
Really Just a Shit Person

@zofiehelen / zofiehelen.tumblr.com

No, seriously. A really shit person. Fuelled by anxiety and spite. Talk psychology to me. 23.

Oliver: There's no way Y/N likes me back.

Diggle: Y/N would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.

Oliver: Y/N would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.


So, I am in season one of Arrow and I hate everyone. I hate how everyone treats Oliver like they have a right to know what he went through.

They ask him what he went though, and he tells them very clearly that he doesnt want to talk about what happened on the island and then they manipulate and get upset with him like they have some god given right to know.

It's complete and utter bullshit that they treat him this way, and honestly Oliver deserves better.

One of my least favorite moments so far is his relationship with this police lady. He went on a date with her and the first thing she did was ask several million questions about the island. He told her that he didn't want to talk about the island and she got pissed off at him and then she cut the date short because she got called away for duty.

He went to see her later and she basically ignored him and told him that the date didnt go well because HE was being a jerk and manipulated him into talking about the island. And they present this moment as something cute and romantic.

...Oliver Queen deserves to be left the fuck alone about the island.


when you're reading smut and that middle aged man has a little too much stamina

I'm really sorry that I keep rbing this and showing y'all tags but this put actual tears in my eyes

compiling my favorite "peepaw CAN fuck" tags


i'm literally begging people to relearn how to use earbuds and headphones. i don't wanna hear your fucking tiktok while im waiting for my flight.


100% this.


Since once in a blue moon I actually discover a decent rule for adulting, and since I know I have followers a few years younger than me who are just entering the workforce, I want to tell you about a very important phrase. 

“I won’t be available.”

Imagine you’re at work and your boss asks you to come in on Saturday. Saturday is usually your day off–coming in Saturdays is not an obligation to keep your job. Maybe you were going to watch a movie with a friend, or maybe you were just going to lie in bed and eat ice cream for eight hours, but either way you really, really don’t want to give up your day off.

If you consider yourself a millennial you’ve probably been raised to believe you need to justify not being constantly at work. And if you’re a gen-Z kid you’re likely getting the same toxic messages that we did. So in a situation like that, you might be inclined to do one of three things:

  1. Tell your boss you’d rather not give up your day off. Cave when they pressure you to come in anyway, since you’re not doing anything important.
  2. Tell your boss you’d rather not give up your day off. Over-apologize and worry that you looked bad/unprofessional.
  3. Lie and say you’ve got a doctor’s appointment or some other activity that feels like an adequate justification for not working.

The fact is, it doesn’t matter to your boss whether you’re having open heart surgery or watching anime in your underwear on Saturday. The only thing that affects them is the fact that you won’t be at work. So telling them why you won’t be at work only gives them reason to try and pressure you to come in anyway.

If you say “I won’t be available,” giving no further information, you’d be surprised how often that’s enough. Be polite and sympathetic in your tone, maybe even say “sorry, but I won’t be available.” But don’t make an excuse. If your boss is a professional individual, they’ll accept that as a ‘no’ and try to find someone else. 

But bosses aren’t always professional. Sometimes they’re whiny little tyrants. So, what if they pressure you further? The answer is–politely and sympathetically give them no further information.

“Are you sure you’re not available?” “Sorry, but yes.”

“Why won’t you be available?” “I have a prior commitment.” (Which you do, even if it’s only to yourself.)

“What’s your prior commitment?” “Sorry, but that’s kind of personal.”

“Can you reschedule it?” “I’m afraid not. Maybe someone else can come in?”

If you don’t give them anything to work with, they can’t pressure you into going beyond your obligations as an employee. And when they realize that, they’ll also realize they have to find someone else to come in and move on.



Just like with many other parts of life, learn to say ‘no’ to people. You are important. Don’t kill yourself for another person, esp. if they are your boss.


My 4yo: *points to the label on my tea bag* what does that say?

Me: it says “over 300 years of experience”. It means the people at twinings have been making tea for 300 hundred years.

Her: *dramatic gasp* they haven’t even died?!

Me: *whispering* tea vampires…




You may live forever, but there is a steep cost.


about to drop literally the sickest insider knowledge you will ever receive pls use it responsibly:

are you a teenager? do you wish you had the space & resources & organization to do a thing, whether that's an anime club or a movie night or a big craft workshop or creative writing group or literally whatever? would you like to do your thing totally for free? yes?

okay, then bring it up to a librarian

seriously, teenagers are the absolute hardest group to engage at most libraries & we'll often organize programs that absolutely no one will show up to & it sucks. if you go up to a public librarian & say "hey, some friends & i want to do this thing. does that sound like a feasible teen program for the library?" most people will move heaven & earth to pull it off for you because we know there's an interest in our community. we will go balls to the freaking wall to make it happen

do you want a cosplay contest? a video game tournament? a free escape room? bring it up to the library. it's not a burden or an annoyance at all. it'll be like christmas came early for us


For the love of all that is holy, YES.

private messaging friends: lmaO so anryrywya im fuckgng crygn
private messaging someone for the first time: Hello, nice to finally talk to you! It’s wonderful that we have the chance to communicate through this messaging service - anyway, enough of me blathering on like a fool, how are you?

Imagine Anakin absolutely losing his mind as it’s explained to him that his marriage is literally illegal because of article whatever subsection b and it’s because 400 years ago there was an entrapment scheme and that’s why Padme is being sued by the republic

Funniest possible set up for a fix it.

Padme dragged before the courts bc you had to know this was illegal there’s literally no way you didn’t know this was illegal. Naboo under a microscope bc the former queen/current senator married a jedi – and not even a real knight jedi at the time, a baby jedi!! – and is naboo trying to entrap the jedi order??? sources say: MAYBE!

Anakin, losing his mind and opening his mouth to cause more problems, says something – on live broadcast, beamed to every corner of the galaxy –about his good buddy the chancellor knowing and saying it was totally fine🤬🤬🥺🥺🥺.

“Oh, so it’s definitely an attempt by naboo to entrap the jedi order and/or claim ownership of them and/or do any of the other things we have that law to prevent huh” says literally everyone in the galaxy, “chancellor palpatine 💯 wants to Rule The Galaxy Forever and is going to extort the Jedi to do it”

which. yes, but also, no.

something something, investigations into everything naboo has ever touched, something something, hey, chancellor, why the fuck do you have a red lightsaber in your desk actually??


everyone on here always worried about “oh im a different person around different people so what’s my actual identity?” bitch take a drink of water and listen to brennan lee mulligan saying “people are like gems, right? they have facets to them, and some of them only get exposed within certain relationships” and maybe you’ll calm down


Sometimes I think it’s less that Your Person is someone you can be totally yourself around and more that Your Person summons the version of yourself you most like being

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