

@coolxpapyrus / coolxpapyrus.tumblr.com


{ @rottenxkid liked for a starter! }

Another day of working on puzzles was waiting for him, Papyrus knew that and he was happy to do such a thing. He wasn’t paying much attention to his surroundings, he never did. All he was paying attention to was his puzzles, not anyone who happened to be nearby.

As he finished getting his latest puzzle together, Papyrus stood back up and stretched. It would be rather easy to sneak up on the skeleton at anytime, really.



Send ✘ for my muse to say to yours...

Brutal edition.

  1. “I wonder what you look like on the inside.”
  2. “You won’t be leaving this place alive.”
  3. “Keep screaming; no one will hear you.”
  4. “Try to run, I dare you!”
  5. “You’re going to make a beautiful trophy for my wall.”
  6. “I hope your blood tastes as lovely as I imagine.”
  7. “Poor, poor lost soul.”
  8. “I’ll make it quick, don’t worry.”
  9. “You’re going to be here a while.”
  10. “I’ll never get enough of the sound of screams.”
  11. “Look at my tools. This one is my favorite.”
  12. “I apologize for any discomfort you might feel.”
  13. “This is going to be more enjoyable for me than it is for you.”
  14. “Get back here! Don’t run from me!”
  15. “That’s right, run away! You’ll get nowhere!”
  16. “No matter where you go, I will always find you.”
  17. “Just trust me. I would never hurt you.”
  18. “How dare you talk back to me?!”
  19. “Comfortable? No? Too bad.”
  20. “The first cut/bite is always my favorite.”
  21. “You’re such a lovely specimen.”
  22. “This will only hurt for a moment.”
  23. “Shh, don’t cry.”
  24. “You were so brave before now. What happened?”
  25. “You should know better than to wander alone.”

Papyrus kicks down the door.


Anonymous asked:

Hey Paps, if you're cool_skeleton_95, who are the other 94 cool skeletons?

{✦} ---- “THEY’RE ALL ME TOO!”


“O-Okay… Sorry, Sans…”

They knew that he was also just trying to watch out for them… But they couldn’t help but apologize. After all, it was their fault for being so careless… It was their fault that they trusted a strange masked being… It was essentially their fault that Papyrus was dead.

The child then pulled themselves back up into their bed, before cuddling down under the blankets. They were still quite distraught over what had happened… But they needed to rest, if they wanted to recover quickly.

“…W-will you be okay… Until the Reset…?” They asked worriedly.


{✘} ---- “I... I guess I’ll have to be okay, huh?”

Sans kept sitting there, staring at the ground in front of him. He didn’t know what else he could do other than wait. There was no way to figure out which greyface it was that poisoned Frisk in the first place either.

Sans looked back over at Frisk, a frown on his face. He didn’t have a choice but to be okay. He’ll just have to deal with this like every other timeline that Papyrus has died in.

Just act like it didn’t happen and that Papyrus was fine and alive.


“I… I should be… I just need maybe… a couple of days to recover…”

They hated the fact that they needed to wait, especially since they knew how miserable everything would be without Papyrus around. Sure, it would only be for a couple of days, but… That was more than enough for the silence to settle in.

As they heard the question, the child sighed quietly, before slowly moving over to Sans.

“I… A greyface gave me… Poisoned tea. I d-didn’t know it… was poisoned, though. Wh-when Pap found me… He tried to heal me… But he must have… Used too much magic. B-Because if he didn’t… I would have probably… Been dead before he… could finish healing me.”


Sans nodded, listening to them talk.

{✘} ---- “Next time... Just don’t take anything from anyone you don’t know. That would be best... Papyrus may know healing magic, but his only lasts so long before it starts taking out his HP...”

The small skeleton tried to stay calm. It’ll be a few days, but Papyrus will be back, he had to comeback.

{✘} ---- “Just... try to get better as fast as possible for now. Please. I don’t really want to have to explain to Undyne where Papyrus is.”


