
If We Fall, Fall Forward

@torikaze / torikaze.tumblr.com

My name is Lee ⚑☭ they/them Witch Blog Twitter var sc_project=11602847; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="b935a089"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");


I’m not gonna delete my tumblr ‘cause I like to have a login to check nsfw art blogs and stuff but I won’t actually be posting anymore so please either follow me on twitter or add me on discord!

twitterhttps://twitter.com/Lilliphus discord:  lilliphus#2458

or join my server! (18+ please) https://discord.gg/xfeDngN


I think I’m going to delete my tumblr soon, it’s really time to move on. Please contact me within the next week if you’d like my discord or twitter information. My twitter is down at the moment but I’ll have it back up soon as well.


I’m really glad I don’t understand 90% of what leftists are talking about ‘cause y’all have a lot of drama


it’s true I was there, I was a Russian


ok so there’s a game me and my friends play called “don’t get me started” and basically someone gives another person a random topic and they have to go on an angry rant about it and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us at parties and car rides so I highly recommend playing sometimes with your friends


I love this idea. We used to do things like this in Improv.

Related game: “THINK ABOUT IT.” You’re given a random topic, and your job is to build it into an epic conspiracy theory, the crazier the better. You end your rant with a serious face and the command that your listeners “Think about it.” 

Another related game: Illuninati. Similar to Think About It except you are given 2 completely different topics and you have to connect them to each other in a wild conspiracy rant


Reminder that protesting is worth getting suspended for


I’m reblogging this again because I wanted to add a note: PROTEST ANYWAYS.

If your schools threaten to suspend you, protest anyways. En masse. Because you know what gets tracked by district, state and federal administration? Suspensions.

Schools and schools systems *must report* their suspension levels etc. Every year all this data from the state gets compiled into a huge report and presented to the State Board of Education and the state legislators. By. School.

You know what happens to schools districts with unusually high rates? Big Trouble.

So if your principal/superintendent threatens to suspend any student participating in a walkout? Still do it. Because here’s what will happen: You’ll walk out, get suspended, the school will be empty basically for *days* effectively starting a strike, the principal will have to report it to the district, the district will have to report it to the state and there’s a solid chance your school’s administrative team could be replaced.

YOU HOLD ALL THE CARDS HERE. Don’t let them think otherwise. There is literally nothing they can threaten you with that won’t come back to bite them square in the ass.


Felix the Comrade


“The real damage is done by those millions who want to ‘survive’. Those with no sides and no causes.” Today marks the 75th anniversary of the death of Sophie Scholl, a German activist who spoke out against the Nazi regime and was a member of a non-violence protest group called The White Rose. The group mainly consisted of students in their early twenties who opposed the fascist rule of the Nazis and distributed leaflets urging their fellow Germans to oppose the regime through non-violent resistance. On 22nd February 1943, after the release of the sixth White Rose leaflet, Sophie was arrested by the Gestapo, convicted of treason and executed that same day by guillotine. She was 21 years old.


It’s difficult to fathom the depths of law enforcement’s collective failure—at every conceivable level—to take any action that might have averted the Parkland tragedy or mitigated the death toll.

  • The FBI didn’t follow-up on tips about Cruz’s verified instability.
  • Broward County didn’t take preventative measures despite receiving more than 20 calls about Cruz over the years.
  • And the officer whose job it was to keep kids safe stood idly by while they were murdered.

Writing tip: Not everyone is reading and analyzing every single word of your story like you are. Every sentence doesn’t need to be perfect. Free yourself of the perfectionism that’s making doing what you love feel like a chore.

Great advice

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