
★desert dwelling★

@buddydollysims2 / buddydollysims2.tumblr.com

♥ buddy / dolly ♥ she / they ♥ TS2 only ♥ 26 ✨ / aquarius / creativity or knowledge × pleasure ♦ askstatusdisclaimer

📌 pinned post! pinned post! 📌

this should be everything you might need to know about me / this blog.

HIATUS NOTICE:  I haven’t been super active on tumblr lately, and I have forgotten most of the minimal coding I learned to make my blog pretty. I can’t seem to find the time to fix my blog theme (buttons are broken), so I do apologize for that. If you’re on desktop you’ll just have to manually navigate through the pages using the url bar. ): sorry! also, I barely check my activity tab anymore so if you happen to tag me in a post, please send it to my DMs here too so when I do hop on I see it! thanks and sorry again for the mess! xoxo — okay that’s all ♥

quick rundown:

♦ buddy / dolly ♦ she / they ♦ 26 ♦ aquarius ♦ creativity or pleasure × knowledge ♦

💚 my non-sims sideblog is @buddydolly; I don’t typically follow non-sims blogs, as this is my main blog, and I like to try to stay on topic here. you may occasionally see non-sims posts here though, especially if they’re about aliens. 💚

⚠️ I cuss a lot. 🔞 this blog is not intended for minors.

♦ I reblog a lot of cc, and I'm considering making a separate cc blog, but until then, here’s my incomplete directory page. you're probably better off just scrolling through and seeing if you like anything though, because I’m very disorganized at the moment and haven’t been keeping up with my tags.


This blog is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials © Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.


I have a lot of sims-related projects going on at any given time, but I'm also very lazy, so here's a list of what I'm up to/intend to do eventually:

screenshots / rename all my screenshots and download some content to make my game a little more photogenic. (bucket blue night skies anyone?)

♦ blog / fix my tags and pages, which are basically useless at the moment. possibly make a sideblog to reblog cc. 

exchange / cull through and upload my old TS2 exchange downloads so others may enjoy them. (I haven't forgotten about you, @caramelsmiles12!)

archive / maintain an archive of TS2 custom content from creators who are no longer active, so that if someone is looking for that content, I can give them a link to it, complete with descriptions and preview images.

mediafryer project / last year I helped archive some content that was in danger of being deleted by mediafire. some of it is available through this spreadsheet, which is a good resource if you know what you're looking for. (related to the above bullet point, I plan to re-upload this content again later in a more accessible way. I just don't have the time or the spoons to go through it right now.)

downloads / empty my downloads folder and start from scratch, pick new defaults, and be a lot more selective about the cc I keep in my game.

gameplay / start sharing my screenshots again after I make my game a little more photogenic.

my own cc / make and upload my own wall and floor recolors + hair color actions and recolors. (this project is still in its literal infancy; do not ask me for actions, I'm still experimenting with colors and haven't made them yet.) also face templates??? eventually???


the only video game tip one truly needs is “save your game immediately after doing anything that took effort or you will suffer”


Modern Plumbobs for Sims 2

It's... been a while since I made anything for Sims 2 hasn't it?

I've been meaning to get back into the rhythm of creation for a long time now and only managed to do so just recently while going through some old and unfinished works in progress.

This isn't something that I'd had laying around for a while, in-fact this was a very spur of the moment idea that against seemingly all odds, managed to be completed.

But enough chit-chat, more previews and download below the cut!

Anonymous asked:

I keep seeing Sims 2 stuff on my dash and it reminded me of a sim family I had around the age of 12-13:

A single woman with family aspiration moved to Strangetown. She adopted a baby, then met and fell in love with Vidcund Curious. He moved in with her and brought the alien baby. They were a happy family, got engaged…and then he left her at the alter. Then he got abducted and got pregnant, then before I could get rid of him, he died. To this day I don’t know how he died, he literally just collapsed (his ghost had a baby bump). My sim woman never loved again but she kept the alien baby and adopted a couple more and eventually peacefully died of old age.

However, the alien baby was never officially considered her family member (they were best friends) and at some point in their teenage years, the first adopted daughter fell in love with the alien who had been raised as her brother. I didn’t realise this until she was a guest at his wedding and got heart broken and started a fight.

I wanted to keep this family throughout the generations but my game got corrupted (I think) and we had to delete and reinstall it. They were lost forever 💔

No other sim family I had was quite as memorable as they were. I kinda want to re download sims 2

I had this happen too! Sometimes when a family member is marrying someone else who is already in the household then just collapse and die if they leave them at the altar????

Sorry about your game anon. RIP to all the sims in all the neighborhoods that got corrupted.


Sending extra love to the memory of Mootilda in the past few days, whose awesome utilities and tools have made such a difference in our little community.

Like the lot adjuster. I so love making my tiny little lots and the rowhouses, all pretty and evenly facing the road.

And the hood checker - how many of our hoods would've been lost without it?

And omg the hood replacer. Chose the wrong terrain map for your hood but now everyone is moved in? Fixed, so easily fixed.

Honestly, we were blessed.


No matter how many times Buzz tries to fight him, and curse him out, PT9 will still offer him a hot dog. He knows he’s the winner of this fued because he’s got a wife and kids that love him :) He’s everything Buzz can’t be, and he’s an alien !

Too bad Buzz!


diseases in sims 4: Uh oh! Your sim has “Itchy Plumbob” and it’s making them feel a little bit silly!

diseases in sims 2: your sim has pneumonia and is going to fucking die

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