Frisk looked up blearily as Sans moved into their room, seeming almost worried. They were almost expecting him to be angry at them for not stopping Papyrus… But he just sounded defeated.

Honestly, they didn’t know which was worse.

“H-Hey… Sans…”

The child had a feeling they knew what he was going to ask… And they had an answer already, so they didn’t feel the need to wait.

“…I’ll Reset as soon as I can… Promise. B-But… I n-need some time… To recover. Once I do, I… I’ll Reset…”


Sans nodded, sitting down on the ground near their bed. He was hugging the jar, and just looked tired. He was glad that they knew what he was going to ask in advance, just so he didn’t have to ask.

{✘} ---- “Thanks... A-Are you going to be alright soon?”

He didn’t really want to wait for long if he didn’t have to wait for long. But who knows how long it’ll take Frisk to heal.

{✘} ---- “What happened, anyways?”


When Frisk realized that Sans wasn’t answering them, the child sighed quietly, before slipping the scarf out of the door. They didn’t know if Sans just wanted to be left alone, so they simply placed the scarf outside, before closing the door again.

They knew that they wouldn’t be able to make it back to their bed, so they simply sat there for a while longer, before closing their eyes. The world was starting to spin again, but they didn’t know how to stop it. All they could do was follow Papyrus’ advice, and get some rest.

“…He was just… trying to help me… And I couldn’t help him. I’m sorry…”

They would have said more, but they were already exhausted, so they simply fell silent to try and get a little bit of rest.


Sans turned when he heard the door close, seeing the scarf there. He gently put the jar down next to him, and grabbed the scarf. Once it was around his neck once more, he picked back up the jar and stood up.

He slowly opened the door to their room, looking over at Frisk from the doorway. His brother was just trying to help them, but he tried too hard.

{✘} ---- “H-Hey, kiddo...”

He couldn’t believe he was actually going to ask them this.


After a few moments, Frisk managed to focus on the sound of Sans talking. They sniffled quietly, before trying to force themselves out of bed again. Of course, they were still in rough shape, so they fell to the ground again with a muffled yelp of pain.

Using the bed, they forced themselves to their feet, grabbing the scarf and staggering slowly towards the door, only to fall once again when they could no longer hold on to the bed. At that point, they crawled towards the door, before reaching up and tentatively cracking the door open.


They couldn’t stop their voice from breaking as they spoke, and they fell silent as they waited for a response from the shorter skeleton.


Papyrus was gone. That much was certain to the skeleton. He couldn’t get away from this, could he? Sans had heard the muffled yelp, but chose to ignore them for now. He was too busy crying over his now dead brother. He didn’t want to lose him. He didn’t want to lose Papyrus.

But it was far too late for that. He hugged the jar of dust, and just sat there. Even when he heard his name he ignored them. Deciding to not talk at all instead of answering them. He didn’t want to turn to them at the moment. A reset would be the only way to fix this, and he was too scared to ask.

So instead, he cried.

{✘} ---- “P...Papyrus... Why...”


He saved me… He saved me, but I couldn’t do anything for him…

That thought kept running through Frisk’s mind over and over again, tormenting them to no end. They wished that they had been able to help him more… Or at least give him some food to try and restore his HP… But there had been nothing they could have done.

The child’s wails eventually subsided to quiet sobs, and they loosened their hold on the scarf.

It hadn’t been their fault… And yet, they still felt like they were completely to blame. They wouldn’t have been surprised if Sans wanted to blame them as well, given that Papyrus had died just outside their door.


Sans started crying, he thought that everything would be okay. No more resets, no more suffering. Looks like he was wrong once again. He didn’t want Papyrus to leave. He didn’t want to be alone.

{✘} ---- “P-Pap...”

Sans stood back up, walking off for a moment. He returned with a jar, and tried to get the dust into it.

{✘} ---- “It’ll be okay everything will be okay... I... Papyrus- It’ll be okay...”

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