chen, 사월이 지나면 우리 헤어져요
Source: untouchabyeolman
@untouchabyeolman /
chen, 사월이 지나면 우리 헤어져요
baekhyun - lonsdaleite practice behind
231223 kimjuncotton: This Suho, That Suho
(trans. cr.: EXO Global)
DAY 3 of 30-DAY CHALLENGE dedicated to Karina (@shizukais)
LINK CLICK - 2.07 "Fortunately, I caught up."
240827 EXO-CBX at the Billboard K Power 100 event
Filipino Isekai
holding for jongin: day 371 of 641 ↳ EXO KAI for Gucci via Esquire Korea | February 2022
I engage with fiction in a normal way. don’t look at my blog
baekhyun + his puppy hat
I don’t want you to be a Babe’s boy anymore. Let’s be boyfriends.
I might just be extremely in my thirties now but I simply cannot take any sort of fandom discourse anymore. I barely could before but I am at maximum capacity. just... just watch the thing and enjoy it or whatever, be nice to each other, isn't life hard enough
holding for sehun: day 79 of 639 ↳ EXO SEHUN photographed by Hong Jang-hyun for Vogue Korea | August 2018