


He/His/They - Quiet Mode - "It's as if I don't know you anymore." - Autistic - Permanent "Harbinger" Debuff - Something awesome stirs within the split of his own spirit.

How does 200K subs feel?


i don't feel anything. here's an index card plaque commemorating a community's achievement, errors and all.

. . . okay, enough celebration and distraction. too much shit to do.


Will "A Canvas Without Stars" ever be available on Bandcamp?


haven't decided on a good b-side for it yet


Any thoughts on Kendrick Lamar?


heavy inspiration on trying to confront one's emotions and personal conflicts through the power of words and song.


Keeping with what they said about that map in The Beacon. I always wondered, how do you CREATE a map? did you take references from fictional maps of another games/tv shows/novels/etc? or did you just traced lines? maybe some investigation about cartography?


it's all concept shit now, but i'm using Wonderdraft (even though i'm fairly certain it wasn't intended for such a thing-) to create and fill in the details of every continent of the planet that map is on (of which i've yet to name it something other than Gliese tbh)

If you are silent about your pain they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it - Zora Neale Hurston

This is one of those posts where I feel like I'm doing others and myself a disservice by not sharing. I wish someone had shown me this a long time ago.

Maybe I'd be having to do less work to break out of this shell, now.


A while back I noticed this image that appears for a frame or two in the video for the beacon, it appears to be a map of some sort… but what is it a map of?


only a chunk of a continent.

i think you can see where Barb lives from here.


i'm not sure if this question was asked before but how do you actually start making a song? like creating the structure or the foundation of the song before adding onto it. do you go into fl with an idea in mind, what instruments do you use or what aspects of the song do you start with, stuff like that


i usually start jotting down ideas in notepad and go from there. nothing too special like time signature and key and shit, but ideas behind lyrics and the story the music is trying to tell. after that, i get some sort of drum kit (if it has to be basic, it shall be basic), a bass instrument, a piano instrument, and a synth that matches the mood i'm aiming for. usually, it's just one of these four things that'll cause everything else to follow.


Listening to A Canvas without Stars, not sure if I'm mishearing but did you reference a part from 9? (at around 2:48 in aCwS)


good ear.


i haven't been able to get your recent song out of my head and i was wondering, what were the lyrics near the end? all i got was

"Soon the stars Fly around Rapid Speeds Cosmic Sounds Overtake-"


"See the stars fly around Rapid streaks and cosmic sound Overtaking fate and plight Illuminating lifeless nights"


How do you stop overthinking? it hurts like hell when i'm not busy


not even i know the answer to this. overthinking is deadass what i do on the regular if FL Studio or Synthesizer V isn't opened.


What font did you use for the bacteriophage lyric video?

Actually could you tell me the fonts you used for all the videos from TKWTA so far?


Freecam2, Times New Roman, Verdana, Courier New, "Yellowbellied Penmanship" (some font i've created out of my god-awful handwriting)


send the most beautifully stupid quotes you've seen on this hellsite, and i shall transcribe it to SynthV voices and weird SFX additions. (limit to 10 for the first run, dokuro, you overambitious piece of shit.)


What is the meaning of, in your song the beacon, "if the stillness of night can't appease talking walls in a room, then step out"? I've spent quite some time with this song, which is. fucking glorious and hits pretty hard yet I don't understand that part, it feels like a missing piece, -Levi


"if the stillness of night can't appease talking walls in a room, then step out" - "if not even taking a break satisfies internal projections (and external comments) who talk about you in past or present tense, Ignorance Is Your Best Friend! ^u^"

basically the MASSIVE red flag in the song that shows that the singer does not care about what's going on, so long as they get what they want in the end.

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