll probably like cohost.

Reblogging this again to add things I've liked while splorin co-host:

  • You can add private notes about a user on their profile (only visible to yourself) which I've always wanted so I leave myself a reminder for "artist draws x character the way i like" or "blocked this guy for being a creep"
  • Marking content warnings are streamlined and collective so you dont have to filter out 50 versions of the same way to tag it (#tw, #cw, #cw:, etc)
  • It looks like they just took all the things people generally like from Tumblr and Twitter and built on it.
  • I like that "reblogs/retweets" are "shares"
  • And i also like that theres a waiting period after signing up to be able to post, but still lets me explore tags, functions, edit, etc. Like introducing a new cat
  • Asks, anons, replies are all there
  • Pinned tags to your profile for easy art tag or themed post organization
  • Other features i liked but cant think of at the moment

Tldr; hope it grows, it reminds me of a simplified tumblr from when i was younger in a good way


When we’re new to adulthood, it doesn’t immediately occur to all of us that you’re almost always allowed to leave a situation, because growing up we’re forced to stay in situations until someone dismisses us and/or takes us home, or if we do leave on our own accord there’s someone waiting at home to say “we don’t quit in this family!” Boring party? You can leave. You don’t like the lecture? You can walk out. New doctor not working out? You can end the appointment, you don’t need to wait for them to dismiss you. Bad date? You can just go home. Leaving a situation prematurely might have consequences, but unless you’re under arrest or serving prison time, it’s pretty much always allowed.

–commenter Allison @ askamanager


A while back, I called for a Lyft ride home from the airport. The lyft pulled up, he called my name, and I opened the door and climbed in. While I was climbing in he was getting out, which I didn’t realize until he opened the back door on the other side.

Him: I’ll put your bag in the trunk. Me: Oh, there’s no need.  Him: I’ll just put it back there.  Me: I prefer to keep my bag with me.

I was also still holding onto it so he couldn’t just grab it, and when I said “I prefer to keep it with me” this cloud of rage crossed his face.

Him: Then get out.  Me: Excuse me? Him: Get out, I don’t want your bag fucking up my upholstery.

Now, this was a weekender – essentially an upscale duffle bag. Small, almost brand new, easily fitting on the middle-seat beside me. I don’t know if he was just really intense about his upholstery or if he was running some kind of scam, but either way I now DEFINITELY was not going to let him separate me from my bag.

So I said “Okay,” and I picked up my bag and got out, took out my phone, and cancelled him as my driver.

He looked at me like I’d grown a second head. There was this moment of total disconnect in his face, and then he started ranting about how someone had damaged his upholstery and they needed to put their bags in the back and he wasn’t going to have me getting his upholstery dirty. 

I said, “I’m out of your car. Drive on, I’ll get another,” and held up my phone.

This had clearly never happened before – it looked like plenty of people had thought “This guy is crazy” but went the “so I’d better let him do what he wants” route instead of “so I’m getting out of his car”. Which is totally normal! We’re socialized to prioritize “not making a scene” over personal safety. But when you do call that bluff, when you defy the social convention that the other person is counting on to make you do what they want you to do, they don’t know how to react, which gives you time for a clean getaway. And maybe he thought I was a dickhead but what do I care what an asshole thinks of me? 

Anyway the moral of the story is yes, you should know that you can almost always leave a situation and often it’s in your best interest to do so. 

(Right after I called for another car he picked up a fare using Quick Match or whatever it’s called, peeled out of the Lyft lane, and hit another car well nigh immediately.)

[ID: The Benefits of walking away. (Illustration of the back of a person walking away. ) 1. Makes bad things disappear quickly. 2. Gives everyone optimal view of your back. 3. Answers question, “I wonder what would happen if I just walked away”]


i have never been more instantly influenced by media than when i was a kid in middle school or maybe freshman of hs and witnessed that scene in adventure time where finn eats a sandwich and drinks a whole glass of milk or orange juice i forget which and immediately takes a nap on the couch while smiling. i remember pausing the tv, going to the kitchen, fixing myself up with that exact setup and then falling asleep. completely drone-like in its execution. i’ve never been hypnotized like that by anything before or since


A snapshot of one morning, on a relaxed day with mild weather. Now imagine this when it's crowded or when it's raining or snowing.

StarShip Technologies Delivery Robot $8500

CraftRight Sledge Hammer $40

As a wheelchair user, I'm just saying that there is a hobby waiting to be invented with a low cost of entry... I have no idea what that hobby might be, but it comes with free food.


For people who think supervised use sites are "enabling" or "encouraging" use: Those folks are going to be using drugs no matter what. This is about keeping them safe(r) and decreasing stigma, which actively contributes to drug use and does nothing to facilitate recovery.


I've put up a GoFundMe to help move my girlfriend @pochiyaki in with me in Maine where the state won't actively try to kill her for being poor. She's losing medical coverage next year and this is our only real option.

I appreciate any and all help that anyone may give.


bubby still went back in and got the phone. xe just likes to be dramatic about things.

they’re on vacation staying at a cabin in the woods. tommy, darnold, and sunkist are there too—i was just too tired to draw them. :( also the b*tch from gordon is affectionate lol.

i enjoy thinking about them all just hanging out doing casual friend group stuff together that doesn’t involve immediate mortal peril sometimes.

